
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group [dropped, read the rewrite]

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE NOTE: This fanfic will have a slightly slow pace in order to have some character interaction. Please don't expect instant Godlike Mc. he may be OP but wont be flawless After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers(Readers). [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Exbitionist] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Flame Emperor] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Butterfly Hashira] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Titania] [A New member had joined!] [Welcome Self Proclaimed Human]

Try_hard · アニメ·コミックス
185 Chs

Chapter 33 - Benefit

Ryuu sat down looking around the room carefully thinking about his Main Mission. It was difficult to do without the aid of using magic and other enhancing abilities.

He isn't the smartest individual which is why Ryuu decided to use the [ High speed Thought Processing ] to review the mission and if it had any loopholes. 

"Wait it said that I can't 'Kill' them using magic but it didn't say fight with magic? Thankfully I have an [ Inuitution ] skill to help me since it's telling me that I'm correct."

Ryuu smirks, finding a loophole to exploit since one of the rules from the chat Group had a loophole that the others use to tell their friends about what they learn. It would allow to still use his ability without receiving the penalty. 

"I wonder if the world mission is to visit each of the members' worlds? Won't that mean I have more rewards than them? Is it the privilege of being the admin?"

He thought to himself having a feeling that his mission would primarily revolve on going to his members' worlds before actually going to foreign world. 

Ryuu didn't mind as he would have a better understanding and relationship with each of the members by the end. He wonders if the true task of the admin is to have a deep connection to every member to manage them accordingly. 

'I wonder if this is all over would Shinobu come with me? Only if it was allowed to bring them to-!?"

As he was deep in thought, Ryuu spotted a notification pop before his eyes and quickly read the content of the message.

[ Note: The world that the Admin visited is available to be returned to by you alone. The Admin is the only one who could bring members to your world or any world that you have visited. The members would not be able to do so without your help. ]

Ryuu nodded from the notification wishing for an Artificial Intelligent to help him but that would be difficult to obtain unless he pulled it in the lottery. 

He seems to have a lot of Privilege for being an admin, especially since he's the only one who has more rewards since he'll visit each of his members' worlds while they only got one reward. 

'Fuck! I forgot to bring some clothes!!'

While in deep thought, Ryuu facepalm after realizing his mistake for being too excited and accidentally forgetting to prepare clothes. He inwardly sighed and thought he had to buy or ask for them later.  

It was annoying but didn't care since he was the one who used to not take baths for weeks when they were unable to have water in their home. Though, comparing his life to this era then it would be heaven. 

They didn't have a faucet and only used wells to obtain water or go to lakes to store water in large basins. Though, for Demon Slayer it would be as easy as lifting a book from their intense body training. 

"Hmmm I should draw to pass time." 

He turns to the brush and Ink decides to draw rather than train his magic in case someone is spying. Ryuu could sense blood flow but couldn't be too lax and assume his safety, especially how vigilant they are.

Furthermore, even if they had accepted him into the Demon Slayer didn't mean they fully trust him enough to only let Shinobu observe him.

He moved closer to the table sitting in a seiza taking the brush dipping it into the ink before stroking the paper forming a solid line.

Ryuu took it while performing his breathing technique to reach the Total Concentration: Constant which is difficult to do but gradually loses himself in the blank page of the paper. 

His skills in art were incredible, enjoying the moment of resonance with the paper and himself. Ryuu created a portrait of Shinobu, Mitsuri, Erza and every woman he met. 

Soon the floor was littered in numerous drawings of women that emphasized their beauty rather than pin up. 

"Dinner's ready!"

Aoi arrives sliding the door open then witnesses Ryuu drawing and looks down to see a portrait of Shinobu and other women. She stared at Ryuu who slowly placed the brush exhaling deeply that sounded like steam being released. 

'Hmmm is this Total Concentration: Constant? No, it's close but not yet there.'

He stood up, turning his attention to Aoi while cracking his neck, feeling stiff after painting for several minutes.

"Sorry for the mess. Hold on, let me clean this up."

Ryuu took every paper on the floor stacking them before placing them on the table and soon followed Aoi to the diner table which was the typical Japanese style. 

"Come sit down."

He was surprised to see Shinobu at the table expecting her to be busy trying to prepare for the incoming battle in the coming years. 

"Thank you for having me."

Ryuu sat down cross legged looking down at the dishes which were simple rice and porridge along with vegetable and fried fish. He took the chopstick then a grimace look grew on his face.

"What's wrong, Ryuu-san?"

Shinobu asked, looking at Ryuu who had a warily smile holding onto the chopstick. 

"Uhmm….I don't know how to use chopsticks."

"Why can't you use chopsticks? What are you 5?"

Aoi unreluctantly said that made Ryuu dryly laugh at her remark. He knew that she was an outspoken girl and said what's on her mind. Ryuu looked at the three young girls who were eating efficiently with chopsticks. 

Ryuu grew up using a fork and spoon when eating, feeling a bit embarrassed that he doesn't have the elementary skills to use chopsticks properly. Shinobu giggled, which made him more flustered. 

"You don't need to feel embarrassed? Luckily, we have a spoon and fork." 

"That would be great, thank you."

After a while, Ryuu was finally able to taste the lack of salt and other vital ingredients. It wasn't bad but was rather bland compared to his world. 

"Your name is Ryuu-san, right!?"

Ryuu looks at one of the children and they were curious as to why he wasn't use to using chopsticks.

"That's correct?"

"I want to know why you don't know how to use chopsticks?"

"Oh that? Well I'm from a foreign land and our cutlery was mainly spoons rather than chopsticks. Though, my father was Japanese but he hardly used them."

"Foreigner? So you traveled outside of Japan?"

Aoi asked curiously, they were hardly foreigner this far in Japanese beside the capital and mainland. 

"You could say that."

"What is it like from other countries?"

Ryuu smiles looking at the children. He was always fond of them and acted like a brother to those children from the streets where he had lived. 

He happily told stories about what he knows, ironically the things he had learned from his father and historical teacher along with his free time watching fun facts. 

Shinobu smiles from the ordeal, finding that Ryuu was amazing with children. He told quite great stories and tales that were entertaining throughout the meal. 

After a while, they finished their meal and Ryuu decided to relax looking at the stars. He heard someone approaching and Shinobu sitting down beside him.

"You know, my world doesn't have this kind of scenery."

"What do you mean?"

"The vast ocean of the star above the sky and clouds. In my world, they have never been this beautiful. "

He pointed at the sky where the star was visible like seeing them in Photoshop. The pollution in the atmosphere had cost it to block the beauty of the night. Ryuu enjoys the solitude and silence of the night sky.

"Why is that? Did something happen to your world?"

"They are. The world advances but it only benefits humanity and the poison that we live in."

Ryuu began to explain more about his world, trying to show that the world he lived in was not perfect. Shinobu was surprised to hear the negative effect that caused the world but controlled her emotions. 

"Still, I plan to change that using the Chat group. It sounded easy but I plan to solve the problem that would benefit both me and the people."

He tries to find items or anything that could help him create a renewable source of energy then use the money for people in need. Ryuu already had an enormous amount of money and could easily invest it in his own company.

'I should try to buy books regarding Every field.'

Ryuu thought of having the ability to just learn it via the chat group with one click of a button.