
Olympus Academy (The rise of Alpha Omegas)

作者: DaoistE5eZVJ
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 1.2K ビュー
  • 1 章
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What is Olympus Academy (The rise of Alpha Omegas)

WebNovel で公開されている、DaoistE5eZVJ の作者が書いた Olympus Academy (The rise of Alpha Omegas) の小説を読んでください。I know this story will be familiarized to you. Actually, these story is about the alphas and omegas where the god and goddesses have children who will save their mistakes from their decision, which mu...


I know this story will be familiarized to you. Actually, these story is about the alphas and omegas where the god and goddesses have children who will save their mistakes from their decision, which must destroy its entire universe. Not Knowing that this demigods will be the most powerful creature that will provoke own kingdom. The lady from the mortal realms will change the academy and its realization with their culture. She will be the most powerful lady within the mortal realms. Even though she is a commoner, she is still respected but here foster mom only wants their treasure and kill her and his father. knowing her personality made her very frightened that she searched all over the internet the find out about having power. In these story, their will be violence and romance.

9 タグ

Menjadi Wanita Simpanan Jin

Glek, glek, glek... Suaranya terdengar jelas. Nahla sedang mencoba menenangkan diri dengan meminum beberapa gelas air putih "Tenang saja. Pasti lancar!" Begitu ujar Mbak Sri. Sebentar lagi Nahla akan resmi menjadi seorang istri. Setelah melalui banyak hal dengan kekasih tercintanya, Agung. Mereka akhirnya menikah atas restu dari semua anggota keluarga. Namun ternyata cintanya tak bertahan lama. Agung tetap mencintainya hingga beberapa bulan pernikahannya, meski sikapnya berubah menjadi dingin. "Aku tidak bisa meninggalkanmu. Tapi aku juga mencintainya" Agung berlutut pada Nahla. Setelah perilakunya di ketahui istri cantiknya itu. Nahla memang berparas sangat cantik, bahkan sebelum akhirnya memutuskan menikah dengan Agung, Nahla memang menjadi incaran banyak pria. Tetapi pilihannya tetap Agung, kekasih pujaannya yang ternyata menghianati pernikahannya di bulan ke enam. Meski berat. Nahla tetap menerima keputusan suaminya menikah di usia ke delapan pernikahannya. Dengan mengajukan beberapa syarat dan menerima syarat dari Agung, akhirnya mereka menerima kehadiran Rahma dalam kehidupan rumah tangga mereka. Hingga Nahla menyadari bahwa keputusannya keliru. Kehadiran Rahma ternyata perlahan merenggut kehangatan suaminya. Nahla tetap tidak mau berpisah dengan Agung. Dia memutuskan menghadirkan imajinasi baru dalam dirinya agar tetap merasa hangat dan bertahan bersama pujaannya. "Aaaah..aaah...ah" Desahan mereka saling bersahutan. Nahla tampak menikmati permainannya dengan Darga, lelakinya dari dunia lain. Imajinasi Nahla ternyata di sambut oleh makhluk tak kasat mata bernama Darga, sejenis jin keturunan kerajaan jin Bagdad. Kerajaan Jin Bagdad merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para bangsawan jin. Darga termasuk jin ternama di kerajaannya. Ternyata sudah sejak lama dia mengincar Nahla untuk di jadikan istri olehnya. "Jadikan saja aku wanita simpananmu" Pinta Nahla pada Jin bangsawan itu. Selamat membaca kelanjutannya. Jangan lupa nyadar usia dulu yaaa...

Boulyong_Isni · ファンタジー

Mr Kingston’s Roommate

His eyes flickered open then shut lazily and then he tilted his head painfully towards me, a groan escaping his lips. "L–Lei---" he breathed out and a gasp escaped my busted lips, I reached out, crying out in pain when I felt shards of glass puncturing deeper into my skin, "Blake." I called out weakly, tears swelling in my eyes as I stared at his bloodied face. His eyes flickered shut and I tried reaching for the large shard of glass punctured into his chest, right beside his heart. There was a long gash split in the middle of his forehead and blood poured out of it like a broken dam. And all I could do was lay there helplessly, hoping that he wouldn't die. At the age of nineteen moving to college, starting your new adult life and having the best time of your life was the goal for most teenagers. But for Leila Hart it was the complete opposite. It was a race to leave behind her toxic past, the past that demolished her image, her family, and her sanity. Moving and starting fresh was Leila's number one priority, she desperately sought to avoid the people that constantly reminded her that she was worthless but never had she thought she would meet someone who made her feel things that she thought she would never experience. . . Extreme anger.  After her dorm room is given off to another student Leila is stuck with no other than Professor Kingston, or as she simply calls him Mr Kingston. The Scottish king with the body of a model, the mind of young Einstein and the attitude of a spoiled rich brat. But deep down Blake Kingston was more than that, he was a damaged little boy who also moved to escape his troubled past and along the way he encounters her. . .Leila Hart.  What happens when these two collide?  Fire works and Lethal wounds.  You play with fire. . .you get burnt. 

XFiction_GoddessX · 若者
9 Chs

Coming For The Lost Fourteenth

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is under major reconstruction due to typos and misplaced chapters... I have left notes about these chapters so you can still read it... The expected date for the completion of the major reconstruction is on July 2023... But I still look forward to your support while this undergoes such editing... "Damn bastards!! You dare do such things in my presence. Let's see you dare." "You damn jerk, you dare run off to play only to suddenly lose contact to us? Let me pummel you to death." "And for you people, I shall get you back for this once I return!!" She didn't want to be there, she wants to live her long life in leisure. But then one had just to disappear for so long and her other companions just came up with the BRIGHTEST idea of ganging up on her and pushing her to go and look for him. Listen to the sarcasm when she used the word 'brightest'. She didn't think it would be easy but she never thought it would be very difficult. 'This place became so noisy,' she thought after knowing the current condition of the place they are supposed to watch over. Why? Because they are the angels known to the people in the land. A land filled with Players, and the indication of their strengths are the numbers in the corners of their eyes. And she and her companions were called angels because they have four numbers that not one in the land could ever have. Or that was how it was supposed to be. "Someone dared create an artificial one, let's see what you got. Once I find you I will show you what the real deal is," she declared. **** Do read my other stories: SHE'S THAT KNIGHT KNOWN AS ZERO (COMPLETED) VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED) RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED) VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED) REBIRTH: STUBBORNLY FULFILLING A PROMISE (ONGOING) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (ONGOING) Disclaimer: Cover Photo not mine... Do contact me if I am not allowed to use it... ^_^ For more updates about me, here's our instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/miss.llaellen/ Here's our discord server: https://discord.gg/PNnYdEWX

Llaellen · ファンタジー
196 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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