
Harry Potter FanFic

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What is Harry Potter FanFic

WebNovel で公開されている、ReggieBlacksGirl の作者が書いた Harry Potter FanFic の小説を読んでください。...



The Portal of Dead

My grandparents used to visit to our house when I was a kid, begging my mother to give me to them so they might have someone to look after them if they ever were unable to took care for themselves. I don't mind because I adore my grandparents. My mother, on the other hand, is not fond of it. I'm not sure why, but that's what my mother usually says. "You won't be able to turn Jia like you father. I don't want you to delegate your responsibility to her. I know how difficult it was to be in your position, father, and I don't want my daughter to go through it." My mother was adamant that I not be sent to live with my grandparents. I'm not sure why my mother behaves in this manner, considering I know how much she adores her parents. I adore them as well and because I don't have a father, my grandparents frequently spoil me. I once asked of my grandfather as to why my mother did not want me to accompany them. He responded to me in the usual way: "You will understand pumpkin when the time comes. But for the time being, all I can say is that you were special. Because you possess a unique ability that no one else possesses." "Grandpa, when was the perfect time? And what makes me special?" "You were unique in that you could see things that other kids couldn't. And, little one, the proper time might be when I die." I pout, because I don't want to lose my grandfather. But I couldn't help but wonder what it was that I could see that others couldn't. Is it the white lady who went missing her face from our school's gate, which my mother claims I couldn't tell anyone about because I was the only one who saw her? Or was it the gigantic bird flying across the dark sky one evening as I was watching out the window, and when I pointed it out to my grandmother, it flew away and she missed it? The missing portal was Jia Wang. All of the dead creatures had been hunting the doorway. Passing through the portal to another dimension, where a divine being committed a transgression. Jia doesn't want it, yet she inherited it from her mother's side of the family. She had no idea how or why her family had been chosen to be cursed like that or why God had chosen them to have that curse. But all Jia knew that it terrified her. All of those various spirits originate from who knows where. We're approaching her with those ominous features. Jia never had a father since, according to her mother, her father died when she was a newborn. However, Jia lost her mother and grandparents in a vehicle accident when she was seven years old. The bus, on which her family was riding, became unbalanced due to the heavy storm. Many people die around that time, and because she's nearby, the spirits join and become powerful, allowing them to perceive her. She passed out as a result of the incident and awoke three months later from comatose. She woke up with a lot of stuff she didn't remember.

memories18 · 若者


"I really don't want your apology, Tim," Chloe said. "I would prefer you didn’t treat me like some unwanted stranger you can’t wait to be rid of." There was a throb of irritation in her voice. "I don't treat you like a stranger. Things are just different now." Timothy replied. "Oh please" replied Chloe. "All you did in there was frown whenever my name was mentioned. And let's not even talk about the cold manner in which you have spoken to me since I arrived. You look like this is the last place you want to be just because I'm here. Am I really that vile?" Timothy said nothing. Instead he gritted his teeth and shoved his hands into his pocket. Even in her anger, Chloe noticed him... Every inch of him... And his smell. She could pick out his unique scent. Rough. Masculine and mouthwateringly sexy. It made no sense to her, but she was attuned to his every nuance. The man she had called her best friend until a dizzying series of events dissolved the title like sugar in hot water stared at her dispassionately. It was a good thing they were outside and she hoped that he couldn't see the hurt and disappointment on her face. The look wasn't just in his eyes. It seeped through every shrug, every curl of lips she had once thought were the most perfectly created set of lips on earth. She looked deeper, pathetically desperate to find something else. Something more. A reminder of those times when they would talk to each other for hours, and resume conversations the moment they saw one another again. But clearly the Tim she knew had been replaced by a harder, edgier version of a Timothy Kavell - Packard. He was hard and edgy and cynical to start off with. If she had known that he hated her this much, she wouldn't have agreed to his parents' offer to have dinner with them. She had agreed because a stupid part of her had hoped that somehow, they would fix things and be friends again... And she was just beginning to see how wrong she had been....

Whendhie · ファンタジー
166 Chs

Love, Red

In this supernatural world where dragons, witches, vampires, werewolves, warlocks, demons and other supernatural beings exist to fight for territory or coexist in peace. A guy named Finn, a human born in Golden Dawn Pack is the first ever chosen by the moon Goddess to be a fated mate of a Female alpha from Scarlet Moon Pack, Ruby Blackwood. In werewolf laws, it is forbidden to expose their true identities to humans, any human to ever discover their existence are killed. If humans were to discover werewolves, they will retaliate in larger groups with advance weapons, so in order to avoid chaos between races they must act in accordance of the law. Ruby Dayne Blackwood, our main protagonist of this story. Ruby is a female alpha who is chosen by the Goddess to be the first werewolf to have a human as a mate, convincing Finn was not easy but she will eventually succeed. Ruby always believe in the mate bond as her mother always tell her that fated mates occurs for a reason, and to never doubt the Goddess' plans because everything is a leap of faith. You don't have to see it to believe it, you just have to embrace it. Finn Parker, our second main protagonist of the story. Finn is a shy artist who is just trying to live a normal teenage life, but everything changed when the mate's bond is giving him unusual dreams and, because he's a human he can't feel the mate's bond until Ruby herself tries to convince him and in the end he just gave in to find answers behind his unusual dreams. Along this romance and drama there is also conflict between races of the supernatural beings that choose to fight for territory rather than coexist.

280z · 若者
17 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


