

[POV Adam]

One second, I was having my love sessions with my dear wife Eve and next second, I'm in another place with my lust wiped.

Me: "Eve? Eve, Thea, where are you?"

I found no one.

'What the hell just happened?' I thought as I then looked around the place I was transported at but I can't see anything. I used (=Observation Haki=) as I sensed a ruined room. I stood up as I then found a paper slip beside me. It got letters on it so it should be a message, I used (=Observation Haki=) to read it as I was a little angry at my heart.

It says...


Dear Lucky One,

This one is called Rohtua and I have put a being in a strange place which is you and I can bring you back in your original world if you can save some unlucky and hopeless people and make them defy their destiny and fate. My best advice is for you to travel around the world and get apprentices or make a sect.



So a strange being transported me in this place just to save some unlucky people. I want to sleep and cuddle with my lovely wife, what the fuck Rohtua? If I ever find you I'll beat the shit out of you then kill you.

[POV 3rd]

--Far Away...--

Rohtua: "*ACHOO!!!* Was someone talking about me? Hmm, oh it's little Adam. Sorry about that, just need it for plot. Now then, what should I do now? Should I mess around or sleep early? Was that even a question? WAHAHAHAHA, I'll definitely sleep late!!! No one can stop me."

???: "Why are you still awake?"

Rohtua: "HIECK!! W-Wait m-mom!"

???: "No gadgets for today."


[POV Adam]

--New World--


A new world without my wife. How hard can it be?

--2 seconds later...--

Me: "Eve!!! I miss you!!!"

I spent crying for the next half an hour as I then resolved myself that I can still meet her and my children again. I then searched for this 16 year old boy's memory as in this life, I was named Adga Amia.

A kind hearted blind young master who was willing to help even a beggar. His life for the past 14 years was smooth sailing but due to a forced marriage agreement of his ancestor to the ancestor of a princess of a country, started his family's rough life.

Turns out that his ancestor helped the girl's ancestor that the old man managed to survive a catastrophe and that said ancestor wanted to marry his descendant to my ancestor's descendant which is the unlucky me.

The princess doesn't like him and so do Adga in my memory as they have no mutual feelings for one another so the princess escaped the palace, few months later she returned and found a man for her life, happy for me as he don't get to marry but that man was selfish and self-righteous that he should not force her into marriage. He didn't force anyone so he remained low-key for a few weeks and he then appeared destroying his clan and family, sparing me.

So in the last year and a half, Adga Amia was not himself anymore. Although he still get help from the commoners and beggars in the city but as the man will try to make his life miserable, he left the city and began travelling the world and at last, he died as he found this ruined temple as he slept here peacefully.🪦RIP🪦

Me: "Fucking self-righteous bastard! Doesn't even know what the real story and point of view of others and just assuming what are his close ones are saying. If I ever met that kid, I'll put him into 18 layers of hell."


Me: "Damn, my old habit is returning. *sigh* I should hurry up, I don't want to stay here for a few millennium."

I almost healed myself with (=Divine Heal=) but I stopped myself as I ponder if I can train my (=Observation Haki=) while being blind so I then ripped parts of my clothes as I blindfolded myself. Can't let people see me with white eyes, they might fear me and the unlucky ones might not join my sect.

I then walked outside the temple with the guide of haki as I then created clones as they went to gather resources and start constructing the sect. Well this is a nice perfect place to build a sect, ocean at the south, forest at the north, east have plains and west have a desert.

My clones made a quite large sect that it took my clones 5 months to made, pretty slow considering just making 10 kilometers of diameter with different establishments like armory, library, alchemist building, smith, mission hall, main hall etc. my clones also made some arrays for defense and offense that it can kill people with the cultivation of saint and below with some disguise and concealment arrays and only unfortunate people can enter and see it.



Qi Gathering--------------------------9

Body Building-------------------------9

Foundation Establishment------------9

Core Formation------------------------9

Golden Core Formation---------------9

Nascent Soul--------------------------9

Soul Formation------------------------9

Soul Transformation-------------------9



Saint King------------------------------9




True Immortal-------------------------9

Dao Immortal--------------------------9


This is the cultivation ranks in my memory as the strongest at the moment is the Dao Immortal and if I am ranking myself, I might be at the Pseudo-Immortal Realm Level 3. That's on my strength as I don't need immortality as I'm practically, immortal and can reincarnate. Do I really need to sit on a place on a lotus position and just absorb the energies in the surroundings for the rest of your life? Of course I don't wanna do that.

Cultivators wants to change their fate or destiny? All beings die so why don't enjoy and relax, maybe you can talk with other people and be friends with them instead of fighting for immortality and offend people left and right for selfish desires. But I do have the key to immortality cause it's my blood.

Well I better finished it in a few months. And go back to my family, travel enjoy life. But that damn Rohtua was not giving me rest as I sensed a boy walking aimlessly with his eyes looking lifeless probably giving up on life.