

[POV 3rd]

There can be seen 25 women travelling through different portals as they now stumbled on a world that was almost destroyed from an apocalypse.

Enkidu: "I felt their presence here but now it's gone, meaning they travelled to another world."

Milim: "Hey girls, look there's a lot of blue skinned giant statues over there."

Milim pointed on a place where all the Colossal Titans are as they crystallized when they finished the job appointed by Adam Yeager.

Kaostina: "This world is full of chaos days ago. Must be from Adam-san and Eve sis."

Aria: "Let's scatter and look for clues on where dad and step-mom have gone."

Enkidu: "No need, I felt some lifeforms 200 miles away."

Kanna: "Then let's go, I'm hungry."

Emilia: "Ah uhm, e-elder sisters, can you carry us? We can only run for 20 miles at most and elder sisters might be powerful. Please carry us."

Artoria, Irene, Kurumi, Jibril, Lucifer, Gitsune: "Pleeeaaase."

14: "Ugh?! Too cute."

Lily: "Alright then come and sit on my shoulders."

Artoria: "I'll do it."

Kurumi: "Can I sit too?"

Manami: "Ara~ Kurumi-chan, why don't you ride behind my back?"

Kurumi: "Okie!"

The 7 little kids then rode on 7 of the 14 sisters. They travelled towards Paradis Island in just a few minutes as they saw a modern city.

They landed a few hundred meters from civilization as they went near towards someone gazing at the sky.

Lilith: "Hey you!"

Lily: "Lilith, don't be rude."

???: "Yes?"

Lily: "I'm sorry about her, but we got a question, do you know someone go with the name Adam?"

???: "Adam? Ah, nostalgia. Adam or Adam Yeager freed us from the walls that trapped us in all our lives, that was 100 years ago to be precise and he suddenly disappeared with his wife that goes by the name Eve Ackermann. He was our hero and our future generations dare not use his or his wife's name as we are clearly inferior than him. My grandfather used to say that he met the two of them and they are titan shifters."

Sadako: "So they really were here and it's quite rare or simply impossible to reincarnate in the same world but maybe their lucky. If only I had their luck, maybe I can travel with Adam."

???: "Anyways, you people are strange. You clearly not know the hero of us Eldians. Are you outsiders? But my grandfather said that Adam destroyed all the people outside Paradis Island through the 'Rumbling'."

Milim: "Of course we're not as we're otherworlders."

The other girls hurriedly placed their palms on Milim's mouth but it was useless as she already said it.

???: "Otherworlders? Great! My grandfather will definitely meet you'll."

Enkidu: "May I ask what's your name?"

???: "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Albert Arlert and my grandfather is a friend of our hero Adam Yeager, Armin Arlert."

The girls then introduced themselves to Albert as Albert escorted them to his grandfather's laboratory. By flying though to prove it.

Albert: "Grampa! I met otherworlders!"

Armin: "Otherworlders!? Did you tell the others my story?"

Felix: "No gramps, they asked me if I knew someone with the name Adam then I answered them, I also told them that you're a friend of the hero."

Armin: "Are they really otherworlders?"

Albert: "Yes gramps! I also saw them flying in the air."

Albert's grampa, Armin then went to meet the so called otherworlders as he found that they were all women.

Armin: "Are all otherworlders women? Damn Adam didn't tell me. Anyways, my name is Armin Arlert and this brat was my grandson, I apologize for his rude behavior."

Aria: "No no, it's alright, anyways you said that Adam was your friend? Did you know where he went?"

Armin: "No, sorry. As he made a portal out of nowhere and just disappeared with his wife and daughter."

Enkidu: "Wife and daughter? Damn, I'm so envious of Eve, already got 8 daughters while me having none. I want to cry!!!"

Armin: "???"

Kaostina: "Sorry for that, as the 22 of them are his daughters, 2 of them are lovers and me being a soon to be lover."

Armin and Albert's jaw dropped from their statement.

Armin: "What a big family."

Albert: "Indeed."

Armin: "Did you know that he gave me his blood?"

Enkidu: "Ah, the immortality or reincarnation?"

Armin: "Ehh!? There's another one? He gave me immortality, fucking bastard, he should've given me the reincarnation one, now I can't die."

Sadako: "Oh yeah Mr. Arlert, what's the name of his daughter?"

Armin: "Name of his daughter? If I remember it correctly, it should be Thea? Or Kingprotea? Aha! The real name is Kingprotea then her nickname is Thea."

Artoria: "Father nicknamed me Art."

Kurumi: "Rumi for me."

Lucifer: "Luci for me."

Emilia: "For me it's Emi."

Jibril, Irene, Gitsune: "We got no nicknames. :("

Armin, Albert: "..."

Aria: "So father left in this world and it seems that the time is different."

Manami: "That's common Aria-chan. Different world's have different in time, imagine a planet with its own set of rules."

Aria: "Okay."

Albedo: "We should get going or our parents might went to another world for thousands of times that we won't be able to met them."

Girls: "Yes, let's go."

Albedo then opened a portal as they went around different worlds asking if they knew Adam or Eve.

Few hours passed and they now appeared on an island with its season being spring. They found a space crack and they knew that only some people can do that ability and they even sensed a familiar person over there. The girls were excited as they rushed towards the space crack as they then found the other side of the crack, a house that was full of cracks.

They hurried towards a room where they felt some tremors as they saw a door that was half closed as they rushed towards it.

Enkidu, Sadako, Kaostina: "He disappeared!?"

Girls: "WHAT!?!?!?"

They then found a crying naked Eve while being consoled by an infant. The septuplets, Artoria, Kurumi, Irene, Emilia, Jibril, Lucifer and Gitsune then jumped towards her as they hugged their mother Eve tightly.

Septuplets: "Kaa-san! We miss you!"

Aria: "Eve-kaasan, what happened?"

Eve: "*hic* *hic* A-Adam, h-he disappeared."

Girls: "WHAT!!!"

Thea: "Don't worry, I already soul marked father and given him a soul phone so there's no need to worry."

Septuplets: "A talking baby?"

Eve: "*hic* *sob* Girls, meet your little sister *sob* Kingprotea, you can call her Thea and she's 5 days old."

Septuplets: "Hello, little sister."

Thea: "Artoria-nee, Kurumi-nee, Irene-nee, Emilia-nee, Jibril-nee, Lucifer-nee, Gitsu-nee. E-E-Elder sisters? L-Lily-nee, Lilith-nee, Yuuna-nee, Xun-nee, Kanna-nee, Milim-nee, Ryuu-nee, Shera-nee, Eris-nee, Freya-nee, Albedo-nee, Grayfia-nee, Manami-nee, Kiyomi-nee! Even Enkidu-kaasan, Sadako-kaasan, Nyarlanthotep-kaasan and Kaostina-kaasan???"

14: "You know us?"

Thea: "Yep😊! Cause I'm from the future."

Enkidu, Sadako, Nyar, Kaostina: """"Even us???""""

Thea: "YEP!!! And the 4 of you will be our mothers as well."

14: "Ah, oka- wha- EHH!?"