

[POV Adam]

What the hell is this, why is there 2 people fighting on top of a destroyed mecha? One of the men that was bulky wearing a formal white suit with a yellow tie was punching a man who have a normal size with an armor but the bulky man was using a similar technique as (=Armament Haki=).

The bulky man was talking about elections and shit as they continued fighting as the armored man was trampled, few seconds and they were like brother in arms as they shook their hands, the armored man then threw the bulky man away as they continued fighting.

The armored man then punched and punched the bulky man, i-it was art. The punches was perfect and like an art. I don't know why but I felt hooked on that particular attack.

Armored man: "Why won't you die!"

The bulky man then ripped his clothes as he showed his bare chest with strange veins on it.

Bulky man: "Nanomachines son. They harden in response to physical trauma."

His body then changed to become black like (=Armament Haki=) but he said that those were nanomachines? Like ironman?

"Fuck this shit we're out." I said as the 2 noticed me but I made another portal as we entered it again.

We are now in hell? And we saw 2 living beings fighting at each other, one is an armored human and another is a giant minotaur. It was gory so I made another portal.

"Now what?" I said as we are in another hell but this time all the things here are blocks. A giant ghost like entity that keeps shooting fireballs at us, black skeletons with grey swords, pigs who stole at each other etc. So I made another portal, hope this is it.

And now we are in an office where a bulky man was massacring everyone, another gory world.

"Dear, what if you put the portal behind us and not in front of us." Eve suggested.

"Good idea." as I made the portal behind us as we were now inside a building where we easily spotted people.

People are wearing what it seemed like costumes? Are we in an anime convention? But why can I see some people wearing Survey Corps uniform? Is the world we traveled all anime worlds? Nevermind that as I spotted a familiar person, this life's father that was now reincarnated, Grisha Yeager.

I can see that he's having fun with his girlfriend maybe as he cosplayed his Attack Titan Form. How do I know? Simple, as I have the people I gave my blood fuse in their souls and I can trace them anytime anywhere. It's a peaceful world I may say but we cannot live in this one so I made another portal behind us as we were now in the sea.

I found myself waking up in a large white tree. I saw different types of monsters and beasts not daring to come near it. I then found an old man with glasses walking towards me.

"Yo, Adam, have your injuries been healed?" he asked, injuries? I then checked my condition and I saw bandages in my head.

'Is this, training of haki?' I thought as I can feel the tremendous amount of haki energy in this world and dodging while beating my head was the most effective way to obtain (=Observation Haki=).

Memories then flooded my brain as I'm now Monkey D. Adam. His or should I say, my not related by blood brother died in a war a year ago and here am I training my haki and healing from my injuries. I'm a pirate by the way and wanted to be the Pirate King.

I then checked my surroundings as I only saw myself and the old man without Eve and Thea. I quickly used telepathy to contact Eve as it connected without a hitch.

Me: 'Eve, where are you? Was Thea with you?'

Eve: 'I'm on a pirate ship and yes I'm with Thea. I also found the memories here, I'm now Boa Eve.'

Me: 'Monkey D. Adam here, what a way of meeting that I found in my memories.'

Eve: 'Yeah dear, you just crashed onto the roof of my bath then I fought you then suddenly fell in love.'

Me: 'How's Thea?'

Eve: 'She's fine, she's being cuddled by the women in my pirate ship. How are you dear?'

Me: 'I'm okay, I can't believe I'm training (=Observation Haki=) even though I mastered it long ago, and quite miserable as my face were full of bruises.'

Eve: 'Then I must hurry to meet you as we are only given the meeting once a week.'

Me: 'Then I'll wait for you.'

[POV Eve]

I finished talking to Adam with telepathy as I was now facing Marigold and Sandersonia.

Marigold: "Sister, I can't believe it that you became pregnant to that man. You both even have a cute little daughter."

Sandersonia: "That's right sister, how can you even hide that you're pregnant for 9 months?"

I don't know why but I became flustered on what they said as they laughed but I shushed them as my daughter Thea was sleeping and maybe wanted milk if she woke up.

Few minutes passed and we're now in the Rusukaina island that was only northwest from our island. The island has 48 seasons and currently is in spring. We quickly found Adam and Rayleigh, the previous Adam's mentor, as I hurriedly kissed and hugged Adam and Thea on Gloriosa, the previous Empress of the Kuja Tribe.