

[POV Adam]

After my reunion with Eve and Thea (to others were a week but truthfully a few minutes), I then asked Rayleigh to rest for now and go back to his wife Shakky. Originally in my memory, Rayleigh told the Kuja Pirates to not enter the island where I'm training but due to depression caused by the death of Ace, my not related by blood brother, he finally allowed them to meet me.

And he should have left me in this island but the caused of 'my' depression, he stayed for the rest of the month.

Rayleigh: "Are you sure? But I felt that your strength is not enough in the new world."

Me: "Not enough?"

I nearly laughed out loud as Rayleigh said that cause I'm not the previous Monkey D. Adam but Adam Gaia, I can even defeat him now with my current strength as my continuous absorbing of memories and new abilities, example of skills are (=Eight Gates=), (=Burning Frozen Ice Blaze=), (=Torture Heal=), etc.

Me: "Then let's have a match. Girls, go somewhere safe as we will fight to prove myself that I'm strong and Rayleigh can rest now with his wife."

Eve: "Y-Yes darling, girls!"

Kuja Pirates: "HAI!?"

Eve: "Go to the the safe tree and let's watch their battle."

Kuja Pirates: "Yes Ma'am!"

The Kuja Pirates then began to run to the safe tree in the island as I carried and cuddled Thea in my arms.

Rayleigh: "You got a cute daughter Adam."

Me: "Yeah, you need a child too with Shakky, Rayleigh."

Rayleigh: "I still can't believe that you overcame your depression, looks like I need to go back to Sabaody HAHAHAHA."

The Kuja Pirates are in the safe tree sitting there and preparing their, popcorns? Did Eve asked them corns? Whatever, I added barriers on them as I don't want them to die as they are Eve's crewmembers. Eve still have her barrier same with Thea so they are perfectly safe.

I then walked towards a large tree that was over 10 meters and few hundred meters opposite to me, was Rayleigh stretching his body.

Me: "I'm ready, what about you Rayleigh?"

Rayleigh: "I'm ready as well."

Eve: "Both sides are ready. On a count of three, one, two, three."

Rayleigh then dashed towards me with his body covered with (=Armament Haki=), he went near me in a few seconds as he threw a right punch at my abdomen on which I dodged to my left.

He spin then tried to kick my head as I ducked my body and his foot hit nothing, he then made his foot attacked my lowered body on where I let myself fall to the ground backflipping and landing perfectly and smoothly.

Rayleigh: "H-How, your (=Observation Haki=) should still be at the intermediate stage."

I just smiled at his remark as they I made my arms rubber like balloon. Got a new ability from the previous Monkey D. Adam which is his body to become rubber, a transformation of the body so most likely a Zoan or Mythical Zoan.

I infused my fist with (=Armament Haki=) as I punched Rayleigh with it.

[POV Rayleigh]

My student Adam then began to counterattack me with a punch as his fist was imbued with (=Armament Haki=). I don't know why but I realized that his fist was stronger than Roger, Whitebeard and my punch at our peak state. I felt, death.

I was in a daze as his fist almost touched my head but a second later, a felt a finger flick on my forehead that made me realized my surroundings. I looked behind me and what I found was, destruction.

Adam: "So, am I strong enough?"

Me: "Y-Yes."

Cold sweat dripped from my forehead and back as I recalled his punch earlier, and it seemed that he can still punch with more power as there was no sign of him being exhausted. Kids these days.

[POV Eve]

I can't believe it, as this was the first time I saw my husband, Adam, used at least 10% of his strength as when fighting Nyarlathotep, he was just trying to restrain her and on AGUY, Adam was still not at his strength as his 100% that time was only 5-7% this time. The gap of power in just a decade and a few years. And he was still training harder than all the people in the verses including the god realm and some gods/goddess of training.

I really need to train as I don't want to hide behind Adam at all time but his training plan for me was million times inferior than his and if I trained the way he trained then he will scold me and make me sleep in the couch, I want that as I'm an M but I can't get myself to do that as I want to be with Adam.

[POV Thea]

"Wajawawajamawa. (Papa was really strong.)"

[POV Adam]

'I'm really weak years ago, my overall power on that life was only 6.23852% in my current power. Then that means I'm 16 times stronger than my previous life? DAYUUUUM.' I thought as I was being surrounded by the Kuja Pirates with Eve and our daughter Thea, as Rayleigh was now sitting on a boulder resting, maybe his mental health? I didn't really hit him and vice versa.

A few more hours passed and it was time for Rayleigh to go back to Sabaody Archipelago. He should've joined the Kuja Pirates on their way back but Eve wanted to be with me for a few more hours so Rayleigh just jumped into the water and began to swim in the Calm Belt.