
Odele : The Mirror Identity

Astrid, a high school student, who's been played by 'love' because her beauty. One day she looked herself on the mirror and say "Mirror-mirror on the wall" while touching the mirror. Suddenly the mirror pulled her in and she's living as Odele, daughter of Duke Magnolia.

feylarix · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1

A young girl with long black hair and beautiful long eyelashes ran to her room. She threw her bag to the table and lay down on her bed while using her phone. First she opened her friend's chats. The first sentence that came out is "Are you okay?". Then she called her friend.

"Astrid? Are you okay? Why did you lie in front of him? Do you want to talk, I'll listen"

She cried on her calls. "Char I'm tired… You know this is the ninth time I was betrayed like this"

"Shh, I know Astrid. He's your boyfriend so it's wrong that he cheating in front of you and when you tried to break the relationship he begging you not to do it, it's a fact that he is a dumbass"

"Char… what should I do…"

"Astrid, please think of yourself and took some rest"

After a few minutes, Astrid closed the call.

"I hope she knows I've been patient, I don't even have any patience left in me"

She looks at herself in the mirror. "Hey mirror on the walls that reflect me, what should I do?" Astrid placed her hand on the mirror while her tears kept falling down through her face. Suddenly the mirror felt like it was pulling Astrid in.

"Where am I? Who's bedroom is this?" Astrid wakes up from her dream. "Lady, you are in your room" a woman with a white and black maid outfit answered her. "W-wait, Lady? What do you mean by that?"

"Lady, you are in your room, and you are Odele, the daughter of Duke's Magnolia" The woman said.

"Odele who?" Astrid thinks, "wasn't I in my room… Oh I see, that mirror is pulling me in"

"Lady, I'll bring you a glass of water, is there anything that you need?" the woman prepared to leave. "Please bring me a hand mirror"

Is this what is called traveling to another dimension?

No way that's real right? That's just a made-up story that everyone makes.

"Excuse me Lady, the Duke has called you to have breakfast together" Someone said from the back of the door. "We will be preparing Lady for the breakfast, the Duke wants Lady to come"

"I understand, come in"

All the maid came into her room and helped Odele prepare for breakfast. The young Lady got her washed and dressed up. Astrid knows that the girl that she possessed is as godly and beautiful as the swan lakes. Her hair is silver, her eyes have long lashes and her pupil is reflecting dawn as if the moon was ready to illuminate parts of the world.

"Lady is ready" the maids staring at 'Odele' with full of wishes. That is because her beauty is incomparable. "Finally Lady wants to have a breakfast with the Duke"

"Wait, so Odele never has breakfast with her own father, why?" Astrid thought. She walked to the dining room with Odele's private maid.

"Lady Odele is here" Odele walked to the dining room. The Dining room is filled with gold and decorated with flowers. "Sit down Odele '' The Duke- Odele's father is sitting by the right of the table. Next to him there's a young man similar to Odele. His age is not far away from Odele, around 3 years younger than her. He looks been waiting for this time to arrive.

Odele sat down beside the young man. "Sister, thank you for joining us today" He smiled. "Odele, there is something I would like to say" Odele's father started the conversation, "in few days your birthday will be celebrated, I would like to make your fifthteen birthday as a party here"

"Sure, I don't mind," Odele answered without a doubt.

The Duke and her brother were quite surprised with Odele's answer. Usually she would refuse to celebrate her birthday as a party.

"Lady, It's time for you to prepared"

"Yes, please do your best"

Odele entered the ballroom. She is wearing a light blue gown. Now the Lady has become the main character with her glamor beauty. Odele walked down the stairs with her father escorting her.

"Odele, Young Master Aryan is attending today so dance with him" Father said, beside him there's Young Master Aryan. He has black hair and his eyes are bloody red. Aryan is Odele fiance.

"Lady, will you dance with me?" Aryan pulls out his right hand while bowing. "Of course" Odele accepted the dance. Astrid did learn to do waltz dance before, so she's confident with all the movements she made.

"Lady, this is my first time I heard that you are celebrating your birthday as a party" Aryan started the conversation while dancing. "Right, I feel this is my first time celebrating my birthday as a party, isn't it?" Odele replied. "It is Lady, there is nothing you need to worry about, I promise Iwill protect you if something happens," Aryan said, his eyes looking at Odele gently. "Yes, I know"

On the bottom of Astrid's heart, she doesn't believe those words. "Promise? Don't really trust that's will be a real promise anyway, I think those is just words so Odele don't panicking… but at least Odele who heard it doesn't really care"

One song had been finished, Aryan and Odele bow to each other. "Thank you Lady" without hesitation Astrid walked to the balcony. She sat on the railings and put off her heels.

"I just know that one dance can be tiring like this" Astrid stretched her hand. "Excuse me Lady, can I join you?"

"Feel free" from the ballroom, Aryan came to the balcony. "Odele you must be tired, there's so many people there" he giggles.

"Yeah" Odele frowned. Aryan walked, approaching Odele, who's sitting on the balcony railing. His hands touched the girl's face.

"Odele, I already told you to tell me if there's any problem" Aryan pats her head slowly. "I know" Odele smiled slightly.

"Wait here, I'll go get some cakes" Aryan leaves the balcony. Odele alone sitting on the railing.

"Are you the same as them?" Odele looked to the night sky. Tears are drowning from her eyes and flowing down on her pretty face.