
OiM - Chapter 2: Internal Energy and Discoveries!

As time went by, Kai began to understand what everyone said, discovering that his mother is called Makima, just as his father is called Thomas, but he almost never sees him.

Constantly someone who is a doctor comes in, talks to his mother, makes various diagnoses and things like that.

Kai understood that this was due to the Death Element being very present in his body and the reason is simple, 10% Paranormal Exposure!

As the days passed, Kai understood more about himself, adjusted his mind and as such, his Paranormal Exposure percentage reached a relatively dangerous, but manageable degree.

At this level, he had to do everything he could to suppress the rising percentage, settling at 10%.

But in return for that came the changes in his skin, due to the Death Element being the most prominent in his body, it's obvious that the features were the same.

As for the black marks on his body caused by Necrosis, Dave used it on himself, taking his own infant body as a sacrifice to perform the Ritual of [Inner Decay].

Such a ritual did not exist in his past life, not because no one could create it, just because there was no need!

[Decay] is a Ritual of Death that has 3 effects on how you want to use it, which is causing Necrosis in wounds, or causing Forced Aging in the touched area, another is literally melting the touched part.

Kai used Necrosis, controlling it a bit, to avoid many doubts and worries, he made it look like the marks on his body are just squiggles and random wounds, but in fact, it's a mix of external and internal Necrotic Tattoos.

Together he also used some Blood Coagulation Rituals, to avoid infections and death due to such recklessness.

And the result was that he successfully prevented his degree of Paranormal Exposure from increasing, which for many can be good, for a weak and still developing body, this will be very harmful.

That's why his skin turned pale.

But something good happened, he began to receive constant medicinal baths, as well as ingesting strange medicines, this eased the pain caused by Necrosis, healing his body, which was very good.

Because of this, Dave can improve his restraint, while also utilizing Blood Rituals to strengthen his body to a small extent.

He is using himself as a sacrifice, material for the Rituals, which is very harmful, but due to the medicinal baths that are practically magical, not to mention a strange energy that keeps building up in an area below his navel for some time. reason many of the sacrificial costs are nullified because of this.

Kai knows that if someone has a high affinity for an Element and has more than 50% Paranormal Exposure, he can avoid spending ritualistic materials.

Kai doesn't quite understand what this energy is, but he was glad that it exists, making his plans to make this body strong much easier.

'I'm not sure where I am, but if there is Paranormal Energy, it means that the membrane also exists here, so I'll be as strong as possible, taking advantage of all my knowledge to make this a perfect body!' - Kai thought seriously, so he went millimetrically adjusting the Rituals.

It was difficult to readjust them for partial effects, as he was forcing some blood vessels that hadn't fully formed yet to form and get stronger.

It was also affecting his organs, the pain was so great that he often ended up crying, he couldn't control himself.

But in response to his pain, there was a warm, loving embrace, his mother who stayed by his side until he fell asleep.


Around his 4th month of life, Kai discovered that his body hair was gray, as well as his fingernails turned black.

He already expected that, so he didn't react much, but his mother was getting more worried.

Kai felt sorry for her, a young woman who apparently had a relationship with an older married man, lucky he is rich and responsible, because if he were on Earth, most would ignore her, just giving her some money.

But his pity for Makima is that he caused him so much suffering, it impacted him a lot, thinking about his own mother, he lost her early, but he has very vivid memories of her, which he cannot forget, even if he wants to, he can blame the Knowledge Element.

Sometimes sacrifices are heavier than you can imagine, some so heavy that they will never be forgotten.

Even in this life, Kai knows that sacrifice is still in effect, as constantly memories of his family's death surface.

power and has killed many enemies, even if the memories are bad and painful, he can vividly see his family's faces every day, which in a way, even if distorted, brings him some calm, this gives him even more motivation to keep going.


Soon Kai was 2 years old, it was around that age that he started walking, this was due to some flaws in his ritualistic control, but he fixed it with the help of that mysterious energy, discovering that it is called Internal Energy.

Kai showed from an early age that even though he had an apparently weak and debilitated body, with delayed development, he was very intelligent, learning to speak at around 8 months old.

When he was 1 year old, he began to speak more fluently, as well as an interest in books.

Due to Kai being a "Ghost Child", being unable to walk, as well as not seeing any interest in children's games, his mother always tried to give him the best books to read, teaching him how to read.

The good thing is that his father, Thomas, made the main house library available.

In that time he came to know the almost 10 year old twins, Klaus and Katarina.

But due to Makima's presence, it's obvious that they haven't done anything bad, in fact they are very pure and innocent children, wondering why he is as pale as a ghost, why his hair is white like old people and such.

Makima showed her kindness by answering what she could, she made some sweets for the kids.

It was a few weeks later that a stern woman appeared in the library, Liliana Scamber!


Liliana looked at her children, who shrank in fear and backed away, she said nothing and went to Makima, the young woman with her head down, who is old enough to be her daughter.

She never bothered to meet her, but because of her constant presence in the library and knowing her kids are being friendly to her, she wanted to come check it out herself.

When she looked at Makima, she felt anger and disdain, so she looked at the pale young man sitting at the table, reading a book that was more than half his size.

She snorted and said. - "I don't want you near my children, nor that cursed child of yours!"

Makima was furious hearing this, but then Kai said something. - "I am not the one who will die in 1 week, leave it to mom."

His words surprised everyone present, especially Liliana, how can a child speak so precisely and what are those words?

"Kai, look how you talk!" - Said Makima seriously and worried.

Kai looked at Liliana, then her children and said. - "Death runs through your veins, in 1 week it will kill you 3! Go see a doctor!"

"What are you saying Kai? Stop, you're scaring me!" - Said Makima scared.

Kai looked at Makima, initially he didn't want to talk, but thinking that they are his brothers and one of his biological father's wives, he thought it's better not to hide something so serious.

Liliana was also looking at him with fear and anger, so Kai said. - "Mom, I feel something inside them, something that is slowly hurting, weakening and killing them!"

Finally Liliana couldn't take it anymore, she took her children and left, but the words of the 1 year and a few months old child worried her a lot!


Days later, an incredible diagnosis arrived: Liliana, Klaus and Katarina were poisoned!

Not just them, but Malena and Henrique too!

Liliana's entire lineage was poisoned, this shocked everyone and Thomas wanted to know what was going on, where they quickly discovered that the poison was from a flower present in Liliana's personal garden.

Liliana even though she is severe, dealing with many financial matters, she likes the beauty of flowers, recently she picked a Damascus Violet Tulip, a very difficult flower to care for and make it bloom.

But Liliana succeeded, but in fact, this was not an ordinary flower, but a Deadly Violet Tulip.

It is a poisonous flower that expels a fragrant pollen, which slowly weakens its target, until at one point, it will cause an intense shock to the body, with the body's immunities at a minimum, there will be several cardiac arrests until it finally leads to death, a death. very painful.

When Liliana learned that she nearly caused her and her children's deaths, she was devastated, when Thomas asked her how she found out, as it is a seemingly undetectable poison, she said. - "It was that pale child… she said that me and our children would die in 1 week!"


While Liliana and her children underwent detox treatment and observation, Thomas came to see Kai and Makima.

Thomas saw Makima very nervous and said. - "Don't worry, I came here to say thank you!"

Smiling slightly, Thomas glanced at Kai in Makima's arms before picking him up.

He felt how light his son is, how cold his skin is, but he looked at him as his son and nothing more.

"Thank you, you saved your brothers!" - Thomas said.

"Glad you heard." - Said Kai calmly, Thomas being a little taken aback by his words and tone.

"How did you know?" - He asked curiously.

"I saw it, I know it hurts, but I knew it was worse." - Said Kai calmly.

"…you said they would die, do you know what that means?" - Thomas asked seriously.

"Yes, I read it in a book!" - Kai said.

Thomas remembered hearing about it, but knowing it was true still impressed him greatly.

"You read it in a book… I understand, but do you understand what it means to die?" - Thomas asked again.

"Yes, it means that I will no longer speak to the person, which depending on whether I can be saddened by his death or indifferent to him." Kai replied.

Thomas couldn't believe that such words were coming from a child of 1 year and a few months, it makes him wonder what his son's Divine Constitution is.

Soon Thomas looked at Makima who had her eyes closed in front of her, holding back her tears, naturally she doesn't like the fact that her son knows these things, she wants him to enjoy an ordinary childhood, or enjoy it as much as she can.

Sighing, Thomas said. - "Liliana wants to talk to you, how about you accompany me to her?"

"Clear!" - Said Makima smiling, Kai nodded.


After that incident, a strange rumor spread around the region, that the youngest son of the Snizer Clan Patriarch Family, can see death!

As for how this occurs, nobody knows, but many presume that due to rumors, it is because the child itself is born cursed, so she can see who is close to death.

And in itself it is true, since Kai has an incredible proximity to the Element of Death, even several times greater than in his past life.

Kai started to become more sensitive to it, understanding more about Death and when he saw his brothers, he could see the energy of death embracing them.

As for whether it was a poison, he didn't actually know, but he assumed that since their mother was also in such a hug of death and it was even tighter, he assumed that it must be something related to the poison.

If not, it would just be the ravings of a sick child.

But after the incident, her position in the Clan changed significantly, with Liliana who was against Makima and Kai, starting to treat them as part of the family, since they saved her life and her children, she is very grateful to the duo.

As such, she caused anyone who dared to mistreat or disrespect the mother and son duo to be brutally beaten or even killed, depending on the offense.

Liliana also allowed her younger children to get closer to Kai, even befriend her, as she began to feel sorry for the child and used some of her money to fund his treatment.

Sasha Gray, who saw all of this, didn't even bother to interact, not to mention that except for Sabrina, her youngest daughter, her other children hold important positions in the Clan and are constantly out on the same footing as her husband.

She doesn't have to bother befriending a pretty young commoner who has attracted the attention of a strong old man.

As for Kai's capabilities, Sasha cared even less, good thing he discovered the poison in Liliana and her children, it actually made her like them even less as it means her children will still be opposed to inheriting the Clan in the future.


With relations within the Clan improving, Makima found herself closer to Liliana, who began to teach her a lot about accounts and management, eventually becoming her assistant.

Liliana also helped Makima practice Martial Arts, even if she doesn't have the opportunity to reach a high level, at least she will have some strength to be able to protect herself.

As for Kai, when he learned to walk, he became a little more independent, as his mother spent a lot of time helping with Clan affairs now and she turned out to be quite competent.

But even though he was more independent, Kai was still under supervision, as such he had a personal guard named Arnold, a 2nd Class Martial Artist, who was there to serve him.

Arnold is a male in his 26 years old, he has an average appearance and a strong physique, initially he thought that taking care of Kai would be annoying, but no, the child is very calm and quiet, doesn't make many demands and is even very easy to handle. interact.


The years went by, soon Kai was 5 years old, the age where children begin to be taught about Martial Arts and Internal Energy.

But at that time, Kai already knew a lot, he read thousands of books in the last 4 years, he has a lot of knowledge and he understood why 5~12 years is a good time to start Martial Arts practice, because that's when the body is developed to some extent.

For Martial Artists, it is said to be the unlocking of their spiritual senses, so that they can initiate the formation of Internal Energy in their Dantian.

But the truth is that the age of 5 is an age where the body already has greater immunity and this mysterious energy can circulate without problems through the body's veins and strengthen them without setbacks.

Kai of course, reached this standard 2 and a half years ago, all due to the effects of his Rituals, as well as the very beneficial and magical Medicinal Baths.

But Kai didn't start practicing Internal Energy for the time being, as he was still investigating more about his body, the effects the Paranormal has on a still developing body.

By his calculations, if he let his Paranormal Exposure go unchecked, it would probably already be at 20~30%, even without him having come into contact with regions where the Membrane is fragile.


In the air there is what we Martial Artists call Gross Energy or Energy of Heaven and Earth, which is spread throughout the air, present in all living and non-living beings!

Normally we can't feel it, since it's invisible to the naked eye and there's no way to touch it, as if it didn't actually exist, like the wind, but somehow we feel it hitting our skin.

But in order to feel Raw Energy, our ancestors discovered that by calming our minds, as well as adjusting our breathing, we can feel and even "see" this Raw Energy.

Through Breathing, we can absorb Gross Energy, which will be naturally refined by our bodies, thus converted into Internal Energy!

We Martial Artists cultivate this Internal Energy in our Dantian, but there are special cases where it gathers in our Hearts or Brains, it has the same effects and some say it is even more efficient depending on the Martial Art practiced.

See the Barbarians of the Frozen Lands, they are said to practice special breathing techniques, where Internal Energy accumulates in their hearts, allowing them to activate a powerful technique called Berserker!

There is also the Race of Elves, who are isolated on another continent and very rarely interact with other races, they are said to practice Mental Arts, as such Internal Energy accumulates in their brains.

There are techniques of all kinds, not to mention varied effects.

It may sound simple, adjusting your breathing, absorbing Raw Energy and refining it into Internal Energy, it's actually simple.

But if you do it without proper knowledge, it will be very ineffective, so in order to help you with your weak body, the Patriarch said to teach you [Breath of the Bull Hercules], a Breathing Technique that is all about strengthening the muscles, bones and organs to a large extent, the technique itself causes a lot of pain, but the Patriarch said that you can handle it!

Now sit down, I will teach you the rhythm of breathing and follow my instructions!


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