
The Meeting

"Ehem, Well," Albus hesitated. His yellow eyes glinted in the sunlight that filtered in from the shaded windows. "My wife is finding things to her liking, but my daughter and son is still uncomfortable wearing the mask." he shrugged and says" They'll learn how to live with it, I suppose. " Either that or they will suffocate", Ramon joked. All of the Selkie race have to wear a mask in order to pump more Hydrogen into their lung because the planet they came from had a very high concentrated of hydrogen than oxygen.

Albus laughed heartily. "Indeed."

"So tell me," Ramon started. " To what pleasure do I own your company at this morning?"

The Selkie smiled warmly. " Not much, I just wanted to come by and see if this lovely planet's natives are near close to accepting us as a whole? That and I brought a gift."

"Well, the Federation has received and dealt with the usual number of threats from various citizens and groups, but it's nothing to worry about." Ramon tossed his hand in a dismissing manner. " But be sure to report to me immediately if there are any accident that happens in your colony."

After the Selkie made contact, a single smaller shuttle left from one of the larger ship and slowly descend until it was well in the atmosphere. That day, the sky above every country was a steel cloud of fighter jets, thankfully no incidents happened that day, supposedly everyone was aware that no one wanted to start World War 3 and the first War of the Worlds at the same time. The single shuttle landed in Prospect Park, New York City. Standing on the scene were the U.S army and quite a few members of the intelligent agency who were there to protect the visitors from anyone who felt it was their duty to cleanse the world from something new.

Apparently, they had been studying the Earth and all of its language, cultures, politics abd various other to thing through interception of our satellite feed and through the internet. When they first appeared people were shocked to see despite all of the obvious advance in technology and their slightly different appearance, the Selkie walked, talked, and look just like every other human. They entered an armored personnel carrier and were quickly whisked to the United Nation Headquarters where they greeted the ambassadors.