

The smell of grass and soil filled the crisp of the morning air on Earth; the sound of the bustling city make it appeared that the Human race is in a peaceful era and not in a state of war; The clock ticking makes a peaceful rhythm as a man which can be seen sipping a fresh brew tea and watching the bustling city comes to life through his window. The man seem to be in a soothing mood, the sun which just came up, makes the man sigh as a new day have just begun. The scene makes the man wishes this scene could last forever and the scene has greatly influence the motivation of the man to start his day.

As the light filled the room, the man in the room, Ramon Justin, was the Marshall of The United Federation Of Earth or for short (Federation), lowered his office blind and turn up the office lights.

"Well it's time for work," he murmured to himself. Tapping the holographic intercom that open a channel between him and his faithful aide, Rosa Hugo, he asked "Rosa when and with whom is my first appointment of the day ?"

"In about 10 minutes with the Selkie ambassador sir," with speedy and clear reply form his assistant.

" What a luck." He remarked

"Indeed Sir. Shall I sent them in right away ?"

"Yes, that will be fine," he instructed his assistant through the holographic and closed the channel.

A decade have passed since the first Extraterrestrial being came in contact with the human kind and arrived in the outer orbit of Earth. When NASA and other countries space agency detected them, they were thought to be mere asteroids,even thought the asteroids were found to be in a odd shape and construction. Once every space agency decided to release the data, each country leaders have been assuring everyone that the asteroids will pass well away from Earth. However, in reality Earth is in the path of collision by the asteroid and could cause an extinction level to the human race.

After a few months of monitoring, the speed of asteroid slowed to a fraction of their original speed , and eventually stop at the outer orbit of earth, and began orbiting like it was the second moon of Earth. The asteroid did not communicated, did not do any threatening but just orbiting the Earth. This situation alone has freaked many people that the fact these ship that have been officially identified, remained silent. Then one day, A message was broadcast through the regular wave of radio which transmitted a word which is "HELLO"

"Sir," Rosa came in through the door, a habit whenever officials came to visit. "The Selkie Ambassador is here."

Ramond rose from his chair and extended his arms. " Albus, my brother. How are you ?

The dark skin man smiled back and embrace Ramond with a hug, "I am very well today Ramond." he answered.

On average the Selkie race was known to be around 185 cm tall and had muscular bulge, though Raymond has seen some that were shorter or a bit slender. Their skin was dark chocolate due to the fact that their home planet is saturated with UV rays and thus need to evolve pigment to countered it. Albus, a typical male Selkie name, wore a extravagant suit as it was customary for formal events such as galas, formal events and meeting dignitaries; casual wear for the Selkie's are the same as Raymond just find out quickly that all Selkie clothes were just variations on the same basic suit. Whether they work in an office or a field, went to a party or a meeting with officials, the Selkie always wear suits that cover their bulky muscle.

"Come sit," Ramond offered as he always did with people, and yes he considered the Selkie people as one of them, He found that being nice right from the start with everyone could make business in general far more pleasant and when it came to an agreement or suggestion, the other party were usually more agreeable. " Tell me, how is your family?"

Praise me my minion and send me Gifts !!

Just comment whats the problem and I will reply it..

2-3 Chapter per week. Sorry for the late chapter due to me working..

Mrtokkadicreators' thoughts