
Nothing And Everything

A man who has nothing to lose and a man who has everything to lose. What happens if despair challenge them?

Nobody_Everybody_2434 · ファンタジー
2 Chs

Chapter 1 Nothing to lose

*Crick crack*

A scarlet visage filled a boy's eyes as he gazed upon the outside of his home, once filled with hope and dreams of an ordinary family now loomed with despair as the flames grew wider.

*Thud thud*

"Help me!"

"Please somebody save me!"

Within the fourth floor window, a woman shouted in distress as her screams were drowned by the chuckling of the flames.


The boy, presumably the son whose eyes were hollow soon shone once again.




He saw it all, a figure of a flaming ball falling down just a meter in front of him. He heard it all, the pathetic scream of a helpless individual.

The figure of his mother, now reduced to a mangled mess as it twitched and burned on the hard concrete.


Startled, the boy fell unto his butt, as his eyes registered the events unfolding before him.


Now registered, as if finding a correct response to the situation, his brain wandered into the depths of his memories, and through that, the voice of his deceased father three years ago.

*Tik Tik*

"You see those impoverish people below?"

"Yes father"

"What do you think of them?"

His father who was bedridden at the hospital pointed his finger through the window and placing itself at the slum area which was miles away.

"Unfortunate people"


Contemplating and choosing his words carefully as to not insult the poor, the boy responded with a thoughtful answer only to be met with a strong response from his father.


The HRM soon started speeding up from 60 bpm and to 175 bpm within just the span of three seconds. That sight alone caused the boy to back up, but when looked at his father he was shook.

The respected figure he had always seen with an amicable and calm demeanour, was now twisted in anger and possibly digust. This expression, was it to the poor people or to him who gave a dissappointing answer, he would never know.


And just then his father who had stayed in that bed for the whole year, the man who always stubbornly refused his doctor and nurses plea, suddenly got up in fervor, causing the IV fluids stuck into his body to be flung due to the sudden movement.

"Father what ar-!?"

The son hurriedly tried to help only to be met with a palm to his mouth.

"Quiet and listen!"

"You see those things?"

"They are weak!"


"They spend most of their lives in misery and spend most of their lives as one! A monotonous torture!"

"Misfortune? Fuck that excuse!"

"The only thing to blame is their stupid decisions in life, surely at some point in their plebeian life they were given a chance... only to forsake it!"

"But what's worse is, that they blame us, the successful"

"These irrational thought of them irks me to no end"

"Who told them to vote for shithead politician A that corrupts their country, who decided to impregnate their wives without proper planning, who fucking wastes their fucking money in gambling and scummy lotteries!!!???"

"All of that was their fucking DECISIONS!!"

"If only they kept their head straight they wouldn't be in that fucking shithole!"


"And then the next generation of these pieces of trash comes, you know what they they do? spite on the children of the successful, oblivious no turning their heads away from the fact it was their idiotic parents that birth them from their misery"

"Then it's an endless cycle, the new waves becomes the old one and so forth"

"Only a selected few comes out from that despair"

His father now finishing venting his frustra- lessons finally calmed down.

"Be rational son, being weak is fine, but never stay forever as one"

The father soon died three weeks after, and

nobody from his father's side ever visited the funeral.

The son later found out from the secretary of his father that he had a falling out with his family because he didn't want to stay with the weak. He never understood his father.

Back in the present, the boy stood up, the look of terror he had was gone as if washed over. He looked down and met contact with his mother's eyes.

'Relief, anguish and hope'

Were plastered of my mother's eyes, and as for me, one thing was only in my head.

"Be strong and never stay weak"

Despair will soon come over, and the boy's mettle will be tested, will he remain steadfast or crumble.