
Not Quite Valhalla

Awakened in the world of Valhiem, all that she knew, all that she was gone as her soul was carried away in the tender embrace of the Valkyrie, Katla must struggle to find skills to survive, adapt, and find others of her kind deposited into this mid-realm between her homeland of Midguard and the promised eternal paradise of Valhalla. *Weekly Update Schedule* *Please leave a review; I love hearing your thoughts*

courtney_parks · ゲーム
17 Chs


The next several days were kept busy. Katla and Bjorn woke in companionable silence; each haunted by the mixture of nightmares and snippets of memories found in their dreams. From waking they each took self appointed chores, with Katla foraging for materials and crafting items needed for their survival. In turn Bjorn explored their little meadow, staying clear of the Black Forest at her recommendation, bringing back more deer meat, leather, and feathers. By nightfall both were too tired to speak much instead eating the meal that Katla prepared before crawling into their respective beds. 

Seven days after Bjorn's arrival, something shifted. Changed as she moved around the tiny lodging to prepare their breakfast and make certain their items were in good repair. Bjorn stepped back in from feeding the boars, his glacial blue eyes fixed on her intently. A focus that both made her uncomfortable and brought forth a sense of familiar longing. She didn't reply, just crossed her arms over her chest as she stared back lifting her chin in silent challenge. His arrival had been easier than hers, because of the efforts she had already put in and the look she centered on him said how easily she would discard him if needed.

"Woman.." He started as he moved forward to take his meat straight from the spit.

"Katla" The correction came out of habit. He fell to the habit of simply calling her woman rather than a name he knew perfectly well. She didn't reduce him down to his gender, make him something of an object, and Katla refused to allow him the opportunity for the same.

"Katla. I think, today we try for Eikthyr. We have the weapons, clothing, and food." He corrected himself as he took a seat on the edge of his bedding. Sooner rather than later Katla would need to look at expanding their home again; something she wanted to put off as long as possible even if their cramped conditions had them stepping over each other most days.

"You are probably right, Bjorn" She made a point of emphasizing his name still irritated at having been called woman. Her attention turned down to taking her own meal off the spit. With her attention diverted she missed the mischievous gleam in the man's eyes. A small pleasure in ruffling her feathers and breaking the cold composure she held to except for the darkest part of night where her dreams rode her. He often would wake in the night to the sound of her soft sobs, slipping from his own bed to wipe away the tears that dampened her cheeks until she fell into the deeper dreamless sleep. 

"We don't know what we are facing though and that makes me a bit nervous." Katla continued, her careful bites of the food used to naturally space the conversation as a mask against her own trepidation. Truthfully, she figured they had been ready to attempt slaying the beast days prior but fear of the unknown had stayed her hand to push forward. It wasn't just her life but also Bjorn's at risk; adding to the weight of responsibility she felt. 

"We will scout around the alter then. Make a plan there. You have made us plenty of food to keep us strong and fast. It is a risk, but we cannot idle here for the rest of eternity." His words were final as he wiped his greasy hands off on a bit of scrap leather they kept around for just that. Somewhere in their past lives they were cleanly; the habits between the both of them only amplified her suspicion. 

"Fine." She huffed as she gathered up her arrows, bow, and a couple different food items to make a solid lunch; if she was going to die again it would be with a full belly. As a last thought she crammed the leather helm over her braided hair. It was hot and limited her peripheral vision slightly but it was added protection; something she would take walking into an unknown situation. By the time she was ready Bjorn too was packed up with his shield slung over his shoulders hiding his rucksack. The heavy mace he favored as a weapon hung from his belt and he too had crammed the leather helm on. 

He looked fierce, a faint memory that rested at the back of her mind, as she could see just out of the reach the glint of polished metal, eyes a similar shade of blue circled in black khol, and a neatly trimmed beard. Katla shook her head before she gave a huffed breath. Bjorn grinned, his even white teeth at odds with the tanned color of his flesh and the carefully tended to reddish brown beard.

"I enjoy looking too." He laughed as the woman turned and stormed out the door leaving it open for him to follow. The stiffness of her spine and tip of her head told him that she had heard his comment and it only served to irritate her more. 'Good' he thought, ' better angry than scared'. He had learned, observed this woman over the past week, and realized how deeply she could get into her own head. Her penchant to overthink would prove an issue when facing the unknown; thankfully he knew how to irritate her easily. 

"Is that why you are down at the pond so often? Admiring yourself?" She taunted as she marched into the underbrush heading towards the thin strip of woodland that housed the alter. Even angry she moved silently over the sticks and leaves, avoiding making noises that would alert any animals, or graylings, of her approach. His laugh broke the stilted quiet, sending a flock of seagulls into the air with angry screams. 

"Shh... stop braying like an ass. You are going to alert every grayling around that we are here." She hissed even as he continued chortling at her attempt of an insult. Easily his longer stride caught up with her and put them side by side before she was having to jog every third step to keep up with him. The jolted step causing a pair of her more obvious attributes to jiggle; despite the soft leather shirt being a bit snug along that area. A sight that he made certain to stare at; exaggerating the motion so she would notice.

"Not myself, not when there are far more interesting things to look at." He grinned as she growled at him. Her teeth bared as if she were a she-wolf ready to lay into him. "Don't threaten what I may enjoy, lille vennen" Bjorn couldn't help but enjoy the fire that sparked in her eyes, combined with the fact she was the only other human around and the woman was alluring. He laughed as she lengthened her stride to a continued jog to put distance between them. 

The humor fell away as the standing stones around the alter broke through the trees and shrubs. The arched horns of the carved deer a sign they had reached their destination. Katla's entire demeanor changed as her irritation bled away into concentration. She looked over the ringed stones, the flat slab of an alter, and the trees around. A few large jagged boulders jutted out of the ground in a few spots that could provide better cover than the sparse softwood trees. 

Carefully she circled around the area, watching as Bjorn took the unspoken signal to do the same. Both of them searched for cover and grounds to give them an advantage against the unknown foe. She sighed as their paths intersected in front of the deer carving. Bjorn had removed his helm and was munching away on a bit of roasted neck tail. Katla grunted as she propped her hip against the alter before adjusting her rucksack to pull out her own rations. The small offerings eating in succession to fill her stomach; a choice piece of roast boar, a bit of neck tail, and a tender cut of roast deer filled her. The mixture of fat and protein going a long distance to not only fill her stomach but keep her sated for however long this next battle would last.

"Not much to plan since we don't know anything. Stupid bird and his stupid lack of useful information." Katla groused as she looked over at Bjorn, both of them had their helms off and their hair was plastered down from sweat and the helms. Somehow though, his hair had remained at least smooth and tidy ,where hers would soon be standing up in ragged wisps around her head. 

"I am starting to think you are not friends with Hugin" Bjorn teased as he wiped his hands off against the swaying blades of grass before once more jamming his helm back over his head. "He may stop coming around thinking you will pluck him" A laugh escaped as he slid his arms through the straps of the shield. Round, made of wood and leather, it was heavy but sturdy enough to block a fierce blow; even if ultimately breakable. 

"Hmph.. I would if I could catch him. All those feathers would make a lovely mattress." She replied as she rummaged into the sack pulling out the three deer trophies they had gathered. By themselves they were large and cumbersome but some magic of this realm made them fit easily into the sack strapped over her shoulders. "Though they would probably give pointless information just for spite." Katla added. Her focus on her bow, making certain there were no signs of wear in the wood and the string looked whole, without any worrisome fraying. 

"I will be at a range while you are close. Run back into the forest for cover if it is too much to handle." Katla sighed before throwing the trophies onto the alter and darting back to partially hide behind one of the boulders. Both of them watched as the trophies levitated into the air and started spinning until arcs of lightening shot from each head as they continued to whirl. The trophies rose higher as the lightening turned direction shooting upwards to meet in a nexus above the effigy. 

With a bright flash and booming thunder the sky darkened and the effigies disappeared. The small hairs on Katla's arms stood up from the electric charge in the air as she turned around, looking for an indication of what was to come. Her arrow nocked and bow partially raised she turned to keep her back pressed against the large stone. Bjorn in turn had his back against the stone carving, shield raised to protect his head and stomach. 

As the pause continued they both released the breath they had held, relaxing a tiny bit until an unearthly scream wrenched over the forest. The ground rumbled as the beast appeared, its hooves each digging furrows into the ground as it stamped in place. Its antlers sparked with lightening and each forked tip appeared wickedly strong. Malice and lightening filled the eyes of the giant beast; showing it was no ordinary deer- or even born of the forest. Again it screamed its challenge into the air before charging at Bjorn. 

Faster than Katla would have though the man rolled out of the way as the beast slammed into the stone, shattering it as its body collided against the hard surface. An angry cry escaped the creature as Bjorn swung his mace to slam into the beast's legs attempting to cripple it. Katla remained frozen; her brain working to process what she was seeing and hearing. The sharp movement of the beast swinging its head downwards in attempt to impale Bjorn snapped Katla from her daze.

Her bow raised as she swiftly drew a shot and struck the creature in the shoulder; staggering it off balance enough for Bjorn to put distance between them. She volleyed another arrow from her hiding place across stones of Eikthyr. Safe at a distance as the beast seemed limited to only those sharp hooves and horns; an assumption that proved wrong as the flashes of lightening among its horns brightened and coiled together before launching a burning path towards her. 

"Shit!" The curse escaped her as she ducked behind the stone letting it take the brunt of the hit. Jagged bits of rock fell, cutting along her exposed arms in thin lines. Katla barely had time to gather her thoughts before the beast rushed at her with an enraged scream. Without thought she ran dodging the brush as she worked to hide behind one of the tougher birch trees. 

"Stop running, damn it woman! Loop back." Bjorn's shout caused her to pause as the beast reared again. Its attention pointed back towards her companion. The energy build up was nearly complete and in desperation she fired another arrow, just grazing over the beast's back as it let loose the gathered fury. A scream burned at the back of Katla's throat as the glade lit up into a bright white explosion. 

She didn't have time to second guess or even mourn. Instead, Katla ran around, circling back towards the standing stones. Every few steps she paused; firing another arrow without aiming fully. Some hit, others glanced off those horns or the creature's thick hide. Still it came in an angry rush, forcing her to duck and swerve to avoid the raking thrash of antlers. Around and around they went, trees fell and shattered beneath Eikthyr's wrath. 

Dodge, roll, and duck as the animal alternated between charging, shooting those deadly balls of lightening or thrashing its antlers. There was nothing outside of this pattern; just the few seconds she paused to fire before moving further; careful of the broken chunks of stone and shattered trees. Sweat trickled down her back and between her breasts, chafing against the leather. Sweat burned her eyes as it ran from her brow; unhampered by the leather helm. 

Another arrow released; her last one. It struck the creature in the chest and she saw it waiver just as her bow string snapped. Numbly she dropped her weapon; ready for the final charge and for Eikthyr to seal her ending in the afterworld. Then suddenly it was toppling forward. Its legs folded beneath it as those great and deadly horns lowered against the ground catching the beast's head as it fell to its side. A loud braying laugh came through the fog of exhaustion as Bjorn raised his shield in triumph. Sweaty, dirty, and bloodied the man lifted his shield in salute. 

A giddy laugh escaped her as she slumped against the ground. Exhaustion beat at her limbs as she sat there; just working on breathing. The sound of beating wings broke the tentative silence as the both of them watched as Hugin descended. A few black feathers fell over the fallen monster as Eikthyr sank into the ground leaving behind only his grisly trophy and a few bits of antler. With little ceremony the raven perched at the edge of the cracked and battered alter. His neck feathers ruffled upwards as he waited for the both of them to approach.

With a grunt Bjorn was the first off the ground to stagger towards the raven. Katla bit back a snort as the damned bird tipped its head to focus one golden eye on her; his beak parted and clacking together in avian impatience. The list of foul names to call the creature rang in her head as Katla used her broken bow to help leverage her back to her feet. Her own staggered pace slow as she made her way towards the detested bird. 

"You have been granted the power of Eikthyr, use it in times of need. Your next target dwells in the Black forest. Go there, explore the lands, and uncover their lost treasures and resources. The Elder awaits!" The gravelly voice proclaimed giving little detail of exactly what was accomplished or what they needed to face. Katla pulled her helm off, wiping away the sweat from her brow as she glared at the bird.

"What nightmare awaits us there, bird? A bear that farts flames?" She couldn't help but seethe at the lack of information. Only the continued goading of them moving forward towards more dangerous realms. Her quiet meadow called her. The comfort of the snug little hut, the slow and gentle river, and known dangers was a beacon and temptation to her. Bjorn's heavy hand on her shoulder centered her; brought her down from the high of adrenaline and frustration. Hugin just shook his feathered head, sending drifts of dander and a few loose feathers to float freely in the air before launching himself once more into the sky.

"Breathe, we will tackle it one step at a time." Bjorn squeezed her shoulder once before moving to scoop up two of the chunks of antler along with the seeping trophy leaving Katla to retrieve the last piece of antler. She barely jolted as new information flooded her brain. Her fingers tightened against the antler before shoving it into her sack. 

"Fine, lets put away that nasty head and get some rest..." She couldn't help but sound grumpy as they started their slow trudging walk back towards the standing stones. Two stout chains ended in hooks draped over the one meant for Eikthyr's still bleeding head. Fighting back the urge to gag she helped Bjorn slip the hooks around the wicked antlers, supporting the head from the stone. No longer sparking with lightening, the horn was dull and woody looking. Even glazed in death those eyes still gleamed with malice and sent a shiver through her. 

"First one back wins the river first." Bjorn called, attempting to urge her to hurry her stumbled pace as the sunlight started slipping downwards; the sky starting its slow tint towards orange. "Hope you enjoy bathing by torchlight." He taunted; laughing at the rude gesture she made towards him. Today had been successful despite both of their worn bodies, depleted weapons, and the filth that coated them; neither was dead or seriously injured. 

Tomorrow they would start their work into the Black Forest and see what dangers lurked there.