
Not Quite Valhalla

Awakened in the world of Valhiem, all that she knew, all that she was gone as her soul was carried away in the tender embrace of the Valkyrie, Katla must struggle to find skills to survive, adapt, and find others of her kind deposited into this mid-realm between her homeland of Midguard and the promised eternal paradise of Valhalla. *Weekly Update Schedule* *Please leave a review; I love hearing your thoughts*

courtney_parks · Video Games
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter Nine

The steady vibration of heavy footprints jolted the land hard enough that even the tiny pebbles and fallen pine needles of the forest floor bounced slightly. Katla caught her breath as she and Bjorn pressed lower against the vibrating earth; hiding behind the thick foliage of a blueberry bush. Her expression was a cross between amazement and disgust as she stared forward; her hands clenching at her Finewood bow in time with the steady drum of the creature's steps.

"Is that?" She turned her head just enough to whisper at Bjorn. Her companion remained crouched; using his shield to partially meld into the mixture of deep browns and earthy greens. He didn't turn his head to reply. A grimace ran over his mouth as he watched the creature in front of him.

"A troll's balls? Pretty certain that is what is behind that bush of hair." He replied; his attempt at levity a way to lessen the danger they were in. The breeze shifted bringing the troll's scent towards them and his nose wrinkled as his stomach tightened in response. Fetid and sickly sweet the creature smelled of rot, the deep earth, and filth. The smell overpowering and enough to bring him to his knees even beyond the fact the creature had just ripped up a tree by the roots to use as a club. 

"Ugh.." Katla gagged at either the idea of them being eye level with troll genitals or the stench that came there way. Behind them she could hear deer breaking through the brush as the smell sent the prey animals into a frenzy to escape. The steps stopped and the earth steadied as the troll paused; turning its head first to the left then the right. Even from safe distance they could the creature's nostril's flare as it breathed in the air. Huge, strong, and a keen sense of smell; the odds seemed stacked against them regarding this creature. 

They watched in amazement as the creature turned and swung its club at a crumbling stone wall seemingly at random. Like an angry beehive Graydwarves came streaming out to attack the troll in response. The creature recoiled, seemingly annoyed as it swatted away the creatures absently. Katla stared as a Graydwarf Brute went flying only to stagger to its feet before falling down and disappearing into the purple dust that all things became upon death here. Astonishment turned to horror as the wave of monsters stopped streaming over the troll and it turned to start walking their direction. 

"Shit... shit.." Katla whispered as she tried to shimmy further back into the shrubs. Her hips caught between branches as she continued to wiggle, trying to be quiet and at the same time free herself. She forced back a startled shriek as strong hands curled around her hips and yanked her back until she tumbled onto her back, landing on something firm and familiar. 

"Up.. up up.." Bjorn encouraged, or demanded, as he grabbed her arm and jerked her onto her feet. The troll's pace picked up, the ground jumping beneath their feet as the creature came their way spotting them. No thoughts of careful disturbance, or avoiding other monsters were in their minds as they blindly fled. Side by side they jumped over blueberries, downed logs, and barely visible jutting ore deposits. 

Katla's side ached as it cramped and she fought to keep running even as she darted to one side as a tree fell behind her, the top crashing where she had been running. Her mouth was suddenly dry and lungs tight as fatigue threatened to slow her headlong flight. Desperately she sought a shelter, something to escape the troll. A small smooth slab of stone stuck out from the side of the hill they were descending. A cairn; she grabbed Bjorn's hand and pulled him towards the stone. Neither of them had breath to speak as their panted gasps broke over the forest, the pounding of their hearts almost loud enough to drown out the sound of the troll and his pursuit of them. 

Half rolling they slid under the ledge of the cairn. The height just enough to stand as they stepped backwards torn between the unknown darkness of the tomb beneath and the troll that approached too rapidly. The swing of a club slamming into the top stone of the cairn made the decision for them as they slowly descended the stairs into the darkness waiting below. The soft sound of flickering flame grabbed Katla's attention as Bjorn held a torch aloft. His shield remained strapped against his arm as they surveyed the cavern they found themselves in. Stone floors that gave way to little spots of dirt and roots that curled along the walls. Sickly greenish yellow mushrooms glowed faintly in small clusters along the walls. 

Three doorways stood before them, two with half rotted doors that barely hung on their crude hinges. The one to their right was unblocked and she could faintly see the glowing outline of the mushrooms. The air within was musty and thick with the scent of mold and mildew. Better than the troll, but by no means pleasant to breathe. 

"Here, hand me the torch. You are better at close quarters with your mace than I am with my bow." Katla whispered, uncertain of why she felt compelled to keep her voice low. Something about the place left her on edge, ready to jump at any noise. Her companion just grunted in response before holding the torch out for her to take. The firm, tangible weight of the torch helped ease some of the nervousness that she felt as they crept forward towards the opening. 

The first few steps revealed nothing special. A narrow tunnel with a few scattered mushrooms and the frayed thin ends of roots suspended above their heads. The only sounds were the dry scuff of their boots against the packed earth and the crackle of the torch flames as it ate at the resin drenched grasses wrapped around the top of the stout wood. After a few feet they came to a junction offering them the option to continue forward or to turn right.

"We should probably turn, just to make certain it is clear.." Katla started. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to peer down the darkness, not seeing even the faint glow of the mushrooms to break up the inky darkness. 

"No, we go straight then loop back." Bjorn didn't offer room for negotiation before he stepped forward leaving Katla to decide if she would follow or linger behind. She sighed before following along pausing for only a second when her arm grew tired of holding the torch aloft, switching it from one hand to another. Another few feet and they reached a small room lined on either side with stone chests and a flat stone shelf carved into the wall. Rubies, gold coins, amber, and other precious items lay on display with the flickering light from the sconces set into the walls.

"Why was there light in a crypt?" Katla wondered as Bjorn stepped forward to stuff the treasures into his pack. Beautiful and precious; she wasn't certain if they held any value in this place but some covetous part of her wanted to gather it all and store away. Instead she stood with the hall to her back, holding the torch as her companion rummaged through chests. 

"Eternal flame? Who knows the burial customs of this place." He muttered before turning to look further into the small room, checking to make certain nothing was missed. The noise of the stone lids scraping against the chest itself drowned out the soft clacking of worn bones rubbing against each other; hid the soft scuff of skeletal feet against the ground. Pain announced the creature's arrival, sudden pain and the crunching sound of breaking bones as a club struck along her side, flinging Katla to the side.

Shock kept her tight grip on the torch as she brought it in front of her; the instinctive action saving her as the wood took the brunt of the next hit. Her arm numbed at the shock even as her abused ribs burned and threatened to cripple her. A soft animalistic keening filled the room as she stared up into the empty black sockets that had once been eyes. The jaw opened and closed in a macabre parody of laughter; the teeth clicking together in mockery until the head suddenly turned to the side.

Katla could only watch as Bjorn threw himself at the skeleton. His shield used as a secondary weapon; striking at the creature to throw it back before swinging the mace down crushing bones. The skirmish was fast, over before her mind could process it as the skeleton fell into dust and a few shards of bone. Her head tipped back as she gasped through the pain; able to breathe so at least nothing internal was damaged.

"Easy, easy min sjefen." Bjorn muttered as he knelt at her side. His large hand gentle and light as it pulled up her shirt enough to expose her injured side. An ugly purple bruised covered the majority of her torso. A quick look at her pallid face told of the pain she was in along with the barely audible panted whines that escaped with each exhale. 

"We will rest for a bit hmm? Food and short time cures all here." He crooned, trying to offer comfort as he pulled her upright. Her fingers tightened against the torch, until they were white and bloodless as she fought the scream of pain that wanted to erupt from her lips. 

"Not your boss..." Katla wheezed, trying to keep her surly exterior despite just wanting to curl up on the dirt floor and will herself to sleep or death. "I just need a moment." Bravado or perhaps hoping if she spoke the words aloud they would become truth. She hurt down her back and ribs and knew that no doubt she would be pissing blood for the next day or so; accelerated healing or not. 

"Would fool me. Here, here sit up and eat" He forced his tone to remain flippant, despite guilt and concern warring within him at the extent of her injury. Quickly he rummaged through his pack until finding a handful of the blueberries she had shown preference for. The small snack was offered towards her and he wasn't surprised when she shook her head no.

"You can take and eat them yourself, or I will feed them to you one by one each with a different endearment." He threatened and smiled at how quickly she used her free hand to snatch up the berries before shoving them into her mouth and exaggeratedly chewed them. The sweet and tart profiles of the berries warred together and she was tempted to savor the treat but instead swallowed the mouthful only to sigh softly as she felt the ache in her ribs slowly start to fade. 

"So terrible then?" He grinned knowing she only pretended to just tolerate him. Small things indicated she thought of him through the day, a meal always set aside for him. His weapons and clothing always tended, and even a small stool placed near the fire for him to sit on instead of hunching over his bed while he ate. Whoever she was in her former life, she hadn't been a soft woman and that hardness showed in her demeanor. 

"You are only like this because I am the only human we have met." She replied, her voice steadier as the pain eased away. They sat there, waiting for the pain to abate enough that she staggered to her feet with a faint groan. "Lets continue. Now that we know those things are down here..." She didn't bother whispering this time as she took a step back towards the tunnel. 

"I will take point. Nothing is behind us and you are injured plus holding our light source." Bjorn inserted himself smoothly between her and the doorway. His shield was held at a ready with his other hand clutching his mace as they made their way back down the tunnel, taking the forked path this time. Another skeleton stood guard, this one with a sword, and Bjorn made quick work of slaying it before collecting the handful of bone shards. In here was a stone with a glowing red vegvisir, along with two cubes glowing the deep red and black of old coals smoldering in a hearth. 

"Grab those.." Bjorn motioned for her to enter the alcove completely. Katla slid past the man, ignoring the way their bodies pressed at the narrow opening. Desperation and loneliness were not a reason to sleep with the only other human person. An instinctive part of her knew that the carnal things only complicated relationships. She sighed before shoving the cubes into her sack; absorbing the knowledge with a grin. 

"We need these, here, hold one." She tossed the second one towards Bjorn fighting laughter as he juggled the shield, mace, and catching the surtling core. An effort that proved fruitful as he learned exactly what these items were needed for. The item disappeared into his pack before he knelt near the ruin. His hand touched against the glowing red sigil only to hiss. 

"I know the direction of the next creation we need to hunt." He grumbled "It is a long ways, but we are a long ways from being ready" She gave a little nod in agreement before the torch burned out, falling to nothing more than a whisper of dust to coat her skin. A long suffering sigh escaped her as she rummaged in her pack to hastily make and light another torch. 

"Good thing we ran across those graylings." Katla muttered before taking another handful of the overly sweet raspberries. Slightly smushed and overripe she cringed at the taste but worth it as the last of the pain eased away. Together they continued through the tunnels, exploring each turn and door. Another surtling core of the ten needed was found; leaving them needing to find at least seven more. They learned the skeletons died easier with Bjorn's mace than with Katla's arrows or spear. 

By the time they had circled back to the entrance room the both of them were coated in fine dust from the earth and the purple tinged stuff from the slain skeletons. Bjorn's shield was on the cusp of breaking, the leather bindings loosened, the hide stretched over the wooden slats was slit in places and in others showing the slight protrusions of cut off arrow shafts. 

"Think the troll is gone?" Katla looked upwards, towards the orange dying light of the above world. The idea of spending the night in the crypt made facing the troll and his dangling balls seem the lesser evil. 

"Probably. They are big and strong, but not smart." Bjorn shrugged and lead the way upwards. They paused at the entrance, blinking at the change in brightness. While they adjusted to the light and listened for any source of danger Katla extinguished the torch before shoving it in her pack. Both of them eyed the distance to the boundary between Black Forest and meadow. A fast run as long they weren't spotted by anything sinister. 

"Might as well. The distance won't get shorter." Katla stood at his side. The sinking sun above added urgency to leaving this cursed forest and seeking their hut. Safety and warmth waited for them there if they were bold enough to make this last sprint. Her nose tipped up as she tried to smell for the troll. Nothing, just the soft scent of loam, pine sap, and fresh turned earth. 

With a nod she stepped out, her bow drawn and ready to fire as she took point. After the first few steps showed that nothing was waiting for them both Katla and Bjorn turned and made a run for the meadows, pausing only when exhaustion and lack of breath forced them to slow to a brisk walk. The hip heigh grass and slowly purpling light of the sun offered comfort as they made their careful way home. 

By the time they reached their hut both were too tired to unpack their loot. Katla was too tired to even attempt to comb and braid her hair. Instead she crawled into her bed, shoes and all, and fell promptly asleep leaving Bjorn to secure the door before he dropped his own weapons and slid into his bed.