
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · アニメ·コミックス
163 Chs

Chapter 45

Logan poked me on my side after listening to the whole conversation. It was a signal to retreat momentarily.

We retreated back into the hallway. "Why did you call us back? Who is that guy or as you say a woman?"

"I will tell you later, bub. Just know that she is a very dangerous person. It is extremely fortunate for us to find her here.

I need you to shock her to unconsciousness so that we can capture her. She is like a ghost. If we lose her here, who knows when will we ever get a chance?"

Logan told me that it was extremely important for us to capture her.

Having made changes to the plan, we returned to Bobby's cell.

"So, you will not join the Brotherhood. I am asking for the last time." The policeman or should I say woman said to Bobby. It was clear that she was getting frustrated because of a lack of progress.

"No, I will not." Bobby said resolutely. Looks like he knew what was wrong and what was right.

I and Logan could see the disguised woman moving her hand towards her back pocket and removing a taser from it.

"Then, I believe we must talk –Ah!!" Just as the disguised woman was about to use the taser on Bobby, I shot a lightning bolt at her, thus causing her to be paralyzed and drop the taser.

The shock from the lightning bolt had caused her to return to her original form. Surprisingly, her appearance was that of a blue skinned, red-haired woman. Moreover, she was quite a beautiful woman despite her blue skin.

"Who is there?" Bobby exclaimed, surprised by the turn of events, moving his head around to look for the one who attacked the mutant woman.

It was okay for him to be surprised here. After all, a man he was talking to was suddenly shocked and then was revealed to be actually a mutant woman.

"Hello, Bobby." I said as I removed the invisibility spell from us. At this point, the invisibility spell would only be detrimental for us.

"Logan… How did you get here so fast?" The woman mumbled angry, still paralyzed by my lightning bolt.

It seems that she had an enhanced physique. I had shot a rather powerful bolt at her considering that she was a mutant but she was only paralyzed from it.

Bobby was silently watching us, surprised by our sudden appearance and judging who we were.

"Hello, Mystique! Long time no see." Logan greeted the woman, apparently named Mystique while laughing.

"You could not have… come here so quickly without me knowing. How did you do it?.... How did you get here so quickly? B-By my calculations, there was still quite some time before you would have arrived." Mystique, it seems was quite surprised by our swift arrival.

Well, if not for my portals, we would have likely arrived more than an hour later and by then she would have long escaped with Bobby. So, it can be said that we were quite lucky this time.

"You don't need to know." Saying this, I shocked her once again, this time making sure that she was unconscious.

"Do you think that she has backup?" I asked Logan as he knew about her already.

"I don't think so. She generally works solo." Logan replied.

That was good. We did not need to worry that there would be a battle right here.

"Who are you? Are you also here to recruit me?" Bobby asked, guarded against us.

"Well, to be frank, yes." I replied. Considering what he had gone through just now, it would be good for us to be frank with him.

"Then what is the difference between her and you?" Bobby said pointing to Mystique who was currently lying unconscious. This was one smart kid but unfortunately his smartness could very well lead to the failure of our mission.

Damn! She really made convincing Bobby a hard job. And we could not kidnap him despite the urgency of the mission as it would make his recruitment later nearly impossible to complete.

"The difference is that the Brotherhood is an illegal mutant supremacist organisation while we are affiliated with the government. We work towards harmony between mutants and normal humans while the Brotherhood wants to rule over the humans." Logan spoke, telling Bobby the difference between us and the Brotherhood.

"Why should I believe you?" Bobby questioned us. He really was guarded against us after what had happened.

"Look, kid. We do not have the time for this. First, we need to take you away from here. Then, we can have a talk properly." It seems that Logan was getting angry because of Bobby's continuous questioning.

"Why should I leave with you? And why do we not have any time?" Bobby questioned once again.

"Because your status as a mutant makes you a prime target for various unscrupulous organisations who will do anything to make you join them. As such, you need to escape hastily." I explained this time as Logan was getting angry.

Bobby looked worried because of my words. "Would my parents also be harmed?" He asked me seriously.

"They could." I answered honestly.

"Then I will leave with you." Finally, Bobby relented and agreed to escape with us.

I inwardly breathed a sigh of relief as I realised that the end of the mission was finally within reach. It was really hard to get Bobby to listen to us.

"Logan!!" Suddenly, a rough male voice came from outside.

"Logan, I know you are there. I can smell you. Come out right now!" The voice came once again, roaring and asking Logan to come out.

"You will not come out. Very well then. I will slaughter everyone here if you did not come out within a minute." The voice gave us a sinister ultimatum which left us not choice but to obey his words.

"Damn it! What is this bastard doing here?" Logan cursed as he heard the voice's ultimatum.


Guess who has arrived now? I will give you a hint. This guy is the sworn enemy of Logan.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye