
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 46

"You sure are meeting a lot of familiar faces today, Logan." I joked a little to lessen the tension in the air.

"This is no time to joke, Peter." Logan said seriously. "Sabertooth is a truly mad bastard. He would surely slaughter all the protestors who are currently outside the police station if I do not show up immediately."

So, that crazy guy was called Sabertooth. He truly lived to that name like a crazy animal.

"You take Bobby and Mystique to the X-jet immediately. They are the ones we came here for. I will block Sabertooth for the time being." Logan instructed me.

Before I could say anything, Logan ran away towards the outside of the police station in order to confront Sabertooth.

I put Mystique on my shoulder and then opened a portal, as per Logan's orders.

"Huh! What is this?" Bobby said surprised upon seeing my portal.

"Get in, we have no time." I ordered Bobby. Although it looked like he wanted to say something, realising the seriousness of the situation, he didn't say anything and entered the portal as per my orders.

"Peter! What happened? Who is this mutant woman? Where is Logan? And who is that man who has suddenly arrived at the police station?" As soon as I emerged from the portal, Emma immediately bombarded me with her questions.

That's right. I had not opened a portal directly to the X-jet but to where Kurt and Emma was.

With how dangerous the situation was, Logan would obviously appreciate some reinforcements.

"I will tell you about the woman later. The man at the police station is a crazy mutant who seems to have a personal vendetta against Logan. He has threatened to kill everyone in the police station if Logan doesn't fight him.

Logan has gone out to fight him so that I can deliver these two people to the X-jet. I will open a portal. Go and reinforce Logan now."

I finished everything I had to say in a single breath. Without giving them a chance to speak, I immediately opened a portal.

"Go now." It seems that they understood the seriousness of the matter as they immediately jumped into the portal.

The portal would take them to the back of the police station from where they would go to reinforce Logan.

Although I wanted to open the portal directly to the front of the station, I couldn't as the rules of the Kamar Taj forbid any public show of magic unless absolutely necessary.

"Enter!" I said to Bobby as I opened a portal which would take us to the X-jet.

I hope everything would be fine until I returned from delivering Bobby and Mystique.


Logan's POV

As I came out of the station, I could see Sabertooth terrorising the group of protesters.

The crowd was trembling and beginning to retreat to a corner. The police had aimed their guns at Sabertooth but he remained undeterred.

Sabertooth looked more like a beast than human with his long shaggy hair, sharp fangs and retractable claws.

Although I did not remember anything about my past, for some reason I always felt a deep hatred towards Sabertooth.

And Sabertooth also seemed to share this hatred towards me. Whenever we met, he didn't require even a second before he started attacking me.

Over the years, ever since I had joined X-Men, I had fought with Sabertooth on several occasions. Although I managed to overpower him everytime, he always escaped using vile tactics, often threatening to kill someone like he was doing now.

"Sabertooth, I am here." I called out to Sabertooth to draw his attention towards me.

"Ah! Logan. You are finally here. However, I had hoped that you would arrive a little later so that I would have been able to kill at least a few of these pests." Sabertooth said maliciously upon seeing me.

"Who would have thought that I would find you here just because I had followed Mystique on a whim?" Sabertooth cynically remarked.

To think this bastard found us because of a fucking coincidence. Talk about bad luck. Anyways, let's see if I can end this cockroach today.

"Now, enough talking. Today is the day you die at my hands, Logan." Saying this, he abruptly attacked me.

"In your dreams, Sabertooth." I easily stopped his attack with the help of my enhanced adamantium skeleton.

Although his claws left some light cuts on my body, this much was nothing for me. I counterattacked immediately with my claws, stabbing them to wound him at both of his sides.

Sabertooth immediately disengaged because of his deep wounds. Even with his healing factor, it would take some time for him to heal them.

Although I could attack him at this time to gain the upper hand, I didn't do so because I knew how cruel Sabertooth was.

There were quite a lot of innocent civilians here and he wouldn't hesitate to attack them if it meant getting an advantage.

"I don't even remember why you hate me, Sabertooth but don't you think that it is quite useless. After all, you always lose, Sabertooth, don't you?" I taunted Sabertooth so that his attention would only be on me.

"Hah! I know what you are trying, Logan. Trying to protect these pests, aren't you?" It looks like Sabertooth saw through my taunt.

"Let's play a game, Logan. Let's see if you protect these pests from dying at my hands." Saying these words, Sabertooth lunged at a nearby protestor.

I tried to run to protect the guy but he was too far. But, before Sabertooth's claws could cleave through the poor guy, a blue figure suddenly appeared, wrapped his arms around him and then disappeared with him just as quickly.

Kurt! What was he doing here? How did he get here so fast? Ah! Peter must have sent him.

But if Kurt was here, Emma should be nearby too.


Just as I thought about Emma, Sabertooth suddenly clutched his head and let out a roar of pain.


Hope you all liked the fight between Logan and Sabertooth and the interaction between them as I only have knowledge about Sabertooth from the Wikipedia.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye