
Northern Storm

A_tisticrash · テレビ
7 Chs

2 First Move

As the year passed by, the castle of Winterfell had completed its long due rebuild. In the process of the rebuild, there was an additional expense of a canal that stretches from White Harbor to Castle Cerwyn as its checkpoint and then to the water body at Torrhens Square as its other checkpoint and then into Blazewater bay with Flint's Finger as its final checkpoint. This canal was created so the traders of the Free Cities of Essos could easily travel through the canal and not have to waste many months or even years traveling across the narrow Sea with the risk of Pirates and Ironborn raiders. With this canal Seagard, Lannisport, Oldtown and other coastal settlements were made easier to access for a toll fee that would cost them a good amount of gold, but saving them the expenses of a year round trip, most of these merchants were very willing to pay the toll fee and have their time saved, and because of this the Sealord of Braavos was keen to any deals House Stark of Winterfell had put forth.

Then came the matter of Winterfell in itself. The fortress that stretched for four hundred square meters was extended to five hundred square meters, with all the towers and new towers maintained with utmost care and armed with ballistae, the fort truly looked impregnable, with the exception of the Broken Tower that refused to mend, story for another time. There was the addition of the four corner towers which housed the household guards all led by Vayon Poole, Jory Cassel and Martyn Cassel, with the south tower command coming under Eddard, or sweet grim Ned, as Brandon would call him. lol. The glass houses could now supply Winterfell monthly with surplus to add to the granary. Along with that, the most joyous discovery was a treasure vault that was sealed away a long time back, almost as old as the time Torrhen Stark bent the knee. 

The vault had enough gold to last house Stark through a few long winters, and few tomes which recorded the life of every Stark until Cregan Stark as the last log was about marching of to the south during the Dance of Dragons. A lot of precious jewels, another Valyrian Steel sword, a few other swords all named, all the swords of the other Starks, the infamous warhammer named Bloodborne of House Greystark, the rebel cadet branch that almost wiped out the House Stark.

Other than that, most of Winterfell's duties were handled by Maester Luwin, while Perseus dealt with his vassals. The issue at hand was that the Umbers believed that Perseus favoured the Manderlys, Cerwyns and Flints more than them. So did most other vassals, though none were as vocal as the Umbers were. Greatjon nearly tore down the front door to his office before Perseus let him and told him, "Wait for a while, you lumbering moron. I have summoned the other lords, who actually behave like lords a day back. They will be arriving by the end of the moon, so wait, and don't break anything, i have just gotten the castle mended fixed."

The month passed with not much trouble other than Greatjon and Brandon clashing swords and reeking of ale and a tournament of who can make how many whores walk bow legged.

As the month passed. The guests had arrived. All awestruck over the newly rebuilt fortress of the winter kings. The lords and the lady (Mormont) were in wonder at the new size of the castle, and even more in wonder when the cold of the North did not affect them at all the moment they stepped across the castle threshold. They were greeted by Lady Lyarra, Benjen and Maester Luwin, who directed them to the Glass gardens where Perseus, Brandon and Greatjon were waiting for them.

Brandon and Greatjon were sitting side by side as opposed to Perseus who stood on the far end of the glass house with a scowl on his face as only then did they notice the red and purple bruises that littered Brandon and greatjons faces. The pair seemed to look chastised, very deeply chastised.

Maege Mormont was the one to ask, "What did they do?"

Perseus answered through gritted teeth, "The morons decided it would be a wise idea to brawl in the vineyard, when i came to break it up, they started throwing the pots on each other. So i very very gently, bear in my mind the word gently, told them to calm down, and what do i get? An entire pot thrown at me. Am i to blame for what followed?" What followed was clearly an unspoken thrashing doled out to the two children pretending to be adults. 

Rickard sniggered, Howland looked amused, Roose looked unbothered (dick). Maege was the only vocal one, "I for one believe they oughta be beaten more than this, my lord, arguing and fighting all the time. Like children, my own daughters are more well behaved than you and i don't have to say much to them."

Brandon and Umber had the decency look ashamed as they sat in their seats. The other lords sat while sniggering, Maege looked at them like a hawk watching its prey.

Perseus smirked thinking about the women of bear islands and its Mother bear, Lady Maege Mormont, one of the few who could go toe to toe with any lord and come out unscathed, a treasure of the highest value to the North

Perseus addressed them, still amused, "Lady Maege, if you glower at them any more they might explode like a jar of wildfire. Anyways, i have summoned all of you here for a purpose and lets not get distracted," all of them sat straighter, "I have heard that you were unsatisfied with my decision to have the Houses placed along the Northern Canal to benefit from the coin it brings us. Anything you want to say, before i indulge you in my plans?"

With no other protests, he carried on, "Very well, the Northern Canal was a venture that had us dig through miles of land and make enough depth and breadth that if not for the earthquake that tore up a bit of the land for us, it would've cost us well over two million in gold, and while we do have the gold, winter is coming, we must spend wisely, we do not have the gold of the Westermen. House Stark only provided the gold for half the cost while the other half were invested by the Houses of Cerwyn, Manderly and flint provided the rest and the annual proceedings are being taken in the same manner of investment. Do you understand?" 

With all of them agreeing and Greatjon saying "Aye" he explained further, "The north hasnt had the patronage of the crown for a long time, not since Rhaenyra's sons came down to treat with my ancestor Cregan, so before Rhaegar or heavens forbid Lyanna turns against us we will be met with little to no opposition. We finally have the autonomy to run our kingdom the way we want to instead of obeying the will and whim of the Iron Throne. The north can finally grow, and that is why i have summoned all of you here to let you know your role in our prosperity."

The northern lords and lady present could only eagerly await as their liege promised them a better future, even the unnaturally cold Roose was interested.

Perseus took a stack of parchment held together by thread and handed it to Maege, "This is signed copy of the agreement for iron wood from Bear Island, signed by the Sealord of Braavos and me. For the next ten years, House Mormont will receive an annuity of 50% from the sales of iron wood. After ten years if Braavos is still in need of it, we will renew the contract, and this is North exclusive and not the the Iron throne. The trees have to be replanted so within ten year we have more to renew the contract with. I will be sending the advance gold for the project to Bear Island. That is it for Bear Island."

He pulled another set of parchment and handed it to Rickard saying, "This is a joint venture, i want you to find as many men there are within the age of ten and five to twenty and start training them to fight, the same project i am giving to Lord Umber. Both of you have to raise a combined total of twenty thousand soldiers. And i don't mean men carrying swords and swinging them, i have given you the training regime i have implemented to my personal force, and they will later constitute the Grey Cloaks, under one banner, the banner of House Stark. I will deal with the crown. But as of now, this force will be used to bring Skaagos back into the fold. Then, we will see as it goes."

Maege raised her voice, "Skaagos? Why after all this time, my lord?"

"I recieved disturbing news from Skaagos, Maege. An envoy i had sent had arrived back butchered, when their corpses were examined it was ripped apart using teeth, human teeth. I believe, the cannibal tribes were never truly ended. They are active again, so we march and snuff it out completely."

Brandon interupted, "What if its not the cannibals? It could be some small critters."

Perseus looked at Brandon, "There were survivors, little brother, survivors who say otherwise. Ans so what if there are no cannibals? The magnar hasnt answered our call in over half a century, they owe their allegiance and continued existence to our house and the mercy of our grandfather, Edwyle Stark. The ruling tribe will be removed and i will place one of the men loyal to me in place to oversee the smooth functioning of Skaagos. Anymore questions?" When no one else voiced themselves, he moved onto another stack of parchment and a box. All of which he handed to Lord Howland Reed.

"Lord Reed, I have one plan for you to carry out, one of the most vital importance. This box contains grains of a crop called 'rice' which Lord Manderly was able to buy of from a trader from Yi Ti, apparently it can only be grown in damp and moist conditions, and will not spoil even if kept for years on end. Your task is to produce enough rice to fill up the granaries of every keep and village in the North. You will be paid too, the rice will be bought by the ton, and any surplus you accumulate, forty percent is to be sent to Winterfell and the rest is to be used at your discretion. Any more questions?"

Howland asked amusedly, "These projects, their not any simple project for the betterment are they?"

Perseus simply said, "All in due time, my dear friend."

Rickard guawffed, "Would you look at that, poor old Roose cannot be trusted with any tasks." No one laughed, Roose looked unbothered as he stared straight at Perseus, who also stared back at him with a smile.

"Your wrong there, Rickard, I believe Roose's task is the most crucial of all, its still in the works but, his is quite simple, he will be one of the Lord Commanders of the Grey Cloaks. Its quite given in detail in the plans, once the Skaagos reclamation is over with, Roose will assume control of five thousand of the remaining while the rest will be divided among the other houses, with Roose as the Lord Commander and the others as captains to their own men. Their job is to enforce the Kings Peace and the Northern Law on any and all foolish to break the law. Anything more?" When no one else spoke up, "Very well you may all leave, Brandon, Lord Bolton, stay back if you would."

The rest of them bustled out with a chastised Rickard while Brandon and Roose moved closer. Perseus pulled out another set of parchment and kept it on a table, while he pulled a chair out. From behind the table he pulled out three glasses and a bottle of arbor gold. He poured the drink into the glasses generously.

"Lord Bolton, i have another task for you as well. One of utmost importance. Over the last month, i and eddard have killed well over twenty spies, few from the crown and few from god knows where, before i put any of the bigger plans into motion, i want them gone. By the end of the year, i want the North to be a blindspot to every kingdom."

Roose looks speculative, "I don't believe that task can be done with all i have my lord, and erradicating spies is something i believe you can do by yourself, my lord."

Perseus smirks while Brandon looks confused, "My oh my, Roose, do you truly believe i would have you summoned here if it was only about that, and task as crucial is this. This was a jest, a mummers farce if you will, i was worried about some under the table dealings, no, no, no, it is far more heinous than i thought, i refused to believe it. There is going to be a coup. To remove my house from its seat, but who would have the balls to do that when my sister is queen, no, no one could, i know a House that daring, a house we allowed to live, the only mistake my forefather did was not ending it like he did the Greystarks." As he said this he kicked his chair back, and threw the table aside as Brandon figured what was going on and drew his sword, and Roose's facade finally broke and he looked fearful. Roose could only think of all the ways to get out of here, but could see none, on one side he would have to face The Savage wolf, and on the other he would have the Wild Wolf to deal with , while Roose was a good if not great swordsman they were masters of the sword and dealing with one would be hard, chance of survival with both was suicide.

Perseus voice sounded like a snarling wolf's as he spoke, "You will tell us who are the ones with you, every last member who will attempt this coup, and i will ensure your house lives on through your son, understand that your life as Lord of House Bolton is over. Whether you die or i let you on to the Night's watch remains to be seen. But the other traitors i want their names written on the parchment. Along with any and all outside forces you may encounter, you don't cooperate, i will ensure that your son grows up as the stable master of some keep in the Riverlands, or even as brother of the Watch. You have till the i finish this bottle." Saying that Perseus filled the glass and drank from it as Brandon looked intensely at the Bolton.

When he was done, he bowed and in that moment he knew, this was the only reason he would've been summoned here, and his hope to lead anything was gone. His days were numbered.

ANd on the list written by the traitor lord was the names of Jorah Mormont, Smalljon Umber, House Whitehill, House Glover and the one they did not expect was Dustin.

Perseus let out a long sigh and stretched before getting up.

"This is going to be a long fucking year."