
Northern Storm

A_tisticrash · TV
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7 Chs

1. First Loss

As the retinue and men of House Stark rode into the gate, they were greeted by Eddard Stark, their younger, always grim and cold brother, along with the youngest of their House who also looked equally grim as his brother.

Brandon was ready to launch off into a volley of mocks and taunts of how there was no need for two grim wolves or something equally stupid and unnecessary until Perseus had noticed that the Maester in their presence was not the old and kind Walys.

Perseus asked Ned, "Wheres Maester Walys?"

Ned replied in a tone that confirmed his worst fears, "Maester Walys, he's gone brother."

Percy was beyond words. Gone? How was he gone? For How long? When would he return? For a corner of his mind knew there was no return or anything of the sort, but still asked, "Where?"

Ned only croaked a response, "Hes dead, Percy. Tumbled down the Broken Tower. He died before the impact."

Percy knew he couldnt let his emotions rise, and assumed his 'Stark Facade' and said, "When was this?"

The answer came from the new Maester, "A month after you rode to war, Lord Stark."

Percy gave him a glance and analysed him. A man of his early forties and already balding, with specks of grey in his hair. He asked, "And your name, Maester?

"I am Maester Luwin, i was Archmaester Walys' alcolyte and chiefest of his subordinates, and i intend to serve you as my teacher had served you, my lord."

Perseus replied calmy, "And there is much i can learn from you, maester. I would talk to you in the morrow, meet me at the base of the broken tower. I would like to meet my mother and retire for the day."

Luwin nodded as they dismounted their horses and had the stable boys lead them back to the the stables. They soon made their way to the private room, where Lyarra stark sat in a chair with a book in her hands and a cup of tea, looking the part of a lady of the north. Seeing her Percy was reminded of his true mother, Sally Jackson, a woman with so much strength and heart, so stubborn to stand on her own two feet, he wont be surprised if Lyarra was truly the soul of Sally reincarnated.

She noticed her sons come in and put her book aside and stood to greet them, "Finally, i thought i would have the gods take my soul before you both got back here."

Perseus only said, "Don't worry mother, you'll live to a hundred if i have anything to do with that."

Her only response was to pull both Brandon and Percy into a hug. They stood there long enough, for Little Ben to get jittery before an arm swooped him into the hug and another pulled Eddard into one. They stood together for a while before Perseus broke the long needed embrace and helped his mother sit back down gently.

Lyarra only smiled at his actions, "Your father also was very much the same. Before he died-"

Percy only grimaced, "Mother, I-"

Lyarra only raised her voice a bit higher, "Listen first, Perseus. You are now the Lord of Winterfell, along with that the titles of warden of the North and Lord Paramount of the North goes. When winter hits our land, we will suffer the worst, it was first your fathers duty to ensure we did suffer as much we wouldve. Now, the duty falls to you, my sweet boy."

Perseus only placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before nodding, "I understand, mother."

Soon they all returned to their own chambers, with Benjen and Brandon taking their mother to her chambers, before retiring to their own.

The next day, Perseus had met with the new Maester and they were making their way up the stairs of the broken tower. Maester Luwin was explaining why Walys was here in the first place.

"My teacher had wanted to lay out a plan for the full and complete reconstruction of Winterfell, he had already finished the plans and cost write downs of the frontal parts of the Castle, and had started by examining the Broken Tower, he had dismissed all of his helpers, and was looking around the place. He had returned down and finished the plan and completed the other parts of the castle. Then a few days after that i was summoned here by him to serve as his deputy and secondary Maester to complete my apprenticeship under him. He had given me the plans to give you on your return, i suggested turning them to your lady mother, but he was rather firm that you receive it. Then a day later, he fell from the tower. That is all, my lord."

Perseus only nodded as climbed up the tower and kept noticing faded murals, with wolves and swords, men with swords, men riding wolves. "This matter can be let to rest, Luwin. My house has seen enough death in a while. My Father, half my household guards, Maron Poole, and now the maester who served not only as my teacher, but my grandfather. I will completee what he wanted to be done, his last work as Maester of Winterfell."

Luwin nodded and followed Perseus above until they reached the last level of the tower, where it was covered in vines and dust. They walked to the ledge and looked at the steep height and realised how the fall had killed the old man and not the impact.

Perseus spoke somberly, "Have the plans sent to my solar, I would be grateful if you were to attend to this with me, Maester Luwin."

The maester nodded, "I would honored to, my lord." He bowed and walked out of the tower.

Sitting there Perseus recollected every memory of the good old man Walys. THe man who had a hand in teaching him everything he knew today. He looked around the enclosed area and noticed something odd, something that shouldnt have been here. Something that didnt belong in this world. There were writings on the wall, in a script that no one in the past or present of this world knew, but he did, Why wouldn't he? He did spend every summer under the tormenting tutelage of Malcom Pace learning it. 

The Old Tongue, The First Language. The language of the Gods of Olympus. The one name that was commonly know, Ancient Greek.

As his breathing grew harder as something he couldn't place very well held his heart and him in place. He read and how well it came to him nearly surprised him.

To the descendant of my sons and my sons after him, I am Brandon Stark the first Lord and Founder of this castle your reading. TO those of this world I am Brandon Stark, but in truth I am-

The writing ended there, but Perseus had inkling of a guess as to who the Builder could've been in truth. And why hadn't he noticed this in all his time living as a son of House Stark, he didn't know, but with these inscriptions and Maester Walys' death, there must've been a connection. He would get to the bottom of it.

But for now, he had to deal with the renovations of his home.
