
Noblesse Reawakening: MCU

ln the heart of New York City, an ancient being stirs from a centuries-long slumber. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, the oldest and most revered guardian in the universe, awakens to a world that has forgotten his name. Once the protector of the Nine Realms, Raizel’s legend is still spoken of in hushed tones among gods and otherworldly beings, though humanity has let his memory fade into obscurity. As Raizel emerges into a modern world on the brink of chaos, he finds himself in the shadows of an impending battle that threatens not only Earth but the balance of the universe itself. Loki, the trickster god, has set in motion a chain of events that will lead to an invasion by the ruthless Chitauri, a force powerful enough to bring even the mighty Avengers to their knees. Unseen and unknown, Raizel watches as Earth’s mightiest heroes prepare to defend their world. But when the stakes rise to an unimaginable level, and a nuclear missile is launched toward the heart of New York, Raizel is forced to step out of the shadows. Alongside his loyal servant Frankenstein, who has awaited his master’s return for centuries, Raizel must decide how to intervene in a world that no longer remembers the ancient protections that once kept it safe. In a tale where ancient power meets modern heroism, the Noblesse awakens to protect a world that has forgotten him—but will soon remember why he was feared and revered across the cosmos.

Anything_Works · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 6: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 6: S.H.I.E.L.D.

Back in the heart of their hidden sanctuary, Raizel and Frankenstein began the process of settling into the mansion that had been their home for centuries. The structure, undisturbed by the passage of time, remained a reflection of their past—a refuge from the chaos of the world above.

Frankenstein moved through the mansion with a purpose, his mind already at work on re-establishing the routines they had followed for so long. The library was stocked with ancient texts, many of which he had written himself, and the laboratory, hidden deep within the mansion, still housed the equipment and materials he had used to study Raizel's powers. Though the world outside had changed, here, everything was as it had always been.

Raizel, on the other hand, moved with a quiet grace through the familiar halls. He took his time, revisiting each room, each corridor, allowing himself to reconnect with the memories that had been left behind. The mansion had always been a place where he could find peace, and now, after their long absence, it welcomed them back without question.


Meanwhile, at the Avengers' base, tension hung in the air. The battle against Loki and the Chitauri had taken its toll, but the Avengers had emerged victorious. However, the question of what to do with Loki now loomed large over them.

The Avengers gathered in a briefing room, where Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., stood at the head of the table. The atmosphere was tense as Fury addressed the group, his gaze fixed on Thor.

"Loki is a threat," Fury began, his tone firm. "He brought an army to Earth, caused untold destruction, and put millions of lives at risk. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. S.H.I.E.L.D. believes he should be handed over to Earth to face justice."

Thor's expression hardened as he stepped forward. "Loki is a prince of Asgard," he replied, his voice calm but resolute. "He will be judged according to Asgardian law. The damage he has caused to Midgard—Earth—is grave, but his crimes are also a matter for Asgard to address."

Fury was about to counter when Thor continued, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "It is also the Noblesse's decree that Loki will be judged under Asgardian law. His word is one of the highest laws across the Nine Realms. Asgard will take responsibility for Loki's actions, and he will face the consequences under our law."

Fury's eyes narrowed at the mention of the Noblesse. "This 'Noblesse'—who is he, and why does his word carry so much weight?"

Thor paused, understanding that Earth had forgotten much over the centuries. "The Noblesse, Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, is the most powerful and respected being throughout the Nine Realms. His authority surpasses that of kings, and his judgment is beyond reproach. His decrees have maintained the balance and peace of the realms for millennia."

Seeing the questions forming in Fury's mind, Thor added, "There is much to say about him, but now is not the time for long explanations. I suggest you ask the others when you can, and they will tell you more."

The Avengers exchanged glances, unsure of how to proceed. Tony Stark leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, while Steve Rogers looked thoughtful, his brow furrowed.

"So, you're saying we just let him go?" Tony asked, his tone skeptical. "After everything he's done?"

Thor's gaze was unwavering. "I understand your concerns, but this is a matter of the Nine Realms. Loki will not escape justice. Asgard's laws are harsh, and he will be held accountable."

Natasha Romanoff, always the pragmatist, weighed in. "And what if he escapes again? What assurance do we have that this won't happen?"

Thor's eyes flickered with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "As his brother, I will personally ensure that Loki faces the full extent of our laws. He will not escape his fate. The Noblesse's word stands as a testament to that."

The room fell silent as the Avengers considered Thor's words. They had seen the power and respect Raizel commanded, and it was clear that his judgment carried immense weight across the realms. Even if they did not fully understand the intricacies of Asgardian law, they knew they had to trust Thor and, by extension, the Noblesse's decree.

Finally, Steve Rogers broke the silence. "We'll have to trust Thor on this. But if Loki escapes or if this balance isn't restored, there will be consequences."

Thor nodded, accepting the terms. "I will bear that responsibility."

Fury, though clearly not pleased, conceded. "Very well. But know this, Thor—Earth will be watching. We expect justice, no matter where it comes from."

With that, the decision was made. Loki would be taken back to Asgard to face trial, as decreed by the Noblesse. The Avengers, though uneasy, knew they had to respect the ancient laws that governed the Nine Realms.


Back at the mansion, Raizel stood by the window in his room, gazing out at the stillness of the sanctuary. The world outside continued to change, but within these walls, time remained frozen.

Frankenstein entered the room quietly, sensing that Raizel was deep in thought. "Master, everything is as we left it. The mansion is ready to serve as our home once more."

Raizel did not turn, but there was a faint acknowledgment in his gaze. "Thank you, Frankenstein."

The two of them stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their return hanging in the air. They had come back to a world that had moved on without them, yet their presence had already begun to influence the events unfolding on the surface.

For now, however, they would rest. The sanctuary had been revealed, and within its walls, Raizel and Frankenstein would prepare for whatever came next. The world may have changed, but within the mansion, they were still the Noblesse and his loyal servant, bound by duty and by the centuries they had spent together.

And as they stood in the quiet of their haven, the world above continued to turn, its future now intertwined with their return.