
Noblesse Reawakening: MCU

ln the heart of New York City, an ancient being stirs from a centuries-long slumber. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, the oldest and most revered guardian in the universe, awakens to a world that has forgotten his name. Once the protector of the Nine Realms, Raizel’s legend is still spoken of in hushed tones among gods and otherworldly beings, though humanity has let his memory fade into obscurity. As Raizel emerges into a modern world on the brink of chaos, he finds himself in the shadows of an impending battle that threatens not only Earth but the balance of the universe itself. Loki, the trickster god, has set in motion a chain of events that will lead to an invasion by the ruthless Chitauri, a force powerful enough to bring even the mighty Avengers to their knees. Unseen and unknown, Raizel watches as Earth’s mightiest heroes prepare to defend their world. But when the stakes rise to an unimaginable level, and a nuclear missile is launched toward the heart of New York, Raizel is forced to step out of the shadows. Alongside his loyal servant Frankenstein, who has awaited his master’s return for centuries, Raizel must decide how to intervene in a world that no longer remembers the ancient protections that once kept it safe. In a tale where ancient power meets modern heroism, the Noblesse awakens to protect a world that has forgotten him—but will soon remember why he was feared and revered across the cosmos.

Anything_Works · 映画
30 Chs

Chapter 20: Return to Asgard

Chapter 20: Return to Asgard

Raizel, Thor, Jane, and Frankenstein stepped out of the Bifrost onto the shimmering bridge that connected Asgard to the rest of the Nine Realms. The gleaming structure, built of golden light and ethereal energy, arched gracefully toward the majestic city. Asgard stood as a testament to the gods' power, with its towering spires and vast palaces that seemed to touch the very heavens. The sky above was a deep azure, dotted with clouds that moved lazily, oblivious to the tension that now gripped the returning group.

Raizel, with his long, dark hair flowing in the gentle Asgardian breeze, stood silently for a moment, taking in the familiar sights. His crimson eyes, ancient and wise, reflected a deep sense of melancholy. The last time he had been here, Asgard had been under the rule of Bor, Thor's grandfather. Raizel's expression, usually unreadable, softened ever so slightly as he sighed, a faint reminder of time's relentless march.

"I was here last when Bor, your grandfather, invited me to Asgard," Raizel said softly, his voice carrying the weight of countless years. "How swiftly time flies."

Thor, walking beside Raizel, glanced at him with a mix of respect and curiosity. Thor's usually confident demeanor was subdued in the presence of the Noblesse, whose very existence commanded a reverence that transcended Asgardian royalty. He nodded slightly, not wanting to disrupt Raizel's reflection, but the unspoken question in his eyes revealed his desire to understand the depth of Raizel's thoughts.

As they proceeded toward the medical chamber, the grandeur of Asgard unfolded around them. The golden halls were adorned with intricate carvings and murals depicting the glorious history of the gods. Statues of Odin, Thor, and other legendary figures stood tall, their eyes seemingly following the group as they walked past. The air was filled with the faint scent of burning incense, a testament to the sacredness of the place.

Inside the medical chamber, the atmosphere was tense. The chamber itself was a vast room, illuminated by the soft glow of enchanted orbs floating above. The walls were lined with healing artifacts, their ancient runes pulsing with magical energy. In the center of the room, a grand bed carved from the heart of Yggdrasil's wood stood waiting for Jane, its surface covered in soft, golden fabric.

Odin, the All-Father, stood near the entrance, his one good eye filled with both concern and authority. Clad in his regal armor, the weight of millennia rested on his shoulders. His expression, usually stern, softened slightly as he saw Raizel enter. Though Odin was a king, even he recognized the presence of one as ancient and powerful as the Noblesse. With a deep respect, Odin bowed his head, a gesture that did not go unnoticed by the other Asgardians present.

"Sir Raizel, it is an honor to have you in Asgard," Odin said, his voice deep and resonant.

Raizel inclined his head ever so slightly, his expression remaining serene. The calmness in his demeanor, despite the chaos that surrounded them, seemed to radiate an aura of peace. Frankenstein, who had been walking slightly behind Raizel, came to a stop beside his master. His humble posture reflected his unwavering loyalty, his eyes lowered in respect. His role as Raizel's servant was a badge of honor, and he wore it with quiet pride.

Odin's expression shifted as he turned his attention to Thor, his features hardening once more. The respect he showed Raizel was not extended to his son, who he felt had made a grave mistake by involving a mortal. "Forgive the unsightly scene you are about to witness, Sir Raizel," Odin began, his voice edged with a stern reprimand.

He then addressed Thor, his tone sharp and unforgiving. "Thor, you are a god, and yet you tether yourself to a mortal. She lives but a fraction of your life. This attachment—"

Thor, his face tightening with a mixture of frustration and concern, interrupted. "She is unwell," he insisted, his voice filled with urgency. The worry for Jane was evident in his usually confident eyes. "The Aether has taken hold of her."

Before Odin could respond, the Aether within Jane began to stir, responding violently as the royal physician approached. The chamber filled with a sudden, ominous energy, and with a burst of crimson light, the physician was thrown across the room. He crashed against the far wall, knocking over a table of ancient healing tools that clattered to the floor. The air crackled with the Aether's power, and Jane, standing at the center of the storm, looked both terrified and confused.

"It is impossible," Odin muttered, stepping back slightly, his face a mix of shock and disbelief. The All-Father, who had seen countless wonders and horrors in his long life, now faced something he had been assured was gone forever. "Father, Bor, told me he destroyed the Aether."

Raizel, who had been silently observing, spoke with a calm authority that cut through the tension in the room. "The Aether is one of the primal forces that govern this world. It cannot be destroyed, for it is intertwined with the balance of all things."

Odin turned to Raizel, his earlier confidence shaken. The weight of Raizel's words, delivered with such serene certainty, struck him deeply. Even as a king, Odin knew that Raizel's understanding of the cosmos was beyond his own. If the Noblesse said that the Aether could not be destroyed, then it was a truth that could not be denied.

Meanwhile, Jane, trying to process the chaos unfolding around her, was led out of the chamber by Thor. They wandered through the golden halls of Asgard, the magnificence of which did little to ease her fear. The massive columns and intricate tapestries seemed to close in on her as she struggled to understand what was happening. As they reached the gardens, she met Frigga, Thor's mother. Frigga's presence was a soothing balm to Jane's frazzled nerves. With her gentle wisdom, Frigga offered Jane comfort, and reassured her that she was not alone in this strange new world.

Back in the medical chamber, Odin and Raizel continued their conversation. Odin, though every bit the ruler of Asgard, spoke with measured respect. The authority he wielded over his people was tempered by the presence of the Noblesse, whose very existence demanded reverence.

"It has been long since the Nine Realms felt the presence of the Noblesse," Odin remarked, carefully choosing his words.

Raizel, standing with the poise of someone who had seen civilizations rise and fall, nodded slightly. "The balance remains delicate. Much has changed."

Frankenstein, ever the loyal servant, stood by his master's side, his expression one of quiet determination. Though his role was to serve, he was always alert, ready to protect Raizel with every ounce of his being.

Their conversation was interrupted by a sudden tremor that shook the chamber. The light in the room flickered, and a low, ominous hum filled the air. Outside, the sky darkened as alarms blared throughout the city. The once-impenetrable barrier of Asgard was under attack, and the sense of impending doom was palpable.

"The Dark Elves," Odin muttered, his voice a mix of dread and anger. The ancient enemies of Asgard had returned, and with them came the threat of destruction that could unravel the very fabric of the Nine Realms.


So guys the new time for updating will be 3 chapter a day I think with time being my local time of 6, 12 and 18.

And the chapter updating will be hectic in the upcoming 45 to 47 days as my exams are nearly at my door and my exams runs over all those 45 to 47 days haven't really counted the days as I have large gap between each exams but I will try to maintain the 3 chapter updates as much as possible but 1 chapter a day is guaranteed.

So that's it. See you in next chapter Boys and Girls and Gentlement and Ladies.