
Noah's Adventure Through One Piece

Lance, a normal teen transmigrates into one piece with two bonuses from god. Watch as he uses his wit and gifts from God to grow strong and at least not die by the hands of some filthy bandit. (I don't own the picture I got it off of Pinterest and it doesn't have anything to do with the story.)

Lanceboi · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Marie Geoise [1]

(A/N A cool 1616 words, edited by helios)


Suddenly the crowd went wild cheering, I wasn't so happy though. I was kidnapped and forced to fight such a dangerous beast. "Fucking dickheads" I whispered as I fell over once again unconscious.

[undetermined amount of time later]

My eyes weakly opened, I looked around. I was in a crowded small cell with 6 other people. One that caught my eye was a little girl with messy brown hair. I tried to move my arms but they were attached to the wall with handcuffs. I could probably barely stand or do pushups or something.

"Where am I?" I asked the closest guy next to me who was also chained up.

"Some call it hell, some call it Marie Geoise." He said in a solemn voice.

'If he just said what I think he just said I'm completely fucked.' I slumped back into the wall with a sigh. I looked over to the child I saw earlier, "Are you ok?"

"Huh? Yes." She said, keeping her head down.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Don't bother," one of the other chained-up guys said. "We already tried to get her talking."

I sighed and looked back at the girl, "Fine."

"Gnarly scar by the way." One of them said, smirking.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Take a look." He said throwing over a broken piece of a mirror. I looked in it and saw a large scar going from above my eyebrow to my cheek through my eye. By some miracle I could see just fine but this was a stain on my honor. I won't forget that vice admiral's face!

[a month later]

I've been in captivity for a month now, I counted by scratching into the wall. I made friends with the other inmates, well the ones that haven't died so far. All of them are brainless but they make good conversation. I kept trying to talk to the girl and the only thing I could get from her was age and name. Her name is Koala, yes the Koala aka… well she doesn't really have a nickname but in the future, fate would have her be a revolutionary. As of right now, she is 8 years old, and from what I remember that means she hasn't been here very long.

Every week we were taken out to fight beasts, only a few of us returned every time and were chained back up to the wall. I've been focusing firstly on surviving the fights and secondly on helping Koala. It's obvious she has a lot of talent however, she only fights when she needs to but every time she fights she gets stronger, pretty neat.

As for me, I've gotten much stronger since I've gotten here. Between working out in the cell and fighting new enemies I can feel myself growing in combat experience and physical strength. I also picked up a new weapon, the katana. It's the most common weapon in this world so it's best to get experience with it now rather than later. Weapon mastery works by giving me the knowledge of how to do everything, but muscle memory can only be trained by using weapons. Theoretically, I could be the world's best sniper and the world's best swordsman at the same time.

It's just about time for another fight, the veterans of this place were very gloomy this time much more than usual. "Yo man what's wrong with you?" I asked one of the veterans.

"Today is a special tournament where they stick one group against another. Basically, it's a way for celestial dragons to brag about how strong their slaves are." He said.

"Oh shit! Do you think the enemies will be strong?"

"Maybe, you never know until you get in the ring. But they do like to pair people by strength so usually, it's a fair fight. I did overhear some guards say that this guy's men are usually all insane, I guess he likes to torture his slaves a little extra."

"Well, that's good to know… I guess." I said as we were escorted to the starting room to get ready to fight.

We're in a smaller arena this time, they don't need as much room for a 1v1 I guess. They didn't allow us to watch the fights but I could tell just from the noises being made that there were some insane motherfuckers. It was a mixture of laughter and screaming. I saw Koala go out there, she returned with a bunch of cuts, bruises, and a quivering lip, nothing that would scar but I still felt a little bad for her. Soon it was my time to get out there, I picked up a katana on the way out feeling a faint energy flow from it into my hand up to my elbow and fade out. I decided to figure it out later as this had never happened before.

I went out and met my opponent, he was larger than me and wore heavy leather armor and a heavy metal helmet that looked like it was glued to his face. It sorta gave me killer vibes from the kids crew. We stared at each other as the announcer spoke.

"This is a special event! A fight between the Berserk Blade and Noah the Brutal Assassin!" The crowd of celestial dragons cheered for an awesome fight. 'When the hell did I get that nickname?! It sounds fucking stupid.'

Before I got a chance to say anything the Berserk Blade guy started giggling. "He.. hehe.. Hehehehehe.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He launched himself at me holding his sword in a kind of familiar way. I shrugged it off to weapon mastery and got ready, I raised my katana awaiting his strike.

It came, and it came hard. As soon as his blade hit mine I could feel my hands shaking. We faced off for a few moments like this when I realized I needed to do something, I side-stepped and let his momentum carry him away from me. We clashed a few more times. He was able to cut me very slightly but I wasn't able to hurt him due to his heavy armor. His laughing seemed to morph into a weird crying noise as he came for me way faster than he did before.

This time I could not dodge so I took a less passive stance and dashed towards him. We clashed and it was clear he would beat me head to head. He slashed from my right, I weaved around his sword and slashed at his torso diagonally bottom right to top left. He got launched back flying a good 3 meters away from me landing on his back. I stepped back panting, trying to regain my breath.

He started squirming on the ground, like a pig rolling in mud or something. He also started making weird ass noises. I was able to regain a small amount of stamina but the guy finally got up and bolted at me again, this time with a gaping chest wound that looked like a mirrored version of a scar he had on his chest.

He screamed intensely as he moved in. "I'm tired of this shit!" I shouted, I'm going to end this now. I stood in a steady position holding my sword over my head by the hilt like a javelin. This guy wouldn't stop even if I told him exactly what I was going to do, he's too far gone. He closed in extremely fast finally jumping while holding his sword high over his head. He gave one final laugh before he got right where I needed him to be.

"AAGH!" I shouted as I threw my sword as hard as I could. It went straight through his neck causing blood to spill out everywhere as he fell short of me by a few feet. He dropped his sword falling onto the ground laying on his side clutching the sword that was going through his neck.

"Finish him! Finish him! Finish him!" The crowd chanted. SUDDENLY EREN YEAGER APPEARED OVER MY SHOULDER… sike naw (you can delete this if you want helios{nah we keepin this in for the final product-Helios}) I didn't hesitate this time, I couldn't because if I didn't do what they wanted I would be tortured. I walked up to the Berserk Blade slowly pulling the blade out of his neck. Blood spurted on my face as I stood over him menacingly. His eyes contorted in fear as I raised my sword, but the only thing that came out of his mouth were laughs. Finally, after one last chant from the crowd, I slammed my sword down slicing through his neck.

I could feel the sword slicing through each muscle fiber in his neck as it went through. It felt like it took forever to get through his neck but finally, his head came off rolling a little bit from his body. This was the end of the berserk blade…

A little while later back in the cell I was thinking about what I did, none of the slaves saw what I did in there as we weren't allowed to watch. "What would my sister think of me right now?' I decided to stop thinking about that and started exercising.

"Boy, take a break. It's been a long day." An elderly voice came from down the cell.

"No, I need to get stronger!" I said.

"And I need my beauty sleep! And there are many other ways to get stronger than push-ups you know." The old man said mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"I mean the power of haki!"

To be continued…

Woah! haki already??!! Anyways this was a chapter to get the story moving again. I lost all my momentum when Noah got abruptly kidnaped like that.

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