
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again I Promise

For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.

Quentin_ikanu · 東方
75 Chs

I Need Meat

Ayke fell asleep and left for dreamland. Alfred, still petrified by what he had just seen, didn't say a word, he watched in turn, the two sofas where the boys were lying, with fear in his stomach. Aike knelt next to H, he seems to be talking to him but no one hears him or sees his mouth. Alfred decides not to get involved as long as he's fine and he's not the one lying on this sofa that starts to come out of his eyes, so on that side, everything is fine. Alfred spent his life caring for people who were dear to him until their death, the dead perched in pain. Watching the boys bedridden on those sofas only brings up bad memories in him.

If Ayke feels uncomfortable around sick people, Alfred suffers from the losses he has suffered during his life because of illnesses. But that's the cycle of life. We are born, we live and we die. Just as we have gone through stages to live, this is how we go through stages that will lead to our death. Either an accident or we are sick for months and even years of suffering, or it is natural that, as when we came into the world one morning in our bed, we find ourselves stuck forever in a dreamless sleep for eternity.

Alfred has had to deal with the worst of those stages that result in the death of a loved one, he's experienced enough of that to repeat it so soon. He is not ready. He got up from his chair and went to place a comforting hand on Aike's shoulders, who dozed off next to H. from begging him to wake up, fatigue got the better of him. not to mention this traumatic moment he has just experienced with the broken connection he experienced with his brother. They knew they were strong together but they never expected to go through that door. The connection they share is not only the fruit of their will, it is also physical and psychic.

It is often said that The cause of epileptic seizures is often unknown, by which we mean idiopathic epilepsy. However, many studies report that they can be caused by different brain disorders, such as structural abnormalities, and stroke. We also learn that tumors can be the cause.

We are deeply social beings, constantly interacting with other people. These relationships, which we form from birth, are crucial for the development of our brain, our cognitive processes, and our sense of well-being.

Although we are not necessarily aware of it, in front of someone, we send signals through our gestures, our intonations, our actions, our postures, or our emotional expressions, and our interlocutor does the same. Sometimes, we even simply have the impression of being totally in osmosis with the person with whom we are exchanging. Where does this feeling come from? Most likely due to the fact that, far from being aware of it, two people who interact together tend to synchronize their behaviors, their emotions, and their physiological reactions. Hence the propensity to yawn or laugh in the mirror of the person in front of us. This synchronization is undoubtedly the result of an adaptive mechanism that has developed during evolution and allows us to form bonds with our loved ones.

But could it be that, during an interaction, the cerebral activity is synchronized between the two partners and that two brains in the process of exchanging truly enter into resonance?

Some researchers at Princeton University and their collaborators were among the first to use functional imagery to show that during a conversation in a natural situation the brain activity of the listener synchronizes spatially and temporally with that of the speaker. These authors went even further since they were able to show that the cerebral activity of the listener is slightly ahead of that of the speaker as if the person listening to someone speak was able to anticipate what is going to be said! Moreover, comprehension during the dialogue is all the better as the coupling of cerebral activities between speaker and listener is of good quality. And the synchronization disappears if the communication is broken.

However, with twins this connection is continuous, they feel the things the other feels and send signals to each other all day and night. This phenomenon that they are perhaps the only ones to experience makes them strong and weak at the same time. The shock of one is that of the other and sometimes it happens that the one who receives the shock supports it better than the other. Is there a way to understand what unites them, this indescribable bond that brings them together? For now, we'll just try to keep their secret because they hate hospitals, and if some people found out what they were hiding they might end up like lab rats and no one is ready for that.

Alfred himself does not understand what has just happened, he is only worried about their safety. If something happens to them he won't survive it this time.

H's hand moved into Aike's, who held it carefully against his forehead, but he was immersed in a dream, a dream he felt he had lived. He is aware that he has dozed off but he also has this feeling that he is not dreaming, that he is between sleeping and waking. Those same blue eyes that completely twisted him come back to disturb him, but he's not dreaming of what just happened earlier. They're less threatening and that intense light they had is gone and he wasn't afraid of them anymore. They were pretty friendly

The pressure of H's hand on his woke him up, it took him a while before he remembered where he was then his eyes came to linger on H who began to move little by little. His heart leaped with joy, he straightened up on his knees, gathered his strength, and got up from the floor. He went to the kitchen where he poured a glass of water which he brought back with him. Alfred for his part remained prostrate in his chair like a statue unable to react or think. He is traumatized by his losses but it is only today that he really realizes the impact of these events on him.

No one is able to manage alone the death of a loved one and even less a child to whom life has given no respite by taking away from him in turn the dearest beings he can have. A child who has been in the front row witnessing the suffering of his parents every day for months only to finally be left alone, alone in the world unprepared for such an eventuality. With all the images of this difficult period anchored in his memories forever. Alfred didn't have time to mourn his parents properly, he threw himself into work and his classes, body, and soul, today he relives all this again.

Majesty he wakes up...

A heavy silence is heard at the other end of the line that Marc does not know how to interpret. he knows he's done for, but he still prefers to be told clearly instead of having him hang around. he looks at his watch, nervously, and begins to pace. Marc in his profession must be patient, and only God knows he is patient. But there, he can no longer keep his cool, his mission was to watch over Howie and note down the smallest details concerning him, and now all this work he has always done turns out to be a real nightmare.

He should avoid at all costs that the latter becomes acquainted with his stimulus or crosses the path of a member of his species who can wake him up. They did everything to keep him away and above all very far from any supernatural influence. And now, without knowing how, the worst of their nightmare is coming true. He's in deep shit he knows it, besides he always had the signs in front of his eyes. But how could he have associated his drawings with reality?

He scratched his head thinking about how to present the drawings he just understood the meaning in his report without them being the shovel that will be used to dig his grave. A rustling sound is heard at the other end of the line. His limbs stiffen, and his lips go dry. He waits impatiently for his sentence, his hand clutching the phone that he keeps hooking to his ear.

When did this start?

All the tension that gripped his limbs suddenly disappeared, he took a deep breath as he took the phone away from him. It is a sign that says he is out of danger for now and will always be with his son for the days, months, or years to come if he is lucky or depending on her son's host. He felt his heart leap into his ribcage and the air around him grew lighter.

A few hours ago he showed the first signs of his awakening, her Majesty.

Keep me informed of his every move, morning and night, starting today and every day. How did it happen? I thought you took the necessary precautions, right? They're all humans, the kids at his high school, aren't they?

Yes, Majesty...

only these two kids he is close to are identical twins as I mentioned in my last report. I can assure you that everything is correct there are no other disruptive elements on the boards that presented a danger to him, they are all human I have checked their files, their family tree all the activities that parents and children have participated for the past thirty years. There was no error.

Their biggest flaw is being spoiled rich boys and girls who believe the world revolves around them. they're just rich kids with nothing better to do than bully outsiders. To them, Howie falls into that category, but no one has given him any trouble so far, because he frightens them and intrigues them at the same time. One of the twins, Ayke, the one who is very stuck with Howie told me that one of the girls, Kaeli, the one whose parents used the natural remedies of the Haitians against infertility, to help them give birth seems to have a grudge against him because he attracts way too many people for a penniless guy. But nothing that can harm H. they are just ordinary children with ordinary stories.

So how is this possible, damn it!

Marc could have chosen this moment to talk about the drawings of H that he found in the basement, these drawings that he has barely understood the meaning of, but something prevents him from doing so. He must first manage to understand them himself before putting them in the spotlight, after all, it is his responsibility to watch over everything that is important to H whether it is near or far and whatever the price.

Marc, don't make me regret my decisions.

The voice on the other end of the line tells him in a calm that makes Marc shiver. She hung up without giving Marc time to say the last word. Which is good, by the way, because Marc no longer knew what to say. Marc stared at the phone in his hand without seeing it. He wonders how such an important thing could pass under his nose. He picked up the box and went to place it on a shelf hidden by some cardboard boxes. Above all, someone else must not see these photos before he finds an explanation. These drawings were drawn by H when he was very young when these attacks became frequent and unbearable. Before, it was only when he doodled that he calmed down a bit and today you just have to watch him in the company of the boys to see how different he is.

I was reckless, shouted Marc angrily. Shit, Marc what have you done?

He ran a weary hand through his hair, brushing it back to his neck, closing his eyes. Then suddenly he felt the change in the house, almost frantic footsteps coming and going, and he heard the breathing of the boys and the panic of Alfred who slapped him in the face. He must go up otherwise these four will lead him to his downfall. He got up from the chair where he let himself fall in his moment of breakdown. He heads for the few steps that separate him from the surface. He takes a deep breath before crossing the few meters that separate him from the kids he has under his arm. He shouldn't look exhausted or upset even if he's on the verge of freaking out.

He found Aike overwhelmed like a mother preparing her kids for a school outing, Alfred just a shadow of himself, Ayke slowly waking up from his restful sleep, and Howie looking pretty good, which worries him even more. Aike somehow tries to get him to swallow some kind of sticky thing that he doesn't recognize at all. He can't figure out which image to focus on the most. He ran his hands through his hair and then his eyes then decided to join in this strange meeting in his living room.

What are you giving her? He asks Aike while touching his shoulder, he wakes up but he's too weak to speak, I made him drink some water, and this is a porridge I made with meat, carrots, potatoes, I put them all in the blender with milk.

Marc had a little amused laugh seeing Aike's serious face knowing that the twins have people at their service, they don't know how to do anything on their own except to dress and bathe. He doubts they even know how to take a bath properly but since Howie seems to have no problem with them on that point he thinks he can confide in his son's taste.

This gave what? Has he eaten? Yes, he is doing well, his grayish complexion is starting to disappear. Where did you learn to do that, Marc asks him curiously. It's a long story, Aike replies, still concentrating on feeding H through a straw.

It's because of our dog, Ayke replies behind him completely back among the living, Aike gets up, he puts the so-called porridge back in Marc's hands. Marc turned around with a smile to look at the boy who is now embarking on his story barely waking up. He shook his head laughing. this boy is really impossible, he reminds him a bit of Howie, they have almost the same attitude.

My brother has always been very creative, with our puppy he had made it his mission to be the one who would make his meals for him. So, since he was too small to be in the kitchen alone, Rosa and Serge sat him down on the kitchen counter or table where he could dictate and supervise the work he asked for. He wanted to have his own brands of puppy food. Then one day like today he stopped when we lost him.

Oh I see, says Marc smiling, how did you manage to lose him? A cloud of sadness passed in the eyes of Ayke and his brother who looked at him with a smile as if he relived those lost moments while his brother told the story to Marc who was very attentive. because now he has to pay a little more attention to them, there is something missing, he has to find what it is. That part will be for another time, Ayke replies.

Good! said, Mark. So if I understand correctly you used the same method for your dog recipe to take care of my son, is that right? Marc asks him, in a serious tone that made Aike flinch.

Oh! Exclaimed the latter, no it's… ok yes, it's almost that but…. The poor kid struggles with himself and his fear to keep calm. he is afraid that Marc is implying that he treated his son like a dog. That's not the point of his maneuver at all, and the fact that Marc can see him like that scares the hell out of his life.

Leave him alone dad, you're scaring the poor kid...

Howie ended up opening his eyes and mouth, to come to the rescue of poor Aike who has tears in his eyes. With these few words, Marc turned to him and took his hand. How are you feeling? I'm fine, answer him H in a boring tone… Aike would have liked to say something but he's afraid that Marc will remember him and his recipe, and that he'll rip his head off with his bare hands. He knows that if he wants to, he will. He has the build and strength to match. Ayke sensed her brother's change of mood, he took her hand and pulled her into his arms. The other lets himself be done like a kitten. He and Ayke are like two sides of the same coin. There is not one without the other.

He's not mad, he just wants to intimidate you. And you let yourself be done too easily, my brother. He pinched his cheek like a child.

Marc turned to them, with the desire to annoy the poor little boy even more, but Howie took him by surprise.

Don't even think about it, Howie told him who was watching him. He took the porridge from her hand, put it in his mouth, and drank it happily and even too happy for someone who had just woken up from a long week of frustration. He hands the glass to his father who takes it with a smile.

You found a new dog for your experiments, Mac said laughing talking to Aike who still didn't say anything. Why don't you go take care of Alfred, he needs your abilities to help him emerge from his silence. He eyed Howie suspiciously before looking at Alfred, who had shut himself up like a midday flower.

Fine, I'll do my job, he said, and it's the three of you to blame that he's in this state. Can I know now what happened?

How come it's our fault Ayke asks him to sit down.

Oh! Alright, I'll tell you, you Howie, you locked yourself away for a whole week, leaving me alone with your friends and your kids, where are they by the way?

They're in the garden, they were a little out of control, so I thought it best to let them get some air until H woke up. Aike intervenes with a small voice.

Ok, that's good Marc answers him… so I said, yes, it's all three of you to blame. They were awesome, luckily I have to admit, they took care of your kids, Alfred kept me company while the boys were in class and that every day. And today when Aike came up to your room, something happened that caused the other one there, pointing at Ayke, to have a panic attack that turned into a severe convulsion. And you, my dear boy, you came down with the unconscious other in your arms, asking me to give him back his brother.

And to top it off, Alfred found himself paralyzed, he panicked seeing the three of you lying unconscious as if we were at a camp for soldiers seriously injured in combat. Since then, he's been in this state, unable to line up two words or make a gesture, but he hears us. Could you please, gentlemen, give us a little explanation because he and I are completely confused.

This time Marc has lost his mind, it's too late for him now to remain silent or to take up those few words he just said. He knows he shouldn't have told them and the boys don't even remember what he just told them. It is by looking at their surprised little faces that he realizes that he behaves like any ordinary parent.

Ok, spot-on, Marc mutters, gritting his teeth, you're getting emotionally awesome.

I'll let you talk to each other, I'll be right back, he says, addressing the boys who are looking at him in search of an answer. He went to Alfred who he pulled from his chair to force him to get up, then led him outside to the patio where he let him fall heavily into a chair. Alfred looks at him for a moment while remaining standing.

Come sit down, says Marc, pointing to a place not far from him. Without saying a word, he sits in a posture that does not look like him, he is always impeccable and sure of himself. Then without Marc knowing why, he started to cry hot tears.

All that was missing, grumbles Marc. Come on, empty your bag big boy, I'm here, I'm waiting for you, okay… take all the time you need. Marc knows Alfred's story, which is why he doesn't ask him questions. Alfred is not ready to suffer another loss.

And boys are for him, despite their status, the dearest thing in his life. He saw them grow up without any sign of affection but they hold on, always in good health, what he has just seen reminds him that they too are not immune to the fate of their own parents. . and it terrified him.

Howie, Aike, and Ayke stayed in the living room trying to properly record what they just heard. Ayke unable to spend more time racking his brains with what is happening to them, instead seeks a distraction which he only finds in H's current outfit, he's never seen him so sloppy yet he retains all of his charm and His Grace. He's a real pain in the ass this guy he says, how can he be so majestic being in such a lame state.

While he's fooling around, the other two keep glancing at each other, they want to talk at the same time, but they don't want to. Aike told himself that he wasn't dreaming, that all of this might be real. And H for his part wonders how he was able to bring it back here without his remembering it, of course, it does not weigh much but to transport it from one floor to another without knowing it is almost impossible. He got up from his seat and headed for the stairs, it was time for him to take a bath.

But there's something else that's working, if Aike was in his room how come he woke up ready to go back to his activities as if nothing happened? Usually, if we torment him in his moments, instead of getting out of it, he rushes into it even more. Pieces of his dreams will come little by little that he will draw, as usual, sometimes he doesn't understand them, other times they torment him even more.

He left the living room under the eyes of his friends without even speaking to them preoccupied with his thoughts.

I had a weird dream, said Aike to his brother, I saw something, I felt he wanted to hurt me, I called you for help, you didn't answer me, I thought I was going to die. Then I felt your presence, you grabbed my hand as I fell off a cliff, that's what I dreamed about. And you?

What was that thing you dreamed about?

I don't know, I don't remember very clearly. His brother looked him in the eye with suspicion. He got up and went to pour himself a glass of water leaving Aike lost in thought behind him. He senses that something is wrong but he can't put his hands on it.

Howie puts on some cold water he stepped under the stream and sat there for endless minutes. His heavy head and a craving for meat torment him. His vision blurs under the water and then his limbs go limp like a rag.

When he burst into the house stark naked, dripping with water. He passed into the living room where Aike was lying on the sofa, his head buried in a cushion cursing his inability to hide things from his brother, he didn't notice. He heads straight for the kitchen where he began a search, the noise of dishes caught Aike's attention who thought his brother was breaking a hose because of him and his secretiveness.

He suddenly got up from the sofa like an alert animal, he glared around the room for a moment, and he realized he was the only one around. He got up and walked towards the hubbub. It was too late for his eyes and him when they fell on the muscular and straight back of H, who frantically rummaged in the fridge, throwing everything vegetable he found without worrying where they were going to land.

Aike walked back immediately but he couldn't go any further, he came back under his feet timidly trying to avoid looking at him. But his eyes do not obey his will, which he finds unfortunate. He kept his distance, his instinct telling him not to approach her, like the time that same little voice asked him out of the cafe when he saved H from certain death.

He called her gently by her first name. This one turned around abruptly revealing all his nudity to the other. His anatomy is well distributed, without a parcel of fat, he is made of muscles well distributed over his entire body. What a pervert! Aike grumbled to himself, blushing like a tomato.

He remained paralyzed while his eyes kept traveling over the entire continent represented by H's body. It's rich and surely untapped, he said swallowing his saliva. He rushed to the living room when he came to his senses by slapping himself for having allowed himself to make such a comment on the body of the other.

The pervert is you Aike he says.

He comes running back with a blanket, which he goes to lay on H's back, wrapping him in it like a ham. H let himself be done without saying a word, following each of his gestures as if wondering why he was covering him up, Aike on his side avoided meeting his gaze.

Aike finished covering him, he walked away from him without looking at him, he wonders why he spends his time worrying about him when he doesn't really care to reject him when he wants. What are you looking for? Aike asks him without deigning to look up at him for a moment. H, he continues to stare at him curiously as if he doesn't know him.

I am hungry! He finally answered with a deep, hoarse voice that startled Aike, he looked up at him and met those same blue eyes he had dreamed about earlier. Surprised he let out a small Oh! Plaintive. He covered his mouth with his right hand while the left hand instinctively rested on the site of his heart as a sign of protection.

H continues to examine him like a predator, following his every move, moving his head with infinite flexibility that reminds him of that of felines. He knew that H wasn't alone in his head but there, it was something else, it was completely insane. He takes a step back to see the other's reaction to his amazement, he doesn't do anything, he just continues to stare at him like he's a mouse. He mustered up all his courage and drove away his fear to try to talk to him.

The scene seems familiar to him but he has never experienced such a thing before. He noticed that the dark blue eyes lightened a little and became more human. he takes a step in the direction of H who looks at the foot he has advanced then looks at his face, he takes a step back. Aike stopped and glared at him.

Damn Howie, but what are you playing again this time? You haven't scared the hell out of us enough, have you? What exactly are those blue eyes? And stop behaving like a stupid cat. He still doesn't answer, he just continues to look at him with the same curiosity as cats when they play with their prey.

You know what, you're freaking me out looking at me like that, I'm going to get your dad… wait here he's going to cook you some food, I don't want to cook you one of my recipes that could make him angry again. He turned on his heels to leave when the same deep voice rose in the silence of the room. It's rather soft, hoarse and serious this time.

I liked it, thanks Lug.

That's it, make fun of me, said Aike…. I'm not making fun of you, the other response to him. And this Lug, what's the name again?

It's yours, replies H.

As if I should expect better Aike grumbled between his teeth. Wait here I'll be back, you don't touch anything anymore, you give your father enough work like that, idiot.

So stay with me, so you can make sure I don't touch anything.

Who's going to cook you dinner if I don't tell your dad? Everyone knows you can't do anything with your fingers that's useful to someone else, you little sloth.

It's the Prince of Tuaisceart Éireann who calls me useless, said the other ironically, lifting the corner of his mouth in a smile, staring at him with his blue eyes.

The Prince of Ireland my ass, I certainly have money but the one who is pampered, rotten-spoiled here is you.

And why are you wearing these lenses, you want to tell me?

What makes you think I wear it?

Your eyes are light grey-green and there they are all blue like the sky.

If I understand correctly, are you watching me? How come you know my eye color so well?

Why will I watch you? I know those of each of us here. Aike said indifferently.

If you say it, I believe you say H, but what color are my father's? Aike looked at him irritably, I don't see why I have to tell you. He walked to the other end of the kitchen, glaring at H, who had taken his place on one of the stools when he started chatting with Aike in a friendly way without looking at him intensely as if he was a kind of alien. But he still continues, moving his head like an animal.

Stop moving your head like that, it's annoying. You're getting weirder and weirder.

That's what you like about me, right?

Aike abruptly stopped his gesture and glared at him, he opened his mouth to say something but he closed his mouth immediately, he just stared at him.

What? Howie asks her, raising an eyelash nonchalantly. Have you lost your tongue my bunny?

Without thinking, Aike threw an aluminum sieve at his head, which he grabbed from a drawer not far from him where the cooking utensils are arranged. Without moving or blinking, H let him pass, staring intensely at Aike, whom he intimidated. Aike looked away with a hint of pink on his cheeks that made him crisp. Aike smiled mischievously.

May I know what happened here?

It's the fruit of your son's work, Aike responds immediately recognizing Marc's voice, he took advantage of the moment to leave the room leaving father and son alone.

Can you explain to me? Marc asks his son, whom he stares at bitterly.

I'm hungry, Howie replies, glancing over his shoulder, he feels Aike's gaze on him but Aike hides behind the earthenware pot that serves as decoration. He crawled into the living room where he completely slipped out of sight.

Ok, well let's cook dinner then Marc answers. You are finally back. When I spent an eternity in front of your door waiting for you. so, I just had to go into your room and wake you up this time to get you out of there as Aike did.

He watches the son's reactions carefully but he doesn't flinch. He gets up from the stool without a glance intended for his father.

I want meat, a lot of meat.

He left the room leaving his father confused behind him, H never misses an opportunity to assert his opinions, he has a good repartee. What Marc was looking for by reminding him that each time he entered these states of sleep if we intervened in any way, he got worse instead of better. But today he even unknowingly walked down the stairs with a boy in his arms. He just wanted someone to help the person in his arms, not to mention this porridge he swallowed like it was made by an experienced chef.

He crossed the few meters that separated him from the living room, an evil smile appeared on his lips as his eyes began to shine when he felt the presence of Aike lurking in a corner of the room like a mouse hiding from his predator. his eyes immediately changed to an azure blue. He took off the blanket Aike had wrapped him in, threw it on the couch, and climbed the stairs one by one, taking his time.