For each of us, things and events present themselves differently. We cannot afford to be envious of the happiness of others. Happiness comes in different forms; we need to be attentive and know our needs to seize the opportunity when it arises. Do we know what it's like to love and be loved when we are young? Are our choices considered? We will never know if we never try it, and love does not wait for age. It falls on you. And fate? Does that mean anything to you? So no matter how hard you try to change it, it remains unchanged. What is written cannot be undone. At Woodhill, a private high school located in the heart of New York, the elites of this society come together to receive the best academic training of all time. All these teenagers are descendants of responsible and prosperous families. But as it is written, there are always exceptions when there are rules enacted somewhere. Among the rotten-spoiled petty-bourgeois, a few children from the small society are accepted as little geniuses. They all have brilliant brains; that's the only thing they have in common with New York City's future leaders. Again, there are a few exceptions among those who can afford academic training worthy of their social rank but do not have the required level. But as they say, between friends, we support each other. Money makes the law. Of course, you can be brilliant but can't afford to access Woodhill. On the other hand, if you are part of this bourgeois elite, you are unlikely to be denied access. There is a boy with the most interesting personality in this category, who is intelligent but does not have sufficient means. Some say that he is bipolar, others say that he has schizophrenia, and so many stories circulate about him, but no one really knows who he is. Howie is the name of this mysterious boy who is being chatted up in Woodhill. A god-sand-beautiful, intelligent, and talented boy who, unfortunately, is poor and disturbed. Some see him as a waste because of that.
Wood Hill is the very cradle of the New York juvenile bourgeois, it is the best private high school that all parents concerned about the future of their children would choose without scratching their heads. It offers a whole range of work for all kinds of children with a wide variety of choices.
The only thing is that it is not accessible and offered to everyone, you need to have a good reference and a minimum of savvy. As it is written, it is the very cradle of the pretty bourgeoisie, the world of the heir and heiress of big shot and the ruler of this flourishing city.
Their education is really different from all other academic training, which is why it has become exclusively bourgeois over the years.
They have deemed it appropriate that this training will only be useful to a minority of the city, the one which is able to pay a foot or more to see their children flourish there.
For a century now Wood Hill has proven itself to the elite of this great city. The New York bourgeoisie as well as the best seeds of this stellar society do not hesitate to entrust their children, their heirs to the good care of the experienced leaders of this academy.
If you are gifted and intelligent, and only if you are gifted enough, you will have the chance to attend Wood Hill and benefit from its salutary education, as worthy as those gentlemen who govern this great city.
Normally, what is the interest of a parent to see his child in a private school?
Beyond traditional education, each private school offers its students the opportunity to get involved in various activities, so that each child can find or practice their talents, learn at their own pace, and above all, flourish in order to grow better.
In addition, public schools are by definition free and open to all. Conversely, private schools charge fees and operate a greater selection of their students.
The size of private schools is generally smaller, which allows for better supervision and individual support. But Wood Hill is rather large, and building on a few hundred hectares of land for years has opened up a great possibility of expansion.
With its stables, its ranch, tennis courts, volleyball courts, basketball courts, swimming pools, drawing and pottery workshops, and state-of-the-art laboratories... everything is well calculated and transpires the wealth where the money flows afloat.
Everything at Wood Hill is different, their academic curriculum, the opportunities offered, and the distribution of courses are on another level.
This is why some parents are ready to move heaven and earth to entrust their children to the leaders of Wood Hill.
Despite what can be said of the rich, they have vices that only the rich have, and well sometimes they have good in them, and at Wood Hill, they value common sense, talent, and intellectual beauty above all else.
So it's almost safe to entrust a middle-class child who is gifted and intelligent in their good care, right?
It's their standard, after all, you just need to be disciplined have goals, and be a quick learner. Because its reputation precedes it, at Wood Hill you are only entitled to the best.
But no one going to be fooled by this beautiful little world and believe everything they told them about this establishment, right? You know better than anyone how the bourgeoisie works.
Nobility and bourgeoisie are accomplices in the sharing of wealth and power. They jointly manage their time capital, that is to say, the power over time.
Grouped together in well-defined neighborhoods, they cultivate a sense of self-segregation which is only possible because social power is also power over space.
So, is it really safe for a middle-class child to grow up in the midst of people who don't know or understand anything about their situation? Will they have the chance to benefit from the same advantages as those who are part of the upper class?
Well, anyway it's not the most important of all. There are other much more important and interesting hidden aspects and facets of the children who attend this establishment that may well interest every nosy one out there.
Executive families have the upper hand in everything related to the city. Not to mention the fact that they live in the best places, with their villas built on thousands of square kilometers.
Among these wealthiest families, we find the Morgensterns who are placed on the highest scale, with predecessors of the most hardworking in the entire history of the city, they have never ceased to be the first for happiness or the misfortunes of all or some.
Today, their assets amount to more than hundreds of thousands of billions of dollars. Their sons, Ayke and Aike are perfect examples of discipline and a model of success.
Beautiful like them, and endowed with a devastating but cold and distant charm, they give food for thought to other parents who still do not know why they kill themselves to invest so much in their children to receive only mediocrity.
They participate in school and inter-school activities without fail, and they always respond to extra courses without complaining, without forgetting that they only had A's in all subjects.
They embody the perfections and ambition that the Morgenstern have the reputation, of dogs don't make pigs.
Aike is a great basketball player and excels in sports like tennis, swimming, and horse riding. Ayke is a bit special at his age; he's a musical genius and a virtuoso some could say.
He also plays three more instruments than the piano which he makes his priority because his parents require him to. The violin, drums, and guitar have no secrets for him, just like the piano does.
These two are as talented as they are intelligent, they are references to the male gender of their school and their physical beauty is not to be discussed. They are beautiful or rather pretty... yes; they are pretty boys… like really pretty boys.
Their parents, Lucien and Maryse, are proud of them and never miss an opportunity to remind them of who they are and what society expects of them.
They must without detour follow in the footsteps of their elders to perpetuate the tradition of the Morgenstern again and again.
On the other hand, parents always forget to think of children as an entity in their own right, to consider them as beings endowed with reasons, who have their own way of thinking and their own need whether emotional or physical.
Most of the time, the needs and desires of parents do not correspond to the needs of children, they give them neither the time nor the choice to understand and make their choice.
Hence some dreadful complications could have been avoided beforehand if the two parties were willing to speak or be more frank with each other. If they listened to small whispers and paid attention to small unimportant gestures, many dramas would be avoided.
And then there is also, this question that my son and my daughter are angels and yours are demons who want to pervert mine, tie up your children so that they stay away from mine otherwise... God only knows what they will do… Hence results in bullies' misery to other children at school because one is far more important than the other.
The fever of superiority is the most dangerous disease the world has ever known so far but no one really understands that fact yet.
Some parents even have the mission of demonizing all the other children who are not theirs in order to give more value to their kids without taking into account the different variables, the consequences of their actions, and such.
Demonizing another child is in no way going to improve your child's nature and sooner or later the result will fall upon your back like a bulldozer vanquishing everything in its wake. They will feel as if the sky had fallen on them with a crash of unknown amplitude leaving nothing behind than dust.
They sometimes go so far as to say: I don't want so-and-so's son or daughter to approach my child. Like this child is the bad seed that will corrupt their angel of light.
This misplaced parental pride has a suffocating feature quite distinct to it; it prevents them from being fair, reasonable, and unbiased, this parental pride drives them to madness, despair, and suicide sometimes to everyone's astonishment.
And when things get to that peak of no return, everyone will say they didn't see the signs, that the child was pampered, happy, and loved and lacked nothing. How could he disappoint their parents so much? They had big plans for them, how did their efforts end up like this?
Another group will ask how could they not see this, yet he lived under the same roof as them. Am I a good parent, what did I miss?
It is up to everyone to assume their role and involvement, the repercussions are sometimes very heavy and impossible to fix.
Aike and Ayke are twins, monozygotic twins that people more commonly call identical twins.
Twins who are said to be monozygotic always have the same sex, but their resemblance goes beyond physical resemblance, just as they have the same genetic heritage, they also present the same common predispositions to certain diseases which is completely different in the case of fraternal twins.
These gentlemen since their birth share a bond that goes beyond their twin bond. Their fusion is as disturbing as it is amazing, but no one but them knows what their world is like and the extent of their twin particularity.
Who's who is a question that most often goes unanswered with these two.
With this beaten dog temperature, the city seems a little sleepy and much too calm for a city that is usually always as lively as an infant learning its first steps.
But under this large imposing contemporary building that impresses any soul who lives without even realizing its expanse which extends over hundreds of kilometers with dizzying charm reins a warm atmosphere.
Small muffled laughter and murmurs burst from everywhere in this cafeteria filled with little devils of all kinds, where the food is very rich in vitamins and proteins, much too balanced for the taste of some.
It looked like a buffet with the King of England himself. And it's always like that every day, the best treatment for their best elements. This is partly the credo of Wood Hill, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”
The body and the spirit are two different substances but which have a great correlation between them, one should never privilege one and neglect the other, it forms a whole.
There is a kind of barrier erected among these children, says, the future of New York, and the difference is quite visible. It is true that they evaluate them according to their intellectual capacity and they on their side invest themselves in giving the best of themselves every day in order to fill the void that they have in lack of power and money.
However, that does not prevent the few who have a place there from feeling the weight of the difference.
Among this small minority group, there are three different types of children, there are those who are proud as roosters and who do everything to attract the attention of the elites quit ridiculing themselves for anything forgetting the power of their voices mimicking everything the lofty class does.
And there are those who recognize their strength and weakness, who do everything to keep their balance by climbing the ladder without drawing too much attention to them. They work hard in the shadows out of sight, cloistered and closed in on them, they are often introverts.
Then there are those who don't give a damn about the hierarchy of classes, enacted by the children themselves, we talk about those who acknowledge having deserved to be there because their parents tear off their ass's skin to offer them this haven of peace so that tomorrow they won't have to go through the same struggles as them.
So this group takes full advantage of the privileges by taking all the profits they offer them without any shame. It's not a gift; it's the fruit of the great and hard work of their parents.
Such is Howie Huckleberry’s case, a tall dark-haired boy with dark almond-shaped grey-green eyes, long, anchor-chestnut hair, a delicate pointy nose so thin and straight that righteousness itself feels ashamed when the latter is around, thin, well-defined lips that have a magnetic charm to them and facial features as fine as a thread of gold work to perfection.
Despite his delicate and fine features, he is rather manly when you take the time to look at him without jumping to conclusions at first glance, pronouncing that he is a girl.
The whole establishment has a very precise idea of this tall boy with the build of a god, who does not give a damn about the rules, who defends his rights, and who is above all not afraid to speak his four truths when he must.
From the dean to the staff members, all without exception know Mr. Huckleberry for his big mouth as well as his physical and intellectual assets.
If it wasn't for his exceptional intellectual faculties, they would have kicked him out a long time ago. The little brat is a real troublemaker.
Since the leaders of Wood Hill have sold the parents a Wood Hill which advocates legality and freedom of expression, how could they explain the justification for the dismissal of Mr. Huckleberry?
But that does not prevent him from being the subject of many sanctions, which push him to make a lot more tumults than before. With each punishment, he comes back even stronger and more demonic.
Sometimes they wonder if he's stupid or if he's an adrenaline junkie, he's the type to risk everything for nothing. It is enough that he finds in what he does a means to drive those in charge to madness.
Locking him up in the thinking room only sharpens his senses for problems, he has an innate gift for creating them, and he is the very inventor of bullshit. He invents them, he shapes them, and he is the king of chaos.
Basketball player because he should imperatively practice a sport and it is the team that has the fewest possible pupils and geniuses of the arts, he excels in all that is sciences whether it is the exact sciences or the formal sciences.
He has a great fondness for music and singing but it's mostly to pass the time, to keep his brain from going off the rails when things get out of his hands, and keep him on his feet.
Then, on the other hand, we find the little kings and queens of finance, the babies of the Renaissance. Always sure of themselves, parading like celestial geese in the court of privileged angels, Wood Hill is their QG. What differentiates them from each other is their family wealth.
They compare their possessions to each other all the time and hate each other even though they seem to get along wonderfully. So we're not going to talk about their resentment towards those black sheep that have been fed to them.
When their level of frustration exceeds the maximum level, they blame it on those poor little runts who strut like roosters in a barnyard where there are geese and peacocks. What a rooster face to these two, huh?
Kaeli Aubourg, the only daughter of the Aubourgh family, is pretty, austere, and egocentric... her mother had her at a very advanced age. That said, far too advanced for a woman and since then she has only kept up the pace by subjecting her body to aesthetic alterations that rejuvenate her and keep her in shape.
The result today she is as young, lovely, and pretty as an eighteen-year-old teenager.
When the latter believed that everything was over for her at forty-five years old and intended to close shop for good, she was surprised one beautiful morning that changed her world forever after a malaise during her yoga session.
The news was as shocking as it was amazing, she was finally pregnant… it's as they often say when it gets darker that's when your deliverance comes.
This girl who was born from hope and faith in trials of all kinds is today the biggest thorn in the side of these unfortunate roosters in search of recognition and legitimacy.
By dint of wanting to be accepted, they find themselves trapped in the role of the handyman. They become the free labor that Kaeli couldn't afford in her entire life since they are all very intelligent and creative.
Instead of respecting each other as they should, they become the laughingstock of some who no longer respect them. On the other hand, they believe with all their hearts that Kaeli considers them friends because she lets them come to her house at any time.
Ah, the jackpot! This earned them the nickname: Kaeli’s mignons.
To live in society, it is necessary to have justice. Of course, justice requires judicial institutions, but it is inherent in social peace fostered by relationships of propriety, courtesy, and respect.
Without these three, they become a horde of savage beasts hungry for power and control.
It is in human nature to take control of what is weaker than them, to use them as a towel, and to reject them without regard.
Self-respect and control belong to everyone but once you give this control over to someone else, they will do what they want without thinking about your feelings and even less about your humanity.
No need to be violent to maintain respect and control, there are plenty of ways to do that.
However, this same animal instinct all humans share is part of their DNA. An animal in danger tends to do a lot of damage even if it has to lose its life in the process.
One should never pull too hard on the rope, you have to know when to let go and when to pull otherwise you risk waking up a hungry and vicious beast from a great slumber.
Never take for granted the kindness and benevolence of others, it is sometimes very dangerous. We say that, but we say nothing. A good hearer, hello!
At Wood Hill, they are taught to be selfish in order to achieve better results, to keep on the challenge between them. They are taught to put power before feelings but it is not this training that will change the person they are deep down inside, right?
Each of them puts into practice these lessons that they receive according to their needs and their personality.
But what is really interesting in this establishment that brings these children together is the story that is created; it is what they learn about each other and how they react to each other.
Let's see if this generation of students will change the history of Wood Hill or if it's the same music we'll listen to over and over again.