
Nike - Descendants of Selene

In this new Series based off of, “The Ritual - The Moon Queen Book 1” fall in love with the story of Nike. An exciting, steamy, story of love and blood shed, that will make you get lost in her world as she goes through life with the God of War. — “You’re mine now, Nike. Every part of you, belongs to me.” His large hand bracketed my throat and he pushed me harder against the wall. “Your lips, mine,” he pressed his mouth against mine. “Every inch of skin, mine,” he kissed me roughly again. “Every hair on that precious head of yours, is mine.” Now his kiss was softer, he moved our lips together slowly, and pushed his solid chest closer to me, as if it were possible. “Every moment your eyes roll back in pleasure, is mine. Do you understand, little wolf,” he was almost snarling, but it wasn’t mean. He was holding himself back, trailing kisses down my neck, to my already marked collar bone. Ares pulled my waist to his now, holding my leg around him. Every part of me wanted him, “yes, Ares.” He gave me a devilish smirk, his red eyes looking back and fourth at mine, “good.” My heart rate sped up, and I searched his eyes for any hint of his next move. He took a moment to push stray, strands of my hair behind my ear and over my shoulder. The realization of what he was doing hit me, and my breaths started becoming short, and fast. He placed a few more gentle kisses over my shoulder. His hand cupped my face, holding my jaw and he moved my head to the right. Before I knew what was happening a searing hot pain raked through me. Like I had fallen into a pool of boiling water, my claws extended and dug into his chest and bicep. He groaned, but it sounded more pleasurable than pain.

torieileen7 · ファンタジー
6 Chs


It was finally nightfall. I had been at the coliseum for a while, watching the five other packs arriving. I was in a bedroom at the top of a tower, this is where I would stay tonight after the challenge. My eyes honed in on the Alpha as soon as he arrived, but I was really standing up here, watching, for Ares. He had told me not to disappoint him tonight. My mind wandered to him, would he actually be here watching? What kind of look would he give me based on my attire. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my face, and then ran my hands through my hair. I was completely obsessed with a man I didn't know. A man who's name was forbidden in these parts of the world.

I looked at my reflection in the water I'd run for my bath later, I liked cold water after fights. My long, dark hair, had a slight wave to it. I had hazel eyes, with golden flecks and a yellow ring around my iris. I kneeled down and watched my eyes, as I thought of each wolf, they would swirl the a different color with each wolf's name.

A bird landing on the open window sill startled me, it squawked its arrival to me and I stared at it for a moment. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing clearly, I swear its eyes were that gorgeous red that hunts me in my dreams. Upon opening my eyes again, it was just a regular old vulture. I growled to myself for acting like such a love struck child. The bird cocked its head at me, before taking flight again.

A knock on the door pulled me from my distraction and I stood, "enter," I spoke. It was Callisto, and I rolled my eyes.

"My Queen, I'm here to escort you," she gave me a small bow and looked me up and down once. The pants I was wearing were skin tight, not something that was very usual, but Skade recommended it for fight purposes. I wore all black, and my hair was so dark it almost matched. I grabbed my spears from on the wall, and strapped them into the holsters on my back, creating a giant 'X'.

I didn't say anything to her, simply just walked through the giant door and to the stairwell. The room was at least 7 floors high, and when I got to the bottom, Skade was awaiting me.

"What, you didn't want to climb the stairs yourself to come get me?" I teased, and she gave me a smile, "no child, I need to save my breath for announcing." I giggled at her response, and we walked through the tunnel into the underground pit room. She and I waited for the men to open the door, and allow us to enter into the world above. Once above ground I looked at everyone, there were lights lining the very bottom row, the very top row, and then all of the stairs around the entire thing.

Some packs cheered, some stayed silent. I smiled, maybe there would be more challengers after all.

"Happy Nightfall, everyone." I shouted, and they all fell silent, grasping on to every word. "The King is dead," there were gasps through out the stands, "and now some of you see me as unfit, to rule." I emphasized unfit. "Tonight, let it be known, that anyone who steps foot on this dirt in challenge, will die." I turned in a circle to look around at them all again. I took a deep breath, "no rules apply to the challenge. Wolves are welcome, and your weapons too. Fight to the death."

Nobody dared to move, except the original Alpha who had already sealed his fate. His mate clung to him, it pained me only slightly to think about what losing him would do to her. They had a real, mate bond connection. You could see it in their eyes, the way they kissed each other now.

"Alpha Lykos," I spoke again, "we have sealed your fate, but I will give you this chance." I raised a brow at him as he slowly made his way to the dirt floor. "You have a loving mate, you've never hit her, you've never wronged her, so I will let you choose. Either you bow to me, and convince the others of my worthiness, or," I flashed a sinister smile, images of myself covered in crimson flickered through my brain, "you die."

He placed his first step into the dirt, "I don't follow anyone that practices the work of Ares." He snarled, taking the next step and I reached around for a spear, letting it fly before he could even step again. It impaled him, right in his mark.

"Let me sever the bond first then, Alpha."

Lykos reached up and grabbed the spear, and staggered slightly forward.

"You..." he began, but I took my other spear in hand, and let it sail just as hard as the first. It reached its target, right between his pecks, and into his heart before he could take a breath between words. His mate let out a blood churning scream, the rest of his pack gasping at my lack of mercy.

I stalked over to him, Lykos was still gasping for air, and pulled my spears out of his body. Enyo took over my actions again, and my hands dipped into his blood. I drew lines on my chin, and cheek bones with the sticky substance and stood over him, "and when Ares comes to witness this bloodshed," I leaned down to him, "let him know, I'm looking for him." I whispered the last part. One of my claws extended and I sliced his jugular, bringing him peace.

I stood again, "does anyone else, wish to challenge me?" I looked around, there were already two men making their way towards the dirt and I smiled. Vultures began to circle overhead and I looked up into the night sky. It was strange for vultures to be out this late. I shut my eyes and inhaled deep, before looking directly at the next challengers.

Their eyes met mine, rage filled all of their features. They were from his pack, but it didn't matter to me.

"I'll give you until the moment your feet touch the dirt," I snarled at them, "you're either with me, or against me." I let my voice echo through the coliseum, but they didn't stop. More men from other packs started to rise from their seats watching. I grabbed daggers out of sheaths attached to my lower back and spun them in my hands, the two men finally on the bottom stairs.

"You're either with me," I pulled my arms back, ready to throw, "OR AGAINST ME!"

I threw the daggers as soon as their toes hit the dusty mix, neither of them were able to dodge accurately and the daggers managed to plant into their necks, both of them fell, drowning in their own blood. I looked as more and more men got up, women screaming helplessly for them to stand down. I was seeing red now, blind by a rage from being deemed unworthy to be queen by so many pack members.

Four men hit the ground running towards me now, I threw a spear and took out the man in front, I'd never seen his face before. There were more men coming from behind now, so I threw my last spear in their direction, taking out two at one time, right through their skulls. There were more screams, but at this point it made me crave it more. I ran at the men still coming my direction, leaping in the air, and shifting. I landed on all fours effortlessly, towering over them. A terrifying snarl erupted from my chest and the men shifted too.

I towered over their wolves, fully evolved now into a Moon Queen. Three wolves circled me, just like the vultures still overhead. They lunged at me at one time, managing to knock me over, and pin me to the ground. If a wolf could smile, I did. I managed to get my hind leg under one of them, pushing him off of me, and grabbing another one's head in my jaws. I clamped down as hard as I could, until I could hear the cracking of his skull between my teeth and the irony taste of blood, splattered my tongue.

His body went limp and I managed to stand up from underneath the other two again. I grabbed one by the scruff before he could get away, and slammed him down to the ground as hard and fast as I could. I dragged him, closer to the wall, and tossed him into it. The wolf slowly turned into a man again and he pleaded with me to stop.

Enyo didn't stop.

I yelped as an arrow landed in my flank and turned to see who it was, my eyes narrowing in on another Alpha. The man in front of me ran towards me, he had one of my daggers in hand, and jumped in the air, plunging the blade into my shoulder. That was all it took to set me off again, I grabbed the man by a limb, and threw him onto the ground again. This time my teeth sank into his throat. He tried to pry open my maw, but I shook him vigorously until he went limp. The third wolf started running towards the other Alpha, it must have been his pack.

I took off, my paws pounding on the ground, not trying to hide that I was right behind him. I ran myself into him, shouldering him into the ground. I didn't hesitate to clamp down on his windpipe, he whined and I saw him looking up into the stands at the Alpha's daughter. So I let him go. He rolled away from me, but my warning snarl stopped him from moving any further.

I shifted back to my human form, "give me the girl." The wolf next to me raised his hackles in a defensive stance and bared his teeth, his tongue flicking angrily. The Alpha stood in front of her a little more, his hand held out to hide her.

"GIVE me, the girl."

The Alpha shook his head, "I will not do such a thing."

"Do not make me come and get her myself, Alpha."

Nobody moved. It was dead silent. I stared into her terrified eyes, but it made me crave blood. It made me crave Ares. The girl screamed as the wolf lunged at me, but I caught him in both of my hands and pinned him to the ground. My hands tightened around his throat, I leaned in to his ear, "don't worry, I have other plans for her." I moved a hand into his mouth and grabbed his tongue. With a swift movement, I pulled his tongue out, along with a good portion of his esophagus. I threw it to the ground, and stood again, letting the wolf die.

"You're either with me." I turned around, my naked body covered in blood, "or you're against me."

Everyone kneeled. Putting their heads down onto an arm, even the Alpha. I inhaled deep, looking around intensely. I walked up to the ledge and reached up, pulling myself over the wall. I stood in front of the Alpha, and his daughter. I crouched and reached a hand to her, and he growled. I eyed him, but the girl put her hand in my blood soaked one.

"Keres...." I whispered into her ear and moved back to look at her. Her hand tightened around mine, and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her father caught her from falling and I stood above them both, still on the wall, a devilish smile on my face. I looked down upon my creation, she was seizing in his arms, blood pooling in her mouth.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER," her mother screamed.

I ran a finger under her chin, "I made her better, saved her life.." I leaned in to her too, "do you wish to join her, for committing treason.." I whispered against her ear and she shook her head, "Keres...." I spoke the word, and let her fall too.