
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · ファンタジー
186 Chs

Prologue 32 (Part 1) Education (2), Undenied Accusation and Pact Beast Visit.

 "Hello, I heard some things that intrigued me."

 "I do not know if you know how to make friends, but distracting their classes is not one of them"

 She smiled widely. "You want to be my friend?"

 "I meant favors," he had such a stoic face she was not sure she wanted him to repeat himself. The more friends she had, the more Nobles were in a bind abound what to do with her. "Now, speak."

 "During the class, you said Electric – the nervous system has electric charges that help us with reflexes and reactions to stimuli – you also said Thermal – plants get energy from the sun and humans absorb it because it is everywhere. Plus, that is also a by-product of our internal processes and whatnot as blood is warm and not cold. You also mentioned Potential Energy which is the energy of a stationary body as Kinetic energy is energy of a moving body. So, what is chemical energy?"

 "That is the energy derived from food and ingested items to help us grow in cultivation or other areas. Also energy released and given off in the process of experiments."

 "I see," she cupped her chin. "So, how is Ninomoura?"

 He tsked, "I put her at the Vet Doctors after applying its Physique Paste. The Problem is that, with her injuries, some of the medicine potency, as it was a Grade 0 Pill, administered in a crucial state was absorbed for her healing and betterment. But there was an improvement in her case of evolution."

 Kazu Nini turned to the Goblin who looked excited but she was lost as to what he had just said actually meant. However, she still smiled. "So, you do want to become my friend?"

 "How is her health, teacher?"

 The man shivered at the Kazu Nini's assessment and she laughed. Answering the Goblin instead, he turned that way away. "It is better. Take this plaque and show the doctor at the room inscribed on it."

 "To the Vet," Isimaila Fginja was tugging at her sleeves but Kazu Nini had a boat load of questions to ask this man. Asking him for his Telewatch contact would make the situation too awkward as she did not know his personality yet. She then just bowed at her waist and left.

 The crew both looked for school maps until they found one just before the exit of the building and deciphered the legend and symbols on it carefully. Following its guidance, she arrived at a building that afternoon.

 It looked pretty standard and she walked in to find complete silence, a silence so profound save the people being attended to by the ladies at the front desk, that she knew Potent Artifacts had to be involved.

 They did not wait long before meeting the lady there who was a fairy. She had to focus Ko-jin on her eyes to see the beating wings behind her back. But the customized contrast, vignette, splash of hues, filters and shades told her that this was a Light Fairy.

 And Kazu Nini had wanted to take Light as the law she would build on, useful as it had been to help her build her final technique against the noble by rearranging the properties of her glass so that the Sphinx thought it was the ceiling because she had deflected all light in that area. The effect had even been magnified because the Sphinx had been having thoughts of ending her in grand humiliation, known the Pixie by the most constant expression on the Noble Cat's face. Light also had other advantages, like focusing it to make a laser beam, or its speed, or its versatility with glass that she could make concave or convex. Not forgetting its reflection, refractive and Diffractive properties like she had used in their fight.


 That was not just her thing, powerful for combat that it may be or reconnaissance if needed, she did not see herself living that life. Personally, she wanted the best of both worlds. So, to find the Law she was going to center her life around, she was going to keep going through life.

 And cultivation.

 "Afternoon," she read the name tag hanging off its chest. Noticing the color exaggeration so it that it would be more pronounced, the Pixie continued. "We are here to see a Lindworm that was admitted about a week before."

 "Give me a second to check my records."

 They waited as she rose was looked like a Telewatch that seemed to be merged into the desk she sat on, facing her way only and also of higher scale dimensions, Kazu Nini wondered what it was.

 "You Student Card, first."

 She showed it to the lady, and she blinked, "Prime student this young?" The lady looked at it again to crosscheck. "This way please," she pointed to a deeper hall of the building. "Upstairs, highest floor, and last door on your right."

 She was about to go but the lady held out a hand. "Just to be sure, who admitted it in here?"

 "We call him the Alchemist but he does Chemistry for first years."

 She laughed, "good name, but I would have gone for Apothecarist."

 "Apothecarist?" She cupped her chin, "I like it."

 "Still, I need his name."

 Security here was no joke.

 Kazu Nini then flashed the plaque given to her and the lady finally nodded after inspecting it.

 "Hope, you understand. Have a good day."

 The Goblin had been snarling since talking with the lady. "So annoying, that woman!

 "No," Kazu Nini smiled. "They might also treat Nobles like this, which is a good thing for Ninomoura."

 "Are you trying to make me like her?" Isimaila Fginja then suddenly looked shocked. "Did they meet you?"

 "No, every person is as much as a lose end as they are an investment." Kazu Nini turned to her, "what are you talking about?"

 "Don't worry." That was the first time that the Goblin had spoken bad about someone who was not a Noble. Maybe the girl just wanted to see her Niniomoura and was feeling impatient.

 They reached their destination and the air grew tense when she saw Uniah Gramanos, Haron Javan, Iskrin Olinum and Rashta Micko. Both sides irritated the other, but what was troubling was that they stood before Ninomoura's door. Eyes, met and they all felt a deep seated longing to deface one another

 The Pixie immediately dropped her opinion of the Light Fairy.

 "Hey, little thief."

 Kazu Nini saw that the Sphinx was not regarding her and was instead training her sights on the Goblin who was frowning but did not reply.

 "Afraid to meet my eyes, housecat?"

 Uniah Gramanos smiled at her. "I won't bicker with you when I know I lost because I was not thorough enough on my team." She had actually wanted to berate them but one of ting she knew about leadership was praising in the open. She actually had the mind to give them a thrashing in public, instead she would leave the nasty words at them for private, as they needed to know just how much they had spat on her face. Even though she had rebuked them, every day since.

 Royalty was a weight.

 The team she spoke about flinched but Haron Javan slid his eyes to the Fairy, and Zlai Dfon met his stare to see that he quickly looked away. Her heart sped up in realization of what could have just happened and she inched closer to Kazu Nini in confusion.

 The Spirit noticed the Public Relations Manager's change in emotions but her eyes were trained on Iskrin Olinum who had gotten a similar body.

 Money had power.

 And sadly, it was mostly the nobles who had it.

 Jagonu Nnahor saw that he roved his eyes on her new ash colored body and he knew that she was only getting stronger. He wanted to show that he would not be intimidated, so Iskrin Olinum flashed a smile at her.

 The Spirit put on a look of pity at the creature he had killed to regain his form after browsing his body that was like before when she had fought him. She scoffed then looked at the distant wall, the sound coming from her still had its qualities of before but they sounded more bass than when she had her previous form.

 "She can win in battles but she cannot afford her precious Lindworm."

 "Shut up," The Sphinx spoke to her Shapeshifter who had thought to mock the Goblin before turning back to Isimaila Fginja. "How do you want to settle this?"

 "Settle what?" She could not look weak; this was the closest friend to her in her life. "What are you talking about?" She could not lose Ninomoura!

 The Sphinx laughed, "denial, eh? We will see again."

 Using the other stairs, they descended from this floor.

 "Are we going to talk about it?" Kazu Nini turned to her because she did not sense her roommate being honest.

 "Did you know she was lying?" Jagonu Nnahor looked surprised. "How much have you trained your Spirit?"

 Kazu Nini did not understand as Isimaila Fginja said nothing, so they did not push either.

 The Pixie chuckled, then placed the plaque on the door to reveal a room with suspended wires that ended in injection needles. 90 percent of them were focused on a suspended cuboid room made of transparent glass. In the suspended cuboid, was dust and a Pact Beast of Isimail Fginja's. But in the medical room itself was a doctor with bleached hair mostly covered by a hair net, a facemask and gloves, who hailed at them.

 "He said you were coming."

 The Lindworm began banging on the walls of the cuboid that seemed to strangely absorb the impacts. So that instead of broken walls on the cuboid, there was not even a ripple or sound.

 "She is better now," Kazu Nini has the plaque in her hands for one second but the next, it is in the doctors. "Can't be too careful." The Pixie then held out her hand and the doctor placed the plaque back into it.

 "He told me of what you did, takes courage." She nodded outside, "you see the audacity of theirs, eh?" She then gave way, "I will give you space."

 "What is his name, please?"

 The doctor was shocked that she did not even know the name of the man that helped them as the Goblin was jumping and slapping different areas of the cuboid, each time she went back up into the air.

 The Lindworm played along with great cheer as shown from its roars and its rubbing its body on the walls of its safety confinement space.