
Nightmare Of Flesh - The 1st Artificial Hybrid (Moved to a New Link)

Since the first versions of the Cultivation Planet of Hyol, there has not been a single Hybrid. That is, a person made of different species. Hundreds of Millions of years more than a trillions years have passed and no Hybrid. At least, not up until 10 millenia ago have gone by, in the version of this planet, and a baby is bathed in the blood of its mother it ate its way out of. Tia Nobunaga is the Union of a Gnome and an Elf. So, she is born into stardom. Even though her birth father hates her as much he loved his now departed wife. Her birth also not only heralds that miracles are possible but it also abolishes slavery, gives birth to new creative possibilities in what paths that species evolution might hold and lessens the tensions between the Human Continent, the Underdeep and the Beast Continent. Besides, granting power levels to these new sets of people called Hybrids too. Jump into the pages to see the life of this 1st Artificial Hybrid with a creator who is a Pixie. A Pixie with mastery over her Personal Laws granted to her by her impressive intellect and Pixie bloodline, which helped the creation, its creator and the experimental couple to make history. However, before we begin the story of the creation, we will first delve into the one of its creator. Kazu Nini, founder of The New Universe, CEO of The Underground Noble Antipathy Party and the Genius Pixie... ...Enjoy this world of cultivation.

Yua_Iter · Fantasy
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186 Chs

Prologue 31 (Part 3) Resolve and Education (1).

 The hired doctor left the room after observing each of their eyes, and then the Pixie saw the lingering reactions of the Spirit and the Cyclops who had begun shaking the most violently. And it was the first time that the one-eyed Semi Giant seemed more than just an average family member that doted on his older or younger ones. Almost as if it were a personality disorder. It was also the first time that intrusive emotions passed through all of them so strangely that they all felt like puking.

 After a while of mass emotional confusion, their demeanors resumed and Krinsh Lanigo returned back to smiling cheerily and acting shy before he held out a paste in his hands as well as a potion in his other stubby fingers. Another two tentacles extended from the spherical mass that was now Jagonu Nanhor and she took everything handed to her.

 First, she took the SpiritPill and she was like a kneaded ball who was pressed and stretched and squeezed and folded and then extended out before she curled almost into a dot.

 Finally, she exploded out to her usual form of aura that had a silhouette of a human figure.

 Rolling her shoulders, she looked at her friends who seemed to be enjoying the show. "You might want to hold on tight for this next one."

 They were wondering what was going to happen, but the former sensation they had felt when the doctor had spoken about nobles gave them bad memories. So, they all left, save Kazu Nini who took a breath in.


 The Spirit dangled the potion to the focus of Kazu Nini's vision, then swallowed the vial. Jagonu Nanhor then began shivering like she was being electrocuted while Kazu Nini did not have a word for what she felt. It came in formless waves to her person and everything in her sight blurred with each pulse.

 Sound lost its distinction as the Spirit then swallowed the paste.

 Jagnou Nanhor looked to be growing ash veins as they wriggled about the Spiritual Aura that made her person.

 Now, Kazu Nini could tell that blood was trailing down her own nose.

 The Spirit lastly allowed those veins to form the same patterns like a skeletal system on her body. Then the they squirmed and wriggled to form mock organs. Following that pattern of creeping and moving 'veins' on her mass, was the structure of the muscular system, then the nervous. At last was a sort of total covering before her body shone with ash light until it dimmed and she now had an ectoplasm that was deep purple to light grey.

 Jagonu Nnahor still had her Spiritual aura about her that formed the silhouette of a person, but now grey.

 Krinsh Lanigo clapped for her in exaggerated glee even though blood trailed his nostrils and lips and ears and eye. He smiled merrily and for a second, they circled each other while Kazu Nini panted like she had run a marathon, gripping her matrass with one hand as though for dear life.

 Picking up the cards and ribbons and well wishes would have to wait.

 Isimaila Fginja had not had anything to do to protect herself from the Spirits' attack, so, she went to Jagonu Nanhor's original room and waited at the extreme end until everything passed.

 Zlai Dfon - in her room - had thought to take this the next day. But she just got orders.

 So, she observed ancient patterns with her dances as she took Explosive Steps on the floor, ceiling, and walls. Each side, she stepped on 9 times – North, South, East, West, North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West and finally their center.


 When she was done, the room was now her personal space and she could swallow the SpaceStabilizer.

 "Here goes," She won't lie she knew a part of her enjoyed this. So, she might as well do it now. Swallowing the pill, her vision perturbed her until it was as if she had taken a hallucinogen. The Fairy stood in one place, but her body distorted and warped and flickered all about her surroundings until they joined her literally.

 In her space, location and destination and coordinate swapped places until she dropped to the floor panting in a pool of sweat. Rolling until she managed to stand, she reached her bed and decided to lay there until she felt better. Then, cutting off this space from its displacement with actual space, she closed her eyes to rest again.

 She clung to every dear and painful memory she had just experienced so that she would have something to meditate on and increase her recent upgrade.

 During the next week, they had been discharged and Kazu Nini had planned to return to her usual routine. She did not forget to keep Jinja Kaliope updated with her personal life until he was back to chatting her normal. She had also made Jagonu Nanhor a counselor and had kept bugging Naro Meena about what she wanted, so it would be ready by the last month of this year.


 In a room of hers', the Sphinx looked as though she were sleeping. And if her tail did not lazily drift from side to side, it would seem as though she were really knee-deep into her dreams.

 She knew how she could make this last battle turn out to her advantage. So now, she just needed to make the Pixie girl take a bait that could make this recent loss into an advantage.

 A knock on her door disrupted her thoughts and she opened her eyes.

 She was not in the mood to listen to bull head, so she did not answer until the knocking became violent.

 The Noble Cat walked to the door and did not know how to address her….'friend'…. but it was worse to have an annoying bug pester you so.

 "Who is at my door?"

 "Your comrade."

 "I have no comrades."

 "Your… fellow Royal Person."

 She paused and wondered if she should still open up. But an ally was an ally.

 "I heard about your escapade." The bullhead smiled at her and the Noble Cat wanted to reduce the number of teeth in her gums.

 "It was not an escapade, and you just watch."

 "Oh," her smile grew wider. "You seem to have a plan?"

 "Why do you look amused? Or is that surprise?"

 "Why would I be amused or surprised, after your string of successes."

 "Bull head, it might cost to stop your stature at your neck. But I would not mind to shave your horns."

 The girl frowned as if day suddenly turned to night, like an eclipse.

 "Or maybe just your teeth, so that grazing can become easier."

 She closed her eyes but then resumed her smile. "I've been getting questions."

 "I know, she needs me at my peak so that my standing would boost her's."


 "I wonder if she actually needs my standing but I am… happy that she makes it seem so."

 "Can you let me know of your plans, so that I can honestly tell her that I believe you and I need not worry?"

 Her ally had not yet entered the room; it was perfect opportunity. And Uniah Gramanos could not help it.

 "No," the Noble Cat then shut the door and went back to her thoughts.


 Between the nagging, and her friend acting out of sorts for a week, Kazu Nini agreed to go and meet the Alchemist.

 He was actually a chemist, but The Alchemist just sounded cooler. Maybe she would change it later.

 And when they arrived at his ongoing class, maybe it was her wave, but the man scowled as if he had eaten maggots on realizing she was there.

 He ignored her and continued his class, hoping that she would not step into the room but the transparent door also allowed the 1st year students to see her.

 And some of them waved, while others took pictures. Amidst it all, her eyes locked on the Chimera for a second– the same one who had rode in a Pegasus into school on the first day – the way strong people or people on similar prowess just could sense potential, and she looked away. However, she saw the eyes from the Goblin towards the same guy and it was almost worship.

 Iisimaila Fginja was in love.

 Jagoni Nanhor saw it too and began laughing, her emotional shift affecting them both until the two were smiling. Their change in expression made the cameras flash more frequently and The Alchemist was almost literally boiling in anger.

 "10 free marks to those who ignore the Prime Student and her escorts."

 The Goblin and the Spirit pulled their neck back at his insult and Kazu Nini had to cough away a laugh. The Chimera laughed too, but everyone's eyes were now on the teacher. Surprisingly enough, The Alchemist Transferred Speech to her ears telling her to wait outside. So, she sat on the walls beside the door and eaves dropped.

 "So, the basic unit of matter had electrons, protons and neutrons. And the number of protons determine can be used to tell what exactly the atom consists of, among many other factors. But after cultivation, it does not remain like that."

 Kazu Nini tapped the Spirit and told her that she needed to get pictures of the ongoing class from the New Universe Members in the Chemistry Class. And when it opened the New Universe chat on her Telewatch, she saw the pictures of her outside their class. Therefore, when Kazu Nini's request was sent out, Jagonu Nanhor immediately got a response;

 Some were sending video clips; some pictures and others were directly typing information.

 "Each race has a uniqueness that is down to its cellular and even atomic structure. However, this structure becomes more multifaceted with more Tribulations experienced by the cultivator."

 The Diagram started as a pyramid and each of the four sides had a different labeling;





 "These listed energies are what makes the sides of this first pyramid."

 He then drew another pyramid that was upside down, although the two did not connect.



 Unique Trait.


 "The lower pyramid is more specialized for the race in question, but generally it is this way. Now," he began drawing again. "Between these two pyramids is the orbits of the neutrons, the electrons and the protons."

 He drew the diagram of an atom that had a plus sign representing the nucleus in the center of a wave of electrons. And all were in a larger ball of protons; the Erwin Schrodinger version of the Quantum Model of an atom. [1.]

 "Now, the energy from these two pyramids keeps the rings suspended between themselves, although they move in that orbit.

 "Finally, around the pyramids is a ring that touches both tips of the pyramids."

 He drew a circle that touched the pyramids at their top points.

 "This circle has 8 basic functions; Amplification, Insulation, Conduction, Absorption, Storage, Reduction, Ejection and Withstanding."

 The man turned his face towards the door and scowled after seeing the Chimera wave to her, "you can't be distracting my classes."

 Kazu Nini had been so absorbed into what he was teaching that she noticed the gesticulation from the students or Chimera's action. She then gave that one an awkward smile and then bowed to the teacher before keeping her head out of view.

 The Alchemist muttered something about Prime Students and the class laughed.

 Her brows twitched but she ignored the temptation to peek again because of what he said as she felt she needed him on her side. And so, they waited there till the class finished. On coming out, the Chimera nodded to her before walking past to his next class.

 "For this reason, after cultivation, it is advised to build Ko-jin before you focus on other forms of energy. Traditionally it should be done this way but cultivation has a myriad of paths. Because other forms of versatile energy like Chi, Prana, Mana, or Chakra - after being built pre-cultivation – would have to be set aside if their development is high enough to upset balances we will speak about later.

 "Ko-jin has a myriad of uses like Regeneration and improvement of bodily functions. Augmentation, like when Ko-jin is held in a body part until it glows, is an action of the Amplification function of the ring around the pyramidical structures of the cultivator's cell on an atomic level."

 "Other reasons for starting with Ko-jin may include tr…"

 Happy that she could maximize her time by doing what she came her for, but sad that the lesson had to end, Kazu Nini waited for them to trail out when the time was over. This was while ignoring tugs from her roommates that insinuated the Chimera liked her as she approached the Alchemist.

 Why was the Goblin trying to play around what both she and the Spirit had noticed?


You could google it if you need a reference.