
Nightmare Comics Survival

Murky Smilodon was reborn in 3014. This time, people were highly interested in exploring ancient prehistoric times due to a peculiar ailment that induced vivid dreams and nightmares. In these dreams, individuals faced a choice between a regular dream or a nightmare. In a regular dream, they experienced safety but had a mere five days to live in the real world before succumbing to death. While choosing nightmare, granted them enhanced strength and an extended stay in the real world if they manage to keep their lives. However, failing to survive in the nightmare resulted in a transformation into dangerous creatures known as Catalyst creatures. Regrettably, Murky did not possess mutated genes, leading to his abandonment, mockery, and loss of privileges. His fiancé willingly left him, and even his mother turned her back on him, displaying affection solely towards his half-brother, who was not her biological son. For numerous years, he endured threats, abuse, manipulation, and mistreatment. Even his influential family refused to assist him, leaving him ill-prepared to confront the infected dream that would transform him into a Catalyst creature if he failed. However, when he fell ill and experienced the dream, he realized that the dreams were not set in prehistoric times but were, in fact, popular movies from his previous life. Armed with knowledge gained from those movies, could this be his chance for revenge?

Cool_Giga · SF
44 Chs

Worldly Familiar

In a dimly lit building, there stood a sturdy metal cabin.

A group of individuals gathered around an unconscious young student named Murky. His body bore dark scars that blended into the shadows.

A man in a white lab coat glanced at Murky and remarked, "I heard he doesn't possess a mutated gene."

Confirming the man's statement, the muscular lady who had subdued Murky earlier replied, "That's correct. He lacks a mutated gene, which makes him even more perilous."

Curious, the man inquired, "Why haven't you removed him? He could endanger the other students."

The man believed that an individual without a mutated gene, infected by the dream infection, posed a greater threat than someone with a mutated gene. It was akin to handling a ticking time bomb capable of causing significant harm.

The composed and unaffected muscular girl explained, "He belongs to the Sabertoothed Smilodon Family. Despite lacking mutated genes, he is regarded as an outcast. By keeping him alive, we can observe the effects of the infection on someone without mutated genes. They desire our research, so we are ensuring his safety."

Her words carried a cautionary tone, causing the man's expression to shift to one of concern.

"They want to witness the consequences when someone without mutated genes becomes infected by the nightmare. That's why I am keeping him alive. He has become their research subject, and they seek our findings," the muscular girl stated again to the man, show her determination, her gaze fixed on Murky's face for any signs of reaction.

The man found himself at a loss for words and remained silent, a lump forming in his throat. Mentioning the Smilodon family made him cover his mouth.


Meanwhile, within the infected dream, Murky prepared himself for a series of unexpected and rapid events.

He anticipated being transported to different locations, battling for survival in the dream world, or even venturing into other dimensions.

However, what unfolded next caught him off guard.

A screen materialized before him, resembling a computer screen, displaying a message:

[ Welcome to Infected Dream. As an individual without mutated genes or one born without it, you have been selected to embark on a special journey. We will transport you to the late 20th and early 21st centuries. There, you will witness the advancements in technology and the eventual decline of humanity. ]

Murky gazed at the screen, carefully reading the message.

He struggled to comprehend its meaning or how to respond.

A sense of awe washed over him as his mind prepared for an extraordinary voyage into the past.

"What do '20th and 21st centuries' imply?"

Murky pondered, rereading the words on the screen. He wondered what exciting adventures awaited him in the centuries he hailed from.

Confusion engulfed Murky when he realized that the dreams and nightmares were about the past and now, he was about experienced, he couldn't help but think that those are real.

He and others had learned about these dreams during their schooling.

"No wonder, despite possessing superhuman abilities, most humans worked as archaeologists, delving into the past to acquire knowledge and unravel the mysteries of the nightmares," Murky mumbled silently.

"Fortunately, other than some words I told my father, I always kept that knowledge to myself," Murky said quietly, not wanting to draw attention to himself.

He knew he had no evidence, especially since he didn't possess any mutated genes. In fact, he had never witnessed a mutated gene in a dream or in real life before this moment.

"Does it really have a connection to the past?"

Murky pondered to himself. He wasn't an expert on history, but he had picked up some knowledge from spending time on the internet in his previous life.

He had tried to share some of the things he had learned with his father, hoping to gain some recognition within the family. However, his father dismissed his claims and even threatened to abandon him if he persisted.

To protect his way of life, that's not so low or so high that he believed so, Murky decided to keep his discoveries a secret.

Lost in his thoughts about the situation, Murky's attention was suddenly captured by a changing message on the screen, presenting a new question.

[ First, are you a boy or a girl?" ]

The message asked.

Murky felt an immediate sense of urgency to respond. Nervously, he quickly replied, "I'm a boy," worried that the system might misunderstand.

He couldn't comprehend why such a question needed to be asked when it was evident that he was a boy. Yet, the screen seemed oblivious to his answer and posed another question.

[ What's your name? ]

It inquired.

Murky hesitated briefly, and then a realization struck him. Without wasting any more time, he answered, "StupidLove."

Aware that death awaited him in this dream world, regardless of his actions, Murky decided to embrace the experience. He chose a name he had often used in his previous life during the 20th and 21st centuries, hoping it would bring him some comfort and alleviate his fears.

Lost in his thoughts, Murky failed to notice the next message from the system:

[ Normal or Nightmare? ]

It was only when he heard a sound that he snapped out of his reverie.


[ The player didn't choose in time. The player has been assigned a random selection. ]

The message declared.

Murky couldn't believe it. In shock, he was stunned and had his mouth wide open.


His hopes and dreams were further crushed when the system announced with a series of repetitive dings:





[ The player StupidLove has been assigned the Nightmare mode. ]

Murky felt as if he had swallowed gasoline, and despair consumed him completely. Suddenly, the system announced:


[ World chosen: Taming Hundred thousand of Dragons! ]

A surge of warmth coursed through Murky's body, quickly followed by a chilling sensation. Even in an unfamiliar place, he was acutely aware of these fluctuations in his body temperature.

"Shit!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his frustration.

But then the system presented a new question:

[ Single player or multiplayer? ]

Murky forcefully pushed aside his thoughts, focusing solely on the words "easy" and "single player." He repeated the phrase three times to ensure his choice.

"Single player," he declared, silently grateful that his heart had guided him in that moment.

Yet, the system injected a seed of doubt, stating:


[ The player has plenty of time in the world. Are you sure? Opting for single player will yield minimal rewards. Proceed? ]

Determined, Murky kept his gaze steady and his mind unwavering. He wanted to affirm his decision, but the system reiterated:

[ The world is called Taming Hundred thousand of Dragons in [ Single mode. ]

[ Is the player StupidLove certain about proceeding to the world? ]

Suddenly, Murky's mind buzzed, and his eyes widened as he read the title once more:

"The world is called Taming Hundred thousand of Dragons?"

He blinked several times, trying to make sure he wasn't mistaken.

"Is... is this for real?"

He grumbled, his brain freezing momentarily under the weight of this revelation.

In Murky's previous life, he enjoyed watching comic recaps and movies. One of his favorites was a movie called "Taming Thousands of Dragons" created by Nightworks Animation.

Nightworks Animation was famous for making dark and intense movies that oddly entertained viewers like Murky.

This movie was no exception.

Murky remembered the plot of the film very well. It was about a group of people called Draugrskin, who were Dragon hunter Barbarians. They loved bathing in dragon blood and eating their flesh. But the main character of the movie was different.

The main character was born without the power of a dragon, or what they call the dragon gene, and he was just like a normal human in this dangerous world filled with dragons. But one day, something unexpected happened. He became the first dragon rider and formed a bond with a young dragon. He realized that dragons were not what he thought they were.

Eventually, the Draugrkins started teaching others to become dragon riders too.

They used the dragons as pets for protection, in wars, and for hunting or taming other dragons!


Murky wanted to curse, but he froze when he realized that the world he was about to be sent to was dangerous. There were dangerous dragons and invaders who wanted to steal women, take their lands, and eat their flesh.

Panic filled him, and his voice trembled as he exclaimed, "What do I need to do?"

But then, he suddenly stopped and had a realization.

"Wait, wouldn't it be better if I knew more about the world I'm going to?"

Even though he didn't understand why the system chose this world or the reasons behind it, he was confident that he had some knowledge.


Murky's eyes sparkled with determination as he stared at the system screen.

He asked a straightforward question, his voice calm, "What's the difference between multiplayer and single player?"

Murky wanted to understand the distinctions between the two modes and decide which one would be better for him.

If he didn't get a good answer, he would have to choose the easier single player option.

If the answer satisfied him, he would choose the multiplayer mode.

To his surprise, the system actually responded, even though he didn't expect it to.

[ In [Multiplayer mode], the rewards are better compared to single player mode, but you, StupidLove, would encounter other players everywhere. Some of them may not even be humans. It's like a survival competition where the strong dominate the weak, and there are rankings for all players. The higher the rank StupidLove reaches, the better the rewards. ]

As Murky read the system's response, he felt a twinge of interest.

"There were non-human players too?"

But he quickly reminded himself that he didn't have a mutated gene, so the single player option would be more suitable for him.

Suddenly, the system added more information.

[ If the player StupidLove completes the world mission and survives in multiplayer mode, the player StupidLove will receive a pass to enter other games. ]

As Murky contemplated the information revealed by the system, he grasped the significance of his decision. He weighed the risks and rewards, taking his own limitations into account.

After a brief moment of reflection, he made a choice, but then hesitated once more. Eventually, Murky remained steadfast in his decision not to enter the multiplayer game.

He understood that lacking a mutated gene would put him at a disadvantage. He recognized the real-world importance of mutated genes and how they provided people with advantages. He didn't want to compete against others who possessed abilities or advantages he didn't have.

As Murky accepted his reality, he gradually let go of the fleeting notion that he could overcome his lack of mutated genes through preparation. He realized it was unrealistic to believe he could change his gene-less state in such a short time.

"Alright, let's do this!" Murky declared with determination as he opted for the single player mode.

Time was limited, and selecting the multiplayer mode would be foolish. If he could somehow acquire more time or start from a better position, he might consider the multiplayer mode since he knew what to expect there.

However, Murky also comprehended that he might be transported to an unfamiliar location, different from the one he was accustomed to and aware of its dangers. This only reinforced his decision to forgo the multiplayer mode.

Just as he settled on the idea of choosing the single player mode, the system made an unexpected announcement.


[ Since the player StupidLove lacks mutated genes, the player StupidLove will be transported to the starting point of the game one hour earlier and will have the ability to choose a specific location. ]

[ Will the player StupidLove opt for the multiplayer mode? ]

As Murky read the system message, he found himself in a challenging predicament. The system had already coerced him into the "Nightmare Mode." In hindsight, he realized that he should have heeded the advice of the muscular blonde and the school by selecting the "Normal Mode."

However, the time he spent at school hadn't given him the necessary skills to survive his challenging dream. His family and the school denied him the opportunity to learn martial arts because he lacked a certain gene, which fueled his rebellious thoughts.

This delay in choosing the "Normal Mode" was also due to his thoughts. Now, in the challenging "Nightmare Mode," Murky pondered the possibility of diving into the "Multiplayer mode."

The question that lingered in his mind was why? Simultaneously, he questioned himself, wondering why he shouldn't explore this option.

In the real world, he felt uneasy, realizing that the school manipulated children into choosing the "Normal Dream" and "Single player mode" once they were infected by the infected dream.

To him, this manipulation, considering his experience in the 20th and 21st centuries, seemed like an attempt by those in power to prevent others from challenging their authority or taking their positions.

Furthermore, Murky couldn't shake off the feeling of having some knowledge about the world he was about to enter.

This familiarity made him want to embrace the "Multiplayer mode." If he already knew something about this world, why not make the most of it? Besides, didn't the system promise better rewards in the multiplayer mode?

Murky's mind was filled with conflicting thoughts, causing a throbbing headache. Finally, he closed his eyes, hoping to find some peace, but in his frustration, he accidentally bit his tongue.

The intense pain triggered an outburst, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Forget it!"