
Nick Eh 30 Body cultivating in HighSchool DXD

Nick Eh 30 the strongest Warrior of earth reincarnates as Matsuda one of the members of the Perverted Trio. This is my first time writing a novel so please tell me if I am doing something wrong.

FatFrog · アクション
2 Chs

An Beautiful Peach Blossom

Elosanta - "Chloe? How did... w...what happened?"

Said the tall man, looking at the unmoving woman before him with eyes more dead than a corpse until something else grabbed his attention.

An aura threads? No, it was some other energy or, rather a feeling. A feeling of rage, chaos, brutality, and... sadness???

The only reason he didn't make a run for his life, no matter how little his chance of survival was, was mainly because the aura wasn't targeted towards him or maybe because this aura was somehow familiar to him.

After some time, Elosanta turned his face full of sweat and fear toward the source of that aura leading to the kitchen. But his eyes could only see a strange room. The room was full of kitchen equipment, but he could only see emptiness. The room was full of light, but he could only see darkness. The only thing he could see was something he would rather never see again for the rest of his life.

Elosanta - "How did a monster make his way here?"


After a few seconds, the monster made his way out of the kitchen, but not in the form of a Kraken, a lion, or some kind of big bad wolf. No, it was in the form of a man. He was roughly two and a half meters in height. His hands and white T-shirt were covered in blood, and tears fell from his eyes.

He breathed heavily and made a dent in the ground with every step he took as he made his way towards the corpse.

Although this man was built like a fictional villain, it wasn't long until Elosanta identified this monster.

Elosanta - "NO NO NO NO NO it... cant be you, am i dreaming?"

Elosanta - 'The clan elder said that the oldest child from the Eh family cannot use mana... then how is this happening?'

The monster stopped right in front of the tall man who was guarding the corpse of the woman he once loved.

Nick eh 30 - "Move."

Said the monster with a heavy voice filled with anger. It was so strong that it could kill a normal person, but to Elosanta, it only made his nose bleed uncontrollably


In an instant, Elosant dashed to the corner of the room as if it was an instinct, an instinct to avoid danger.

Elosanta - "WHAT???? Why did I do that?"

Said the tall man, full of sweat.

The monster then grabbed the unmoving woman and started walking towards the kitchen.

Elosanta - "Hey... what are you doing?"

Nick Eh 30 - "Why do you care? I am the one who hunted the pray."

Elosanta - 'No, no way, he can't mean that he will??????'

Thought the tall man as he realized the intentions of the monster.

Elosanta "Chloe... why... why... this wasn't supposed to happen. What should I do? I can't fight this monster. I am not strong enough. I was never strong, to begin with. Is this karma for everything I have done, for everyone I disappointed, and for everything I could do but was too scared even to try?"

Said the tall man in a quiet voice, remembering his tragic past with tears in his eyes.


Elosanta's POV

[…] Japan 2006 Summer

I remember this memory clearer than everything in my life.

It was a long and sunny day. Me and my three brothers were playing with wooden swords in the garden of my father's dojo which was built by the finest masters of feng shui. But this is nothing in comparison to the big peach blossom always staring and protecting us from the sun with its beautiful branches and petals and its flawless light blue energy emitting from the beautiful tree moving through our skin, lungs, and hair. The energy was light and warm, and dancing as we played with our swords. It was mana, the source of all life.

But this tree wasn't always that big. My father was once a commoner. My grandpa Shinmen Munisai held the title of the second War God, the left-hand of the supreme god of the Munisai clan. Although he was one of the strongest swordsmen in the world, he wasn't happy with this title or the empty compliments that came with it from people who saw him as nothing more than a batter they could use to power their greed. He always looked at the normal kids with admiration. They could have fun all day, laugh with their friends, and find a partner with love as a driving force instead of money or fame. So one day, 3 months after he turned 26 years old, he deserted from the Munisai clan and changed his family name to Santa. Although this is a crime in the eyes of the clan, someone with a title like his could never be opposed. It was an incredible feeling for him. He could now finally feel joy and happiness with people he can now call friends. That's when my grandpa met my grandma, Omasa, and the result of their love was my father, Musashi Santa.


My father learned to fight with swords from our grandpa, who taught him Munisai's kendo arts. Unlike my grandpa, my father loved the feeling of power and honor, so he swore before god that he would become the strongest swordsman in the world and use his power to help everyone who was in trouble. The power of the sword was truly incredible... But what wasn't incredible was the consequences of this power.

A new generation was born, and as this new generation was born, a new battle for the throne was born with it.

Ashikaga and Kōno Munisai were twins, two young adults with Kōno a talent of 1 in 50 billion and Ashikaga a talent of 1 in 100 billion. Still, Ashikaga Munisai was a lot different than an average talented person. He was an evil and cruel man who would do anything for power and control over people. As for Kōno Munisai, she was totally different. If Ashikaga was the evil and cruel man, then Kōno was the exact difference... an evil and cruel woman.

Kōno was smart and very cunning, while Ashikaga was lazy and arrogant. Because of Kōno's intellect, she had astonishing achievements and could manage the clan better than anyone, but she wasn't a delusional idiot. She knew that even though Ashikaga was lazy, he could achieve better achievements with his strength and talent, and even if she was stronger than Ashikaga, she could never become a head purely on the fact that she was a woman and he was a man.

So she had to find a way to make Ashikaga do something so despicable that the clan head would never forgive him.

And so the plan of Kōno started by telling her father how lazy and stupid his son is, and because of that, he could never become a good clan head. So, after a few months of Ashikaga being treated as the black sheep of the family, he knew that he had to do something big so that his father wouldn't see him as a good-for-nothing son.

And that's when Kōno had to strike.

Kōno - "Hey brother, Father again complained to Mother and your teachers that they should teach you harder."

Ashikaga - "Realy? Again? Hmmmm... Hey sister, you are smart right? Can you te..."

Kōno - "Tell you a way to make Father not see you as a stupid cuck?"

Ashikaga - "YESSSSSS"

Said Ahikaga pointing at his sister

Kōno - "Hmmmmm... maybe I know of a way... have you ever heard about the fallen war god?"

Ashikaga - "OH yes, I think I saw that video close to the homeless shelter but it was stuffed on some weird tight plastic bag with some weird white stu..."