
Next Time In Another World

Many would like to move to the world of their favorite anime. However, not many have considered what would happen if it was the characters from the anime that moved into our world. This is the story of the world where the heroes come to life again. At first presented from multiple perspectives. No cheats, no harem. [Schedule: Monday, Friday + bonus for more stones than last week] [Temporary cover, random characters] [English isn't my native language] [My first attempt at writing anything]

Wedge · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Your friendly neighborhood captain II

Richard recently divided his day between learning martial arts, training his new crew and, what took him the most time, patrolling the neighborhood.

Learning was easy for him. He had a lot of fighting experience and good combat sense, so he easily acquired new skills. The opposite was the case with controlling chakra, but he couldn't do much without Philip, so he was left to practice the basics.

As he had promised Mallory's sister - Zoe - in exchange for learning martial arts, he would train her, along with the rest of the group, in techniques to increase strength and speed from his old world. He made up some excuse that they had been passed down in his family for generations. It actually resembled normal training, but for some reason people in this world couldn't reach greater heights without additional stimuli, as if the world itself limited them, and only the reincarnators could break that.

He planned to teach them other things in the future, but this had to suffice for now. Finally, he agreed with Philip and Luke that he would not impart any additional knowledge without their approval. They still need to be tested, and it will take them a long time to train the basics.

However, the most important thing for him was the patrols. He no longer had to hide his skills and could freely test them in practice. Luke figured that since the shit had hit the fan anyway, and the government was already somewhat aware of the new energy, they could at least use it appropriately.

That's how a plan was hatched to create a new image to help deal with the police and government in the future.

So far, it was limited to the neighborhood, lacking Philip's information-gathering abilities and speed of movement. This was enough, however, as the number of crimes being executed was only increasing.


Kumiko Hayabusa, a newly minted NYPD captain, thought she would soon go bald from stress. Ever since she was appointed, crime had stubbornly begun to rise, as if they were purposely doing her a disservice.

Currently, she was on her way to another heist. Bandits decided to rob a bank in broad daylight, and worst of all, they almost succeeded, if not for a passing patrol and a security guard who decided to play hero. He stormed out and activated the fire alarm, while the policemen decided to check it out.

A shooting broke out, resulting in a security guard and one policeman being shot several times, while another got out and called for backup, preventing the bandits from easily escaping.

After fifteen minutes, the bank was surrounded by a cordon of police, and she was called to the scene.

"How are things going?" She asked as soon as she got out of the vehicle.

"It's not good, the security guard is dead, and we can't get close to the policewoman because they immediately open fire. They are armed to the teeth. We also confirmed that they have a total of eighteen hostages." One of the people on the scene replied.

Kumi looked around, noticing that about a meter from the bank's entrance lay the dead body of a security guard, and next to him a semi-conscious and bleeding policewoman. To make matters worse, journalists began to arrive.

"Monitoring?" She asked.

"It's not working. Everything was done with the utmost professionalism. We suspect that it may be Ghosts."


"On the spot, but they only threatened to shoot everyone if we didn't back off."


"Ready, they can move at any time, but it won't be without casualties. They seem fanatically unwilling to relent in any aspect."

"Have we identified anyone?"

"No, they are wearing masks. According to witnesses, right after the shooting, a black van drove away from here, which may have belonged to them, but we couldn't find it. We are trying to identify it."

As they talked, they entered a tent that had been set up.

"I'm Captain Kumiko Hayabusa, taking charge. Call them again, I want to talk to them myself."

The command was carried out, but no one answered. That's not how it works in the movies, she thought.

At that moment the sound of gunfire rang out.

"They're shooting at the hostages!" Someone communicated.

"Holy shit, send ours in fast!" Kumi ordered and ran outside, only to stand as if struck.

From the roof of one of the buildings, a man jumped down. No, she corrected herself. A teenager. He couldn't be more than eighteen.

A skinny but muscular teenager with long black hair and black eyes. About one meter ninety in height. Dressed only in black shorts and an orange sun hat, as well as a necklace of red beads and an amulet with a skull with horns pointing downward. On his back, he has a tattoo in the shape of a smiling skull with a mustache from which bones sprang, somewhat resembling a pirate flag.

"Well, let's get started!" He exclaimed.


Richard was hopeless at using chakra, so he couldn't change into anything else except what he knew very well.

He also initially thought of a new name, but nothing better came to mind. The initials of his new friends did not combine into any meaningful word, so he stayed with the old one. Erasing the tattoo from his arm to at least not be associated with old memories. Leaving the one on his back in honor of the old man. There was no point in reminiscing about the old life. He just hoped that "he" had succeeded in fulfilling his dream.

Luke said that someone might recognize him if there was another reincarnator from his world, but Richard did not think it was a bad thing at all. It wouldn't necessarily be someone hostile, and even if it was, he was sure he was strong enough to handle it this time, thanks to the power of the three worlds.

He also didn't plan to inform his new crew until they had grown more.

Thus began his new lifestyle, from pirate to super hero. In essence, not much has changed. He's still free, helping whomever he wants, fighting whomever he wants, and the government wants to catch him. No differences.


"Stop!" Kumi called out to the teenager, who was walking toward the bank. She didn't have time to think about how he even survived the fall.

The bandits, as soon as they realized someone was approaching, opened fire in his direction.

Driven by a mindless desire to help, she ran toward him to throw him to the ground, but she was too far away. Bullets were already hitting his body.

She closed her eyes for a moment, not wanting to witness the carnage, but something was wrong. She heard what sounded like gunshots bouncing off metal.

She looked and saw the boy standing still, with bullets bouncing off his skin, which was black in places. It was the second time today that she was frozen, and the other policemen were no better, standing motionless.

The kid did not stand idly by. Covering his head with his arm, he walked over and dragged the injured policewoman to safety, then ran inside the building.

"Follow me!" Kumi was the first to snap out of her numbness and commanded, running after him.

What the hell is going on here!

When she rushed inside, she saw the bandits being beaten. That one seemed to have teleported, appearing at each of them and knocking them out with a single blow. Literally after a few seconds it was all over. The criminals lay on the ground unconscious.

"Mhahaha." The teenager laughed. "That was a lot of fun."

"Who are you?" Kumi asked with fear in her voice. Since he had knocked down the others so easily, he would have no problem with them either.

"Ace! Your friendly neighborhood captain!" He said, and a moment later disappeared without a trace.


I'm not sure if the armament haki is canonically visible or not. All in all, I don't care, in this universe it will be visible, because it fits me better that way :P The first and certainly not the last hero appeared. What do you think?

Wedgecreators' thoughts