
Next Time In Another World

Many would like to move to the world of their favorite anime. However, not many have considered what would happen if it was the characters from the anime that moved into our world. This is the story of the world where the heroes come to life again. At first presented from multiple perspectives. No cheats, no harem. [Schedule: Monday, Friday + bonus for more stones than last week] [Temporary cover, random characters] [English isn't my native language] [My first attempt at writing anything]

Wedge · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

First clash

Luke has spent the last month between training and seeking information about potential reincarnators. Both were not going well.

He wasn't the athletic type, feeling much more at home. However, he admitted that it would be good to learn some self-defense for unforeseen circumstances.

For that, the investigation was stagnant. He had a few clues, it seemed, that each reincarnator was relatively tall for his age. So he should look for big kids around whom unexplained things are happening.

However, that was simply not enough. He also didn't have his former network of agents and connections, and he'd already seen the looks on people's faces at the sight of a five-year-old talking about recently born super people.

His parents weren't helping either, although they were happy that he had finally found friends, they were still firmly in control of his life, not allowing him to spend much time outdoors, much less away from home. Going out into the forest was already costing him a grounding.

So he spent most of his time on the Internet searching for the news. It seemed that crime had recently increased significantly in the area. There were many reports of thefts and beatings, and lots of reports of people doing strange things.

For example, one guy was practicing sausage fencing in the street by damming traffic, on top of which he was all naked.

In a supermarket, a woman started ripping all the boxes for no reason, and when asked why she was doing it, she claimed that god told her to do so.

"Is someone testing their powers again?" He muttered to himself.

In any case, there wasn't much he could do about it for now, he needed more resources. He could go back to his old detective work, but for now he was too young for that.

Maybe Philip will have more luck, apparently getting information was once part of his job.


It was about 6 PM when the jewelry store was closing. It's already dark at this time in November, and the city's smog further darkens the area.

An employee had just approached the door with the intention of closing it, as with a squeal of tires, a black van stopped, from which three masked people fell out.

"You have three minutes!" Shouted the man at the wheel.

The employee stood in a daze looking at the barrel of the gun pointed at him. He snatched the keys from him and led him back into the building.

"If you set the alarm, I'll shoot him down!" Shouted one of the thugs to a woman standing behind the desk.

The security guard was an elderly man close to retirement, who had no intention of risking his life, so he quickly discarded his gun and raised his hands.

The store itself was one of the older ones in which there was not much modern security. Therefore, the criminals could simply break the glass and pick up anything they liked from the exhibition.

To top it all off, this was happening at the end of the month, when all of the profit would be turned over to the bank. Whoever the bandits were, they surely chose their target perfectly.

It took them exactly three minutes to rob everything and back out to the van. Even if a silent alarm was activated it was too fast for anyone to react.

At least that's what they thought.


Philip had already been notified of the incident when the bandits walked through the door.

A few weeks ago, he received a request from Luke to monitor crime in the city. Since then, he has been able to prevent some crimes.

While there were no animals in this world that used chakra naturally, nothing prevented him from cultivating a few of them himself. Of course, Philip valued crows the most.

Even though they are currently too weak to help him fight, and even learning to speak will take a long time, they are already smart enough to recognize the crime and send a signal to him. That's enough for now.

The problem was the distance. Temporarily Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu was beyond the abilities of his crows. He also didn't know any lightning and earth techniques that could help him move quickly. However, it was not for nothing that he was once called a genius.

He had previously learned one of Richard's techniques: Soru. It came quite easily to him, as it is similar to how ninjas move quickly, but it does not require the use of chakra, which is very helpful in emergencies.

However, it is only an immediate motion technique. Which means he would have to use it dozens of times before he could travel a significant distance. Whether it cost chakra or not, he would fall from fatigue.

This is where his genius comes into play. By combining Soru and the fast movement technique that all ninjas learn - Shunshin no Jutsu, he created something new. The first technique to arise from combining the abilities of two worlds. He named it Shunshin no Soru.

It works similarly to the two previous techniques, but allows to move several times farther distances or cover short distances in several times less time, at a single cost of both techniques. In addition, its potential should improve as his strength increases.

For now, as long as it was within a stone's throw of a single city, he could get anywhere in the blink of an eye.


"The boss will be pleased! It went exactly as he said!" One of the men in the van boasted. To avoid the unlucky camera, just in case, they still all remained masked.

Just as one was about to respond, the vehicle suddenly began to sway dangerously.

"Fuck, watch how you drive!" Someone yelled.

"We caught a flat tire, we have got to stop!"

"I think you feel bad, drive ha..."

At that moment, the van hit something, tipping sideways and slid through, finally hitting some building. The bandits inside took a few minutes to recover from their daze. Fortunately, it all happened on a little-traveled side street, so they still had hopes of slipping away unnoticed.

Crawling out of the vehicle, the others began to malign their driver, assuming it was all his fault, but quickly became silent upon hearing some footsteps.

Turning around, they spotted an undersized man, in black outfit, who also had his face covered.

"And who the hell are you?" Asked one of the bandits.

However, he received no answer, as the person in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the man lost consciousness after a moment.


Philip quickly knocked out the three bandits, leaving conscious only the one he thought was their boss, or at least someone more important.

He used a simple Genjutsu to confuse the man's mind and stop him from making any attempt to escape. When an unexpected attack forced him to dodge immediately.

With the use of Kawarimi no Jutsu, he moved to a nearby streetlight to see who had attacked him. Below, he spotted a tall man with dark skin, white hair and wearing a red coat, holding dual swords. One weapon had a white blade and the other had a black one.

"Nice trick kid, my boss would like to know who you are?" Said the man, who must have immediately located Philip, turning toward him.

Philip began to analyze who stood against him. He does not sense, any chakra. He may have human enhancement abilities like Richard, but he won't be able to detect that. The man himself, is clearly too old to be a reincarnator. Unless he was reborn earlier. It could also be someone from this world, finally, they are not one hundred percent sure that this world does not have any form of hidden abilities. Certainly no ordinary person would sneak up on him with such speed. Besides, his very appearance suggests that he is no ordinary anyone. At least he already knows there is a "boss."

In any case, he will get all the answers once he defeats him.

He used Genjutsu to block his opponent's movement for a moment, then threw a few shurikens at him (amazing how easy it is to get such things on the Internet) and activated his new instant movement technique - Shunshin no Soru to get behind his enemy's back and stab him with a kunai as he defends himself from a frontal attack.

However, his opponent's abilities surprised him greatly when he deflected his shurikens with one sword and blocked his kunai with the second one. Damn, he thought, with that speed, even an experienced Jōnin should have trouble blocking, and on top of that, he immediately countered the Genjutsu.

"You're fast, but my eyes can see you perfectly. We can still talk, I don't like to hurt kids."

At least he is overconfident and talks a lot, who would normally reveal his abilities to an opponent.

Jumping away, Philip quickly performs the seals: "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu." His fireball is now much smaller, but still a real threat.

Although he could continue the attack for now he prefers to observe, he needs to determine how powerful his opponent is.

Because of the short distance, the man had no time to dodge. In Philip's eyes, his weapons seemed to light up for a moment, and then he used them to break the fireballs.

Some kind of enhancing energy, but different from chakra and haki?

Seeing that the opponent was having difficulty with the block, he decided to move again and attack from the flank with shurikens, still keeping his distance. I need to find time to create explosive notes, he thought.

Philip hoped that this time the attack would succeed, as the fire broke his opponent weapon, but suddenly the man sped up doing a dodge.

He has the ability to strengthen not only his weapons, but also his body?

The opponent also jumped away increasing the distance more, and a bow suddenly appeared in his hands.

"I also know a thing or two about ranged attacks." He said, being completely confident.

This makes things more difficult...

Philip had to use Shunshin no Soru several times to avoid all the arrows. He didn't want to use Kawarimi no Jutsu, as the opponent seems to be able to detect where he is moving too quickly. He lost his alertness, as the last arrow did not fly at him, but into the floor near him. Before he realized what was happening, the arrow struck and exploded.

The explosion seriously wounded him and knocked several meters away.

The ninja knows when to make a retreat to provide important information. This is the moment. At least it seemed that the enemy had no way to move immediately.

I don't know much Japanese, so making up my own names is difficult. Let me know if you have a better idea. Or should I switch to English names?

Wedgecreators' thoughts