
Next Time In Another World

Many would like to move to the world of their favorite anime. However, not many have considered what would happen if it was the characters from the anime that moved into our world. This is the story of the world where the heroes come to life again. At first presented from multiple perspectives. No cheats, no harem. [Schedule: Monday, Friday + bonus for more stones than last week] [Temporary cover, random characters] [English isn't my native language] [My first attempt at writing anything]

Wedge · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs


Chinami currently found herself in a completely empty space, whiteness surrounded her from everywhere.

"So this is the new Soul Society. Horrible here... Empty." She estimated.

Alright, so first I have to stop the souls from leaving this world, just how do I do that? Any instructions for creating new worlds?


Nothing huh? Eh. Life is not so simple to suddenly appear deus ex machina with all the explanations.

I guess I have to figure it out myself.

To start with, let's focus. If I understood Shard's words correctly then I should now be able to affect this land.

After spending some time meditating, Chinami felt something.

Apparently, my soul was merged with the Shard's power. However, it is currently scarce. I will have to find a way to increase it somehow.

For now, let's take care of the priorities.

Chinami focused and directed the power outward, and the world around began to change. At first it was divided into light and darkness. Then the sky and the earth appeared. Light received flora, and darkness was turned into desert. Finally, the souls were tied back to this world.

"Ugh!" Chinami fell to her knees.

It was exhausting. There wasn't enough power to stop the souls from returning from other worlds, but at least they'll be coming here by now.

Maybe that's even better. More souls means more balance for this world. And finally they will all arrive and the problem will go away on its own. There can't be that many, after all.


"Where am I?"

"Is this heaven?"

"Hahaha. I got hit by a truck and reincarnated in another world! The system! System?!"

These and many other voices slowly began to reverberate throughout the Soul Society. However, the loud ones were not the problem.

"Bakudō #4: Hainawa." Chinami uttered, and golden ropes flew out of her hands, binding the man who was throwing at her.

"What kind of fruit is this? Hey! Release me!"

What an affliction. How many worlds are connected to this, that so many souls appear. Some of them are really powerful, but fortunately they have no idea how to use Reishi. It is necessary to bring order as soon as possible before the real riots start.

Chinami decided to first find some competent people to help organize the rest. It turns out that as souls increase, the Shard's power is renewed. It's not much, but she can do some useful things with it.

Concentrating, she began to comprehend information about nearby souls: name, age, what they did for a living, reason for death, etc.

Let's think... To start, I need a few governors and managers.

"Hey you! I'll untie you and let you go if you help me with something." She turned toward a few bound people who had caused problems before.

"Fight me without these tricks bitch!" Shouted one of the bound ones, followed by the shouting of the rest.

"I see you prefer the harder way." She sighed, then released everyone from their bonds. "You can try me."

When everyone realized they were no longer trapped, they rushed at her. Several tried to use their abilities, but nothing worked.

"Hadō #4: Byakurai." This time, lightning flew out of Chinami's hand, shocked everyone in the line. "Will you listen, or should I annihilate you?"

"Die bitch!" Someone still didn't let up.

"There must always be some fool... Hadō #32: Ōkasen." The golden fire completely incinerated the miserable guy.

At this sight, the rest lost their will to fight and decided to surrender for now. Some out of sheer fear, and others wanting to wait and get more information.

"Good. You have finally started to think. If you obey I will soon let you go. For a start, you will bring to me the people I will indicate."


To think that it came to the point where I lose to a girl of five. Well, the end of the day I should be dead. I guess I should obey for now. However, this is not how I imagined the hereafter...

As I pondered, the little girl uttered a poem or something, and a blue light appeared over some people here.

So we should bring them to her. Okay.

I looked around while walking towards one of the targets. This place is so strange, even though it's daytime I can't see the sun anywhere. The forest surrounds us from all sides, but I can't hear any sound of nature. No animals, chirping birds, or at least some bugs. Nothing. Surely this is not normal.

"Hey you, you follow me!" I shouted at the woman, who was frightened at the sight of me. Wahaha. I still have it in me.

I thought already that she would start to run away, but she obediently nodded and approached me. How boring, but I guess it's no surprise. Everyone is confused about this place and situation.

I brought her to the girl and did a few more such courses. Soon a lot of people gathered.

"Good. That's enough." The girl said. "Keep quiet everyone! I won't repeat myself!" Her voice suddenly became much louder. Apparently she knows a lot of tricks. If only I still had my power...

"As some of you may have realized by now, you are all dead." Well that would be correct, I finally remember how they cut off my head. At least after death I am no longer sick. Wahaha.

"That's right! I was spending a nice time in the heavens with my beloved, when suddenly I found myself here. What's going on?!" A young man spoke up. This reminds me that I was also in another place, but I remember little of it. Be that as it may, it was not pleasant there.

"Well. For reasons that I'm not going to explain for now, some of you were in a different world than the one in which your souls were born. This was a problem that had to be corrected. In this way, you returned to the proper world. Otherwise, sooner or later your souls would have been completely annihilated, which would have harmed both worlds." I guess that's about me, too. No need to complain, this place is much better than the one I was in before. I think I got lucky. Wahaha.

"I don't care! I want to go back to my beloved! Or bring her here too!" Wimp. You are dead, accept the loss!

"If the soul of your beloved does not belong to this world then there is nothing I can do about it." Well, now the chaos will begin.

The girl just looked at me and the other muscles, and a few kicks later calm returned. One has to give her credit for knowing her shit.

"And who the hell are you? The underworld is ruled by a girl of five?!" Very good question, I'd like to know myself. Although he should have been more polite.

As expected, the girl got annoyed again and sent a lightning bolt at the guy.

"First of all, you will speak to me with respect. The next one who forgets this will be incinerated. For now you can use the term Commander. I am the Death God of this world and I manage its souls. Besides, I am older than any of the people present. Secondly, this place is called the Soul Society and that is what you will call it now." She certainly has character. The God of Death in his own five-year-old persona. Wahaha.

"Since no one has any more questions I'll tell you why I brought you here." A few more kicks were enough to make everyone hide their raised hands.

"Souls also need to have a place to live. That's why I need you to build a city here. Whoever does a good job later will be rewarded. A well-functioning city needs good officials." Interesting. Such a city also needs guards. One girl no matter how strong is not enough.

"How should we do it? I don't see any tools here? Er... Madam Commander." It was close.

At these words a gir... Commander (I have to think of her that way, because she will still slip away from me, and for now I prefer not to turn into a fried pirate) uttered some strange poem again, and suddenly a lot of different kinds of tools appeared.

"This is for a beginning. I will supply more if needed. You can also produce new tools here. Your responsibility is to choose the right workers for the job. You can also promise them rewards."

Well, so that's what she does with all this lightnings, probably. I have to learn it. Finally, I'm not going to become an ordinary retired laborer. Wahaha.

Then they laid out some plans and details that I was no longer interested in.



It took a long time for Chinami to organize everything. Nevertheless, there are still many details to be done. First of all, workers need food. Although it is not needed by ordinary souls, there have already appeared many whose Reiryoku, is at a high level, and that means they need to eat.

With Shard's power and her knowledge of Kidō, transportation is not a problem. At least in small quantities. Later they will have to become self-sufficient.

Fortunately, I have enough pocket money to buy what I need. I also hope that money will take care of the second of the currently biggest problems. Finally, I haven't found the right soul.

With these thoughts, Chinami returned to her body, which was still in her room, for the time being, and then went towards her father's office. She had previously told everyone that she would be busy and that no one should disturb her. By the fact that most of those around her, including her parents, think she is very mature for her age, there were no big problems with this.

Her father - Rokuko Yoshitora - was a slightly graying middle-aged man. Always with a serious face and authoritarian attitude. His long goatee provided additional seriousness. Seven years older than her mother - Rokuko Miyu - a true beauty. Long black hair, large black eyes. Properly rounded body parts. Everything was in place with her. And although Yoshitora was the owner of the Rokuko group it was Miyu who was its CEO. Chinami actually didn't know exactly what her father did with his work. He always sat in his office. They got married relatively recently, six years ago. Yoshitora waited a long time after the death of his first wife, who left him without a child. This time, however, just a year after the marriage Chinami came into the world, leading both of them, but especially Yoshitora, to great euphoria. This was probably one of the reasons why he spoiled his daughter so much.

"Daddy, can I come in?" Chinami asked, knocking on the door of his home office.

"Of course, dear." He answered right away. After Chinami entered he asked. "Are you feeling well already? We acquired so much fear of you then..."

"How many times do I have to say, I'm fine now. Look I'm full of energy." She jumped up a few times, then became serious. "I have a request."

"Oh, this is the first time I've heard you want something. What is it? I'll do everything in my power to get it!"

"I need you to hire the best blacksmith in the world."

Another character introduced. Do you like it? Too much POV is not too confusing?

Wedgecreators' thoughts