
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · ファンタジー
77 Chs

[2.1] 1 Month After the Asteria Tragedy

One month has passed since the tragedy of the asteria disaster, which was the bloodiest event in world history. Everyone is trying to recover and rebuild their cities.

In the suburbs, in a house owned by Leonardo.

"I'm bored," said Fauzan, sitting limply on a chair on the upper balcony surrounded by glass.

"Just relax, I'm too lazy to move," said Raka, who was lying on a chair protected by an umbrella and facing the sky.

"Hey, let's eat breakfast. It's already eight o'clock," Radit said, getting up from his seat.

"Wait a minute, I'm too lazy to move," Fauzan said.

Suddenly, just as it was quiet and peaceful, the balcony door opened. "Hey, what are you three doing just sitting around? Help the others work!" scolded Amelia, looking angry, to Radit.

"It's bad, there's a gorilla. Quick, let's go," Raka said, and they all ran away.

Amelia, hearing this, shouted back as Fauzan, Raka and Radit ran over. "Hey, what did you say earlier!" Amelia exclaimed.

"Already, Amel, calm down. It's still morning, don't get angry," said Hana, who appeared behind the balkan door after Fauzan, Raka, and Radit had left.

"But if you leave them alone, they will become more and more lazy," says Amelia.

"Yes, just let them be like that sometimes. They've been working hard for the past month," Hana said.

"Yes, I know that, but..." said Amelia, who seemed at a loss for something to say.

"Yes, take it easy, Amel. If they're too lazy, just reprimand them," Hana said.

Amelia did not reply to Hana's words, and only watched Hana walk towards the edge of the balcony.

"........when will all this go back to the way it was....." Hana muttered, looking at the yard. Amelia also looked around the yard.

The courtyard of the mansion and the surrounding empty land were filled with refugees, wounded people, and soldiers. It has been one month since Leonardo's mansion became one of the refugee camps.

In the cafeteria, Gilbert, Jiyan, Leonardo, and Steven were eating. "Where are Fauzan, Raka and Radit?" asked Steven. "I don't know, maybe they're still sleeping," Leonardo replied.

Gilbert, who had finished eating first, looked around the canteen and saw Radit, Raka, and Fauzan. "Hey, over here!" called Gilbert, waving his hand.

Fauzan heard a voice calling and immediately turned his head in the direction of the voice, "Hey... hey, there they are!" Fauzan exclaimed calling Radit and Raka. Seeing Gilbert's waving hand, they walked towards him.

"Did you just wake up?" asked Jiyan as he chewed his food.

"No, we were relaxing on the upper balcony," Raka replied.

"You better hurry up and get some food. If you wait, the only thing left will be bad food," Steven exclaimed.

Fauzan, Radit, and Raka looked at the people waiting in line. "Eh, let's hurry up. Don't just stare," Radit said as he stood up and headed for the food queue. Hearing that, Fauzan and Raka followed Radit.

After a few minutes of queuing to get their food, they returned to their seats. "Hey, your food is gone!" exclaimed Fauzan. "Yeah, you guys waited so long," replied Jiyan.

Fauzan, Radit, and Raka began to devour their food. The others talked to each other, while Steven opened his laptop. Gilbert, who sits beside him, also stares at Steven's laptop screen.

"Any interesting news?" Gilbert asked Steven.

"Not really, but you might be interested in this, Gilbert," Steven replied, showing Gilbert his laptop screen.

"Hmm... what is this? It's called 'Taila Starts Forming a Union of Superpowers'. That's an interesting title," Gilbert said, then scrolled the screen to read the content. The others who heard this started to get a little interested.

While reading the content of the news, there were interesting sentences in the news, "Hm... the country of Taila also called for all countries, if the formation of a power user union was needed to maintain the security of the country, but some countries rejected it because they were afraid that the union would become a powerful country and military." said Gilbert. Oh, a union huh," said Gilbert.

"Interesting news," Leonardo said.

"Hm... a guild huh," said Raka as he chewed his food. "What's a power user union?" asked Jiyan.

"Yes, it's like a power user association where the requirements are usually not so tied to the government," Steven said.

"Want to make it?" asked Raka while looking at Leonardo.

"What do you mean you saw me?" asked Leonardo.

"Yes, you are rich, maybe you have intentions," said Raka.

"You're talking out of your ass," Leonardo said.

"But Leo, you're not interested?" asked Radit.

"Interested... but there has to be a purpose," Leonardo said.

"Just make the goal, isn't it easy?" said Fauzan.

"Hey... I'm not like most people, making something has to have an important purpose first and it has to be noble," Leonardo said.

"Halah, your goal is all about profit, where's the glory in that?" said Steven.

"Hm... the poor want to know what it's for," Leonardo said dismissively to Steven.

"Hah! Want to make a scene!" said Steven.

"Come on, who's afraid!" said Leonardo.

While they were discussing the topic of the union, there was a sudden outburst of shouting and anger in the cafeteria.

From the source of the voice, "Hey, you guys leave immediately, we want to eat here," said one of the men who stood up.

"You've been eating for so long!" said one of the men who stood up.

"But we haven't finished eating yet," said one of the young women eating to a group of angry men yelling at her.

"That's none of our business! Just leave quickly," said one of the men.

"Hey, look! Don't you have eyes? We're eating and we're not done yet! You're blind!" said one of the young women who got angry and stood up and pointed at the men.

"Huh? You want to fight!" said the man approaching the girl who challenged him, when he wanted to hit the girl with his hand, suddenly there was a scream.

"Hey, stop it!" a voice so loud that it made a man who wanted to hit a girl stop and look at the origin of the voice.

"Who dares to quarrel and make a scene here," said Leonardo who turned out to be the source of the voice, Leonardo approached them.

"Who are you?" asked one of the men.

"Who cares? Whoever I am, you're making a scene and making people uncomfortable," Leonardo said.

"Hah! Talkative, you are!" said one of the men and pointed his fist at Leonardo's face.

However, Leonardo avoided it easily and counterattacked the man by pointing Leonardo's fist at the man's face.

Instantly the boy's friend fell silent, and the one who was hit said "Why are you silent! Hit him!" said the man who was hit, hearing that the boy's friend started hitting and fighting with Leonardo.

However, Leonardo was not alone. Gilbert and Jiyan came to help. "Teachers are no good if they don't invite their students to fight," said Jiyan, and they all got into a fight.

The men who yelled at the girls, consisting of 8 people, were against Leonardo, Gilbert and Jiyan.

It didn't take long for Leonardo, Gilbert and Jiyan to overcome them quickly. The room started to get rowdy, then some soldiers arrived who heard that there was a commotion in the common canteen room.

"What's going on, what's the commotion?" asked one of the soldiers, then he saw that there were 8 men lying on the floor, so the soldier approached him.

"Did you do this?" asked one of the soldiers. "Yes," Leonardo replied.

"Help us, sir, we were beaten by him when we just wanted to eat," said one of the men lying on the floor.

"Your mouth is good at tongue-twisting, huh," Jiyan said a little annoyed and clenched her hand.

"Is that so?" asked one of the soldiers, facing Leonardo.

"No, they're just harassing this place. Telling this girl to get out of here and trying to hit her," Leonardo replied.

"That's right, sir! They are only helping us, whereas they want to kick us out and beat us," said one of the young women.

"You're coming with us," the soldier ordered, taking the men by force.

"Sir, if you want to detain them, please not in this place," Leonardo said.

"Sorry, who are you?" the soldier asked.

"I am the owner of this house and the landlord of this location," Leonardo replied.

"Oh... forgive us if we don't know who you are. Some of us have just changed to other members in other positions, so we don't know this place very well," the soldier said.

"No problem, now kick them out of this place," Leonardo ordered.

"Fine, we'll do it," the soldier replied, taking the troublemaking men by force.

The girls who had experienced the unpleasant incident approached Leonardo, Gilbert, and Jiyan. "Thank you for helping us," they said together.

"Yes, if you find anyone like them, report to the guards, yes," Leonardo said, and the girls agreed.

"Everyone here! Give a round of applause to our landlord, Leonardo!" Raka shouted and stood on a bench to dispel the gloomy atmosphere.

"Raka, you have a mouth!" said Leonardo, shouting at Raka.

Hearing Raka's words, everyone who was there gave his applause to Leonardo and there were also those who shouted praises to him.

Embarrassed, Leonardo went back to his seat.

"Never mind, he's embarrassed. All of you continue with your activities," said Radit, standing up and speaking in a rather loud voice.

Everyone laughed at Leonardo's embarrassment, then they continued with their activities.

"Raka, you have a lot of mouth, huh!" Leonardo said once again while sitting down.

"Eh.... aren't you happy?" asked Raka.

"Wait for my reply later," Leonardo said.

"Ih, scared..." Raka said playfully.

"Never mind, let's find the women," said Radit.

"Miss Hana, don't you, Mas Radit?" asked Fauzan.

"Eh, where is it! Come on, hurry up," Radit said, then stood up. The others heard that and just smiled and walked off in search of the women.

While walking around looking for women, Gilbert spoke, "Aren't there quite a lot of people like that these days?" said Gilbert.

"Yes?" asked Raka.

"Yes, I see her quite often," Leonardo said.

"It looks like people are getting stressed and depressed," Radit said.

"If I look at the official data from the governor of this city, it states that half of the city's population is depressed. There are various causes, some are due to loss of property, loss of family members, environment and others," said Steven.

As they continued talking, they found the women sitting on benches outside the courtyard with soldiers and medics.

After them, the men came up to the women, as if the soldiers and medics felt the need to end their conversation.

"Looks like the girl's escorts have arrived, let's end this conversation," said one of the soldiers. "What the hell, sir!" said Laras.

"Haha....we're leaving to continue working again," said one of the medics. Then, the soldiers and medical members, then the soldiers and medical members there all left.

"You're just disturbing me when I'm discussing something exciting," Amelia said.

"Well, why are we at fault?" asked Steven.

"So what do you want?" asked Laras.

"We're going to my building," Leonardo said.

"Uh... did we talk about that? When did you say you wanted to go to your building?" Raka asked.

"Hmm...? I just said this," Leonardo said.

"Ehhhhh..." said Raka.

"Lucia, is the car ready?" asked Leonardo.

"Everything is ready, sir," Lucia replied.

"Eh... crazy you, Ndro!" exclaimed Radit, Raka, Fauzan, Steven, Gilbert, and Jiyan who were shocked by Lucia's sudden presence behind them.

"It's crazy, my heart feels like it's going to fall out," Jiyan said.

"You're a ninja, aren't you? You just appeared out of nowhere," Steven said.

"That's all, let's go," Leonardo said.

Hearing that, everyone followed Leonardo and headed to Leonardo's building in the city.

Volume 2 begins! What do you think will happen next?

Nosphirecreators' thoughts