
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

[2.2] Get Together Part 1

On the way to the Leonardo Building, they looked around the street. Everything was a mess and some debris was still visible in the middle of the street, as well as people passing by. However, it was much better than one month ago after the recent boulder tragedy.

"Leonardo, is your building undamaged?" said Radit.

"Of course it's damaged, but only the mall is very bad, and also the parking lot," Leonardo said as he drove.

After some time, they had arrived at the Leonardo building, they parked their vehicles in the parking lot outside the building.

"Wow, this is not damaged anymore, but completely destroyed," said Steven and others looking at the destroyed and badly damaged mall, some even flattened to the ground.

"Leo, were there no casualties in that incident?" said Amelia.

"Of course there are, there are a lot of casualties, if I'm not mistaken there are 400 people or so and visitors are also counted with shopkeepers and guards, a total of around 500 people or so," Leonardo said.

They all didn't expect it to be that bad and recalled the tragedy one month ago.

"Let's go, let's take a shower. You look so relaxed, even though you've only been wearing those clothes for a month. Don't you feel smelly?" Leonardo said as he walked towards the apartment.

They all looked at their clothes and kissed them, after realizing what Leonardo had said, they ran towards the building.

Arriving at the back entrance and going inside, they saw a waiter approaching Radit and his friends, it was Mart. "Oh, it's Sir, Lucia and friends, welcome back," Mart said.

"Mart, Lucia. Prepare the room for them and the clothes. We want to take a bath first," Leonardo said. "Yes sir, will do," said Mart and Lucia.

As Lucia was about to walk away from them, Hana held Lucia's hand.

"Where are you going? You've been with us for a month, you're a girl too, you need to clean up," Hana said.

"But Master has ordered me," Lucia said.

"Leo, you are such a sadist to girls," Amelia said.

"You don't understand women," said Britta and Laras.

Feeling cornered, Leonardo finally gave in and also felt guilty. "Yes, clean yourself up with the others. Mart will be helped by others," Leonardo said.

"Ba...well sir, thank you," Lucia said, blushing slightly.

They continued up the elevator and headed to the bathing floor.

In the men's bath room.

"I'm finally experiencing the joys of the world again," said Gilbert.

"It's been a month... it feels so long," Fauzan said.

"Why aren't the days always relaxed like this?" said Raka.

"Leo, why is this bathhouse so quiet?" said Radit.

"Since that day, many visitors to apartments and hotels have left here, it's like they're going back to their country," Leonardo says.

"The bathhouse is like our own," Steven says, swimming here and there.

"Hey, don't be such a little brat," Leonardo said.

Fauzan, who saw Steven swimming here and there and jumping here and there, finally followed him.

"Woi, why are you coming too?" said Leonardo. Raka, Gilbert, and Jiyan saw the two of them so happy, so they joined in.

"Woi, why are you even participating like children!" said an annoyed Leonardo.

"Hahaha... let them be, Leo," Radit said.

After his words, Fauzan and Steven quietly took a dipper from the washing area and took cold water and poured it over Radit and Leonardo.

Radit and Leonardo were silent for a moment, then looked at Fauzan and Steven with angry faces. "Radit, do you still want to be quiet?" Leonardo asked. "Oh, of course not!" replied Radit.

Radit immediately got out of the warm bathing pool, ran to the washing area and picked up two dippers. He threw one dipper to Leonardo.

Leonardo caught the dipper with a flourish, then said, "Time for action."

The three of them then attacked each other, while Raka, Gilbert and Jiyan had fun swimming in the warm pool.

In the women's bathing room.

"Yea! Finally a hot bath!" exclaimed Amelia, standing naked facing the hot spring pool.

"Amel, cover your body with a towel and before entering the bathing pool, wash your body first," Britta said.

They washed their bodies first before entering the bathing pool. "Ah... how comfortable," said Laras.

"I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time," Amelia said. They, the women, enjoyed a relaxing and calm bath time.

"Lucia, you have a good body," said Britta.

"Thank you," Lucia said.

"Can I try your breasts? They look soft," Amelia said.

"Want me to hit you?" Lucia asked Amelia with a creepy look.

"Ah, hm... not so," Amelia said in a shrunken voice.

"Lucia, how long have you been with Leo?" asked a curious Laras.

"Hmm... if I'm not mistaken, I've been with him for 7 years. If I'm not mistaken, since Leo was 10 years old, that would be 2110," Lucia said.

"Eh...!" exclaimed all the women who heard it.

"Tell me about your meeting with Leo," said Britta. At that, Lucia was silent for a moment.

"Uh, sorry, did that question bother you?" asked Britta guiltily.

"Ah, no. It's not a big secret either, but maybe I'll tell you next time," Lucia said. The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Ah... then, have you ever taken a bath with Leo?" asked Laras. Hearing that, Amelia was a little surprised and curious too.

"Yes, once," said Lucia, speaking casually like it was no big deal.

"Ehhhhh! Seriously?!" exclaimed Laras, Hana, and Britta simultaneously.

"When did it happen, Lucia?" a very curious Hana asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was when Leo was 11 years old and on a long school vacation after he graduated from elementary school," Lucia said.

"So, how did you feel then, Lucia?" asked Britta.

"I was so happy that Leo asked me to take a shower back then," Lucia says with an embarrassed and happy look on her face as she recalls it.

"Hm... it looks like you have a super tough rival, here," Hana said to Amelia who heard her and was embarrassed.

"What the hell, you! You cow," Amelia said, patting Hana on the chest. They had a great time at the bathhouse.

Time passed and it was getting late. They had finished bathing.

In the men's locker room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here are the clothes we have prepared. Please choose whatever you like," Mart said.

"Oh... very good," said Raka.

"Feels like a premium member," said Radit.

"Wow... super," said Jiyan.

In the Women's locker room,

"Lucia and friends young master, here are the clothes we have prepared for you," said one of the maids.

"Wow, the clothes are really nice," Amelia said.

"Ih, there are cute ones too," Hana said.

"This one looks elegant," says Britta.

"Hey, where's my maid outfit?" Lucia asked the maids.

"Oh, Lucia, you'll be joining the lord and his friends for dinner, and his family too, so you'll have to dress nicely," said one of the servants.

"But I don't fit into these clothes," Lucia said as she stared and held the clothes. As she was looking around, Lucia felt a sense of menace come over her, so she looked around and found all the women in the room staring at her.

"Hey, what's up with you guys," Lucia said looking at the women.

"Hey, why are you guys coming so close! Move away or I'll kick you later!" Lucia said threateningly but was ignored by all the women.

"This must be Mart! This must be his plan! Damn you Mart! AAAAA..." Lucia said and screamed as the women held her tightly.

In the men's locker room,

"That's who shouted," said Raka.

"I don't know, I think it's from the women's locker room," said Gilbert.

"What the hell are they doing," Leonardo said.

Mart, when he heard the scream, immediately sneezed many times.

"Mart, are you okay?" said Leonardo.

"Yes sir, I'm fine, take it easy," Mart said.

The men finished changing their clothes first, while the women were nowhere to be seen. After some time, the women finally came out of the entrance cubicle of the women's bath.

The men as well as the servants were mesmerized by the beautiful and graceful figures of the women who came out and approached them with a very fragrant fragrance.

Leonardo looked at Amelia earnestly. His casual clothes that matched Amelia's in gray made Leonardo a little stunned.

"Hey! You keep looking at me, how pretty am I," Amelia said with a red face.

"Yes, you're beautiful," Leonardo said. Listening to that unexpected thing, Amelia said,

"Sh...shut up you pervert!" she said.

Leonardo then saw Lucia who was also dressed differently, not in maid's clothes.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't wear the maid outfit because they forced me to. It must not suit me," Lucia said.

Leonardo was quite fascinated by Lucia's outfit, as he rarely or hardly ever saw Lucia in anything other than her work clothes.

"Ekh...ti...no really, you fit," Leonardo said.

On the other hand,

Steven and Fauzan stared at Laras who was dressed in all brown and had a distinctive fragrance, as if to attract the opposite sex.

"Bang, don't you want to praise Laras?" said Fauzan.

"Why should I? You keep looking at her, you tell me," Steven said.

"Why are you staring at me? Is this outfit not suitable?" Laras said to the two of them because she felt she was being stared at.

"Eh, no really! You're beautiful!" said Steven and Fauzan.

"Be...is that so?" said Laras, her face red with embarrassment. That gave Fauzan and Steven a sudden heart attack.

On the other hand.

Gilbert and Jiyan saw Britta and were mesmerized by her maxi dress.

"Oh... oh... oh, with a little effort, you can look good too, right?" said Gilbert.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you dressed like this, it looks good, doesn't it?" said Jiyan.

"Be...really? I don't feel confident," Britta said as she swayed the bottom of the outfit. Gilbert and Jiyan looked at each other and said together, "You're pretty in this, too." Hearing that made Britta blush.

On the other hand.

Radit and Raka were fascinated by Hana's outfit. She wore a white long-sleeved shirt and a brown skirt, with a soft fragrance.

"Hey, why are you silent? Praise him," Raka said.

"What the hell!" said Radit.

"Oh, should I be the one praising?" said Raka, but Radit did not reply to his words, because seeing Radit embarrassed immediately thought of his naughty intentions.

"Hana," Raka called her and then continued to say, "Radit said earlier that you are now very beautiful and also cute." Raka said.

"Eh...!" came the spontaneous voice of the startled Hana.

"Hey! Since when did I say that?" said Radit.

"Oh, so what you're saying is that Hana is ugly now and doesn't fit in?" said Raka.

"Ah...hmmm... not really," Radit said in a quiet voice while looking at Hana.

"Do I look ugly?" said Hana with a blush on her face as she stared at Radit.

Radit heard that and saw it, in his heart said, 'That's not good for my blood sugar levels,' he thought to himself and his face turned red in shame. "Eh... no really... you're... now... very beautiful," Radit stammered.

"Thank you Radit, you are also very handsome," Hana said with a beautiful smile. Radit saw that and blushed even more.

"Oho... congratulations, Ra... di... t," said Raka.

After they were mesmerized by each other, Mart shared an important piece of information.

"That's all right, now it's time to go to the dining room for dinner, the others are waiting," Mart said.

"Others?" everyone voiced at the same time.

Everyone followed Mart and headed towards the Leonardo family's special large dining room floor.

When everyone reached the door, "Please come in, sir and friends, and welcome," Mart and the other servants said as they opened the dining room door.

My native language is Indonesian, I use the best paid translation tool, so I don't check the details of the story. If you find a strange word, or an abbreviation that isn't translated. Mark that part with a comment, I'll fix it right away. Thank you.

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