
Inner demons

The deep night has come.

After taking a shower and dressing in Viltrumite's clothes, I went to the roof of the building. Closing the door behind me and hiding the keys under the air conditioner, I stretched, warmed up, and gently flew up. Soon, accelerating, I flew away from the planet and a ship familiar to me flew up to me. Albert waved to me through the windshield.

Entering the ship and going to the seats to sit down and buckle up, I silently nodded to Albert and he, answering with a nod, continued to control the ship. Jump after jump through the holes like a honeycomb in front of us, we finally found ourselves in front of a star unknown to me with one planet visible from behind the windows.

Unfastening my seatbelt and standing up, I moved closer to the pilot seats and surveyed the view in front of me.

"Impressive isn't it?" Albert chuckled seeing how I was watching.

In front of us was a gigantic fleet, which, apparently, was still gathering. Small white-and-gold fighters with red Nova Corps emblems were flying around like gnats, patrolling or whatever. Well, in the center of the entire fleet stood 19 huge ships with new emblems in addition to the red star. Each was unique and beautiful in its own way, and the light of the star reflected off the white and gray walls of the ships, creating a look that I remembered forever. Picking up the communicator, I took a photo.

"That's true, can't deny that." I nodded and continued looking at the photo.

Albert, looking at me, opened his mouth, clearly deciding to say that it was not alloud to take pictures and this was a military secret, but then, after thinking, he closed it after a second. He clearly did not dare to say what I should not do.

Smirking to myself at seeing his contradictions like an open book, I continued to watch as Albert brought the spaceship into the hangar of one of the 19 monstrous giant ships, landing it very gently and smoothly.

"We arrived." - unfastening his belt, he led me to the ladder, which the soldier was already lowering.

As soon as we got off the ladder and moved away from the ship through the crowds of people who fussed like hard worker bees, I immediately noticed a girl from the general crowd that was walking purposefully in our direction.

She was quite attractive with a slim figure and coiffed dark hair, and the only thing that made her different and unusual was her blue skin, which was the same color as her uniform.

"Welcome to Haleyb-11, I am Tayana, please follow me, the attack is scheduled in 2 hours, during which time I will introduce you to our commanders-in-chief and you will be brought up to date in our latest plan."

"Hey." greeting, I followed her.

Unable to contain my emotions, I twisted my face in disgust.

Politics, politics, politics. I'm here for easy money, that's all. And the fact that they want to "introduce" me to someone was clearly a pretext to check me again or something else. The plan could simply be sent through a document, but nooo, we want to speak face-to-face.

Soon after taking many elevators and passing through the corridors through the guards, who ignored me as if they were waiting, we finally came to a door different from the others.

Opening smoothly in the center, a diagonal strip appeared and the two parts of the door parted with a smooth sound. Passing by looking at the thickness of the door, I realized that this is something like an important place since the thickness of the door is half a meter.

And looking at the room itself with a long table at which many figures were sitting.

Aliens with different body shapes and many different factors were sitting with awards in uniforms, but most of them were humanoid. Behind there were also many people with and without uniforms.

Well, above the table hung a holographic map, on which I saw an even number of ships. Remembering the invasion of New York in the film, I realized that if this attacked the planet, then no Avengers would be able to protect it without the intervention of external forces. One ship was the size of a quarter of New York, the same goes for the others. There were countless dots near them, and realizing that these were fighters, I only complained to myself that there were too many of them. And, apparently, I will have to destroy them.

However, for me it is easy.

Noticing a familiar face, I looked at Irani at the table, and she smiled cheerfully at me realizing I was looking at her.

"Ah, Helmut the viltrumite! Miss Irani told us a lot of good things about you, glad to finally meet face to face." With a smile on his face, an old man with scales on his neck and wrist, with white hair combed back, got up from his chair. An ugly scar ran from his throat to his ear. Everyone at the table just looked at us silently, giving us the freedom to speak.

"Who are you?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, General of the Nova Corps and Nova Empire, Zakk, directing the attack of the general coalition of planets. You probably noticed that all 19 ships have different signs and shapes, right?"

Nodding, I waited for the continuation.

"So, each such ship is assigned to one of the races that are part of the council. We've assembled the most advanced ships for this attack, something we don't usually do. Why do you think we did that? Have a seat please."

Pointing to a chair, he sat down on his own chair not far away.

Sitting down at the table under the gazes, resting my elbows on the armrests, and crossing my fingers in the castle, I was in no hurry to answer, looking at everyone at the table. It's all starting to annoy me. I prefer to do the job and leave, but I understand their excitement too.

They don't know me and bet that I can handle these ships alone with my small body, they clearly did not want to believe in it. Most likely they calculated my physical data from the first meeting, when I flew, resisting the gravity of the planet that would flatten a person, and also from my first mission when I broke through the mountain and landed.

"I'll be honest with you." - finally speaking, feeling that I had been silent for too long, I looked back at the general who was smiling and looking at me with the soulless eyes of a warrior who had seen shit. "Whether it's because you can't deal with the enemy without assembling such a fleet, or if it's to show your universe's combat power to suppress criminals in the future, I don't care. I came here on a mission to destroy the ships. As soon as I log into the Chitauri-infested system, I'll get to work. No more, no less."

"Ahahaha!" - Laughing, the general slapped the table. - "I like your spirit! Fine. We agree to your participation. Let me explain the plan that we carefully assembled while we have been waiting for you." - Deciding for everyone at once, he received a bunch of looks of dissatisfaction, but, apparently, he was respected enough to keep everyone silent.

They respect him or they was too afraid of him. His soulless smile and dead eyes clearly showed that he was not just a general. As he began to explain, he occasionally zoomed out on the system's holographic map, pointing to one ship or another. After listening, I did not ask again, as they really tried to explain which ship could not be destroyed near the planet and needed to be lured out, and which would cause more damage if not taken care of in the first place.

"Very good plan." I praised them and nodded. "Zakk, tell me, is there a second plan?"

"Don't worry Mr. Hellmuth. There is a second, a third, and a fourth. We don't come into battle with one strategy when we have a sea of strategists! However, you don't need to worry. This is the only and main plan in which there is hope for you." he smiled again.

Smirking, I understood his hint and did not say anything.

"Well now that we have decided on the strategy, does anyone have any questions?" - Asking a question already to everyone at the table, he stood up.

No one asked a single question, looking at each other.

"Then I will return to my ship. Good luck Mr. Hellmuth." – stretching out his right hand to me for a handshake, he was clearly not going to leave without one.

Standing up, I shook his hand, and he squeezed my hand as if he was trying to break it, without showing on his face. Without changing my face, not allowing him to speak, I squeezed in response and there was a crunch in a quiet room. Letting go of my hand, his face did not change as if nothing had happened and he left smiling. Turning back to the table I gazed upon them.

"On that, I also take my leave." - although they obviously wanted to talk to me again, I had enough conversation with one old man.

Going out to accompany Tayana, who was obviously excited, but did not talk about it, I stopped in the corridor.

"Tayana, how long until my jump?"

She opened the tablet and looked at the time.

"47 minutes until your jump. And another 10 minutes until the Nova Corps fleet jumps. 15 minutes to get to your ship right now, you have 32 minutes of free time."

With a chuckle, I immediately felt how good it was to have a secretary. An incredible feeling.

"Where is the cafe here? I would like to have something sweet to eat."

"It's far from the dining room and we won't have time, as an option, they can bring an order to the ship, this can be arranged without problems." - already starting to type something on the tablet and completing the tasks, she answered. – "Here is the menu."

"Come on, are you saying that any soldier can just order food and have it delivered anywhere on the ship?" I grinned.

This is no longer a service, but some kind of resort turns out. I seriously thought about the professionalism of the Nova Corps.

"Of course not." She continued giggling. "In the nova corps, each rank has its own duties and privileges. I can do it without a problem, but someone like vice-captains and so on can't."

"Oh. Wait a second, what rank are you?" My interest rose in her. I used to think she was just Irani's secretary.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hellmuth, I can't tell you that."

"Ah, secret identity? Interesting…" I was really interested in this.

Could she be some kind of secret service in the nova corps?

Taking the tablet, I agreed that they would bring me and after half an hour I was already sitting on the ship with a bunch of different desserts.

Tayana left me a long time ago, leaving me with Albert and his crew, who looked at me and my tray strangely on the table, on which there were different cups with different contents.

Testing each of the dishes, I ate everything in a matter of minutes, highlighting 2 particularly noteworthy desserts for myself and remembering their taste, I decided to repeat something similar at home. Removing the tray, I finally started stretching as the ship began to fly out of the hangar.

Having warmed up, I did not jump in spite of the boiling blood but calmly sat down, inhaling and exhaling.

Opening my eyes, I looked in front of me at the seats where the soldiers were sitting. They looked at me with curiosity, and distrust, and whispered a little with fear. As soon as they saw my gaze, they fell silent.

But I didn't care. This insects doesn't worth my attention.

Oh shit not again, in the coming massacre, my inner viltrumite came out. In the end, I remembered everything that this viltrumite did with his own hands and how many civilizations he ruined. Perhaps it left me some kind of scar that I stopped worrying about the lives of others and went with the flow. All I wanted was a comfortable life and sometimes dilute the comfort. Remembering the planet Earth, I decided that it was time to have some fun when I returned to the planet.

"We are in place." a voice boomed from the speakers, and the soldiers jumped up, unhooking their straps and handing me a helmet. However, shrugging it off with the headphones, I went towards the door.

And now, having taken off from the ship, which went to hide from the Chitauri radars, I headed towards the star. Accelerating to FTL and beyond in a matter of seconds, I covered the distance and entered the system, and pierced the first ship at high speed before either of them could figure out what hit them.

For a second, I heard screams and explosions, but flying away from the giant ship, part of which exploded and began to scatter, destroying fighters around me, silence again surrounded me. Having closed the view in front of me, a lot of fighters changed their direction and flew towards me, opening fire on me.

The yellow blasters did not stop firing at the body, which did not harm me at all, and flying forward again, I turned into a white flash that did not stop this time. Rushing destroying everything in the way, I felt my heartbeat and my hands itch. Flying into the hull of the ship, I immediately flew out from the other side and, making a U-turn, immediately pierced the ship, repeating this many times until only parts flying in all directions remained from the ship.

Deciding to satisfy my thirst for destruction with my own hands and fingers, I slowed down and crashed into one of the giant ships in the form of an airship, did not come out from the outside, but got inside and stopped. Finding myself in one empty corridor, pushing off the wall and destroying it, I flew right through to the engines and soon after finding them began to destroy everything around with my hands or feet. Soon everything was glowing and sparkling enough to give me the idea that it was time to leave.

Seeing the fleeing beast-like screaming and running from me, I flew up to him and, grabbing his head, flew out, breaking through the body of the ship with my fist.

Once in space, ignoring the explosions around me while fragments of the destroyed ship destroyed hundreds of fighters again, I flew to the next one and saw the window where the pilots were sitting, swung, and sent the Chitauri corpse right there.

The icy corpse smashed against the glass at high speed, breaking it. In a matter of seconds, the entire crew flew out through the resulting hole, which expanded even more, suffocating and dying in agony. The swollen bodies soon froze and were covered with ice.

Flying past them, I looked at the levers on the captain's bridge and buttons, and remembering the manuals that I had read, I began to try to steer the ship forward. Fortunately, it was easy, and soon the ship went away from the planet directly into the star.

Having pulled out the buttons with levers and thrown them into space, I took off and went further.

Now, having quenched my thirst to destroy, I decided to end it faster, again turning into a white deadly streak that began to fly, penetrating through ships, and destroying all fighters on the way. Only a flickering white stripe and chains of explosions could be seen. The trail of destruction soon expanded throughout the star system and many fighters gave up on trying to destroy me and tried to escape to the planet.

Having already destroyed more than 18 motherships, I saw how the remaining ones were trying to escape. Squinting at the endless fighter attacks, I continued to ignore them and flew towards the furthest ships.

Flying into their engines, I destroyed them, forcing them to drift without letting them escape.

One of the ships was pretty solid looking, and I recognized this as Kree technology. Flying up to the ship with the destroyed engines, I plunged my hands into the strongest part of the ship on the shoulders and, straining, began to pull the ship. Soon, picking up speed, and spinning, I threw the ship into the sun that began to release a sea of escape pods once they realized this is the end.

Watching everyone leave the ship, I cracked my fists when I suddenly noticed a flash of red lightning flashing toward the ship in the distance. Having pierced the ship, the lightning did not come out, but soon a wave of blue energy escaped from the ship, smashing it to pieces.

That wasn't Nova Corps, they had to arrive later for sure. Frowning, I continued to do my job destroying ships, keeping my eyes on the lightning that continued to destroy smaller ships, trying to get closer to my speed.

Two minutes later, not a single mother ship remained and only fragments remained near the planet, which flew to the surface of the planet. Looking at the red lightning that rushed to the planet, I flew after it, wanting to know what it is. Entering the stratosphere to feel how the dirt burned off me, I flew towards the falling fragments. Apparently, by shooting and pushing fragments, the creature tried to save the planet from destruction as much as it could. Deciding to help, I accelerated without much effort throwing fragments into space. Some were 200 meters or more and heave as fuck, but for me, they were like a feather while I was on adrenaline after the massacre. Having thrown out the majority, leaving the smaller ones to fall, I finally flew towards an unfamiliar object, which also flew towards me.

Hanging in the air with my arms crossed, I waited for him to fly up to me and soon discovered that it was her. With long blond hair in a blue-red suit with a star on it, Captain Marvel was clearly staring at me.

"Ku sei Laniskiratata? - she started talking funny and realizing that I did not understand sighed. – "Okay, what other well-known languages to use hmm…"

Without reacting, holding back a smile, I didn't say anything.

Continuing to speak in different languages, trying to contact me, she suddenly froze and looked up. Many ships broke through the atmosphere of the planet and flew down, roaring flames. Flashing with energy, Carol was clearly going to fly towards them, but moving with a white flash, being in front of her in a split second, I stopped her.

"Were you also hired by the Nova Corps?" I spoke in English and asked her.

She widened her eyes and looked at me in surprise.

"Do you speak English? Why didn't you say so right away!?"

"It was fun to watch you remembering all the languages you know, forgetting that you have a translator." I smiled and looked at her bracelet.

Apparently, in this universe, she was not the smartest.

"What's so funny about it, my induction chip died while I was flying here and the bracelet will not turn on until I find a replacement for it. Who are you and why are you stopping me?"

"Do you know the Nova Corps?"

"Let's say I do so what." – looking again at the incoming ships, she suddenly noticed a bunch of emblems with a red star.

"That's what you're talking about! But don't worry, I wouldn't attack them as long as I knew who they were first. Now I can be calm. So I wasn't the only one who wanted to help those in need, which makes me happy."

"And you knew who you had destroyed before?"

"Of course, I knew! The Kree refugees and the Chitauri have decided to destroy an entire civilization! By the way, my name is Carol, I travel through space to help there and here. I recently returned on business to this part of space and heard the news about the capture of the planet. And who are you?"

"Helmut. I was hired to fight off the invaders. However, there is still fighting in space, let's help them get rid of the rest of the fighters and then we'll get back to talking."

"You are right." – frowning, she immediately flew up without further ado.

Taking off after her, I got out into space after examining the mess that I had done and rushed to the aid of the nova corps fighters.

Selecting the first fighter of the Nova Corps, I watched as it was bypassed from three flanks. Having caught up with the first enemy ship, breaking the wing, I burst into the cockpit with a terrible grin, which I managed with fear, and breaking through the wall gave them a painful death in space.

Grabbing the fighter, I hurled it, blocking a projectile with it flying at the ally's fighter, and soon destroyed the second Chitauri fighter. The third was already able to finish off the Nova Corps fighter itself. Seeing red and blue flashes in the distance, I realized that Carol was doing the same thing.

Once when we were close to each other and did a few combo strikes playing volleyball with enemy ships, I hugged her and took selfy. When I activated the photo functions she saw that immediately and agreed to this after a little shock, that I put my arms around her waist pulling her towards me. A second before the photo, she put horns behind my head with her fingers and mischievously stuck out her tongue while looking at the camera. After the flash indicating that the photo was successful, she flew away continuing the destruction. Helping the Nova Corps I felt that we were almost finished finally.

However, shortly after a half-hour battle with the remnants of the Chitauri and Kree, I suddenly felt goosebumps. My intuition screamed that something has changed.

Turning to the planet, I suddenly realized that everything before my eyes became dazzling white and my skin was pinched as if I was being eaten by billions of ants. Every millimeter on the body shook, and the head became cloudy from the impact.

The force of the impact threw me back, and I felt like I crashed into something. Judging by the way I continued to punch through everything in the way, it was one of the 19 ships of the Nova Corps.

When the light finally disappeared, I felt that I could see again and opening my eyes in shock looked at what was left of a giant ship that was the size of dozens of Everests. A giant hole gaped right down the middle of the ship in front of me, and every light on it went out. Technique, corpses, and fragments of the ship flew everywhere. Feeling something on my face, I brought my hand to my nose and tore off an icy drop of blood that had flowed from my nose.

After analyzing, I realized that this attack that destroyed a bunch of fighters and destroyed the main ship was not aimed at me at all. I was only lucky to stand in the way of the shot to the ship. Having flown through the hole of the ship, remembering where the shot came from, I rushed to the planet, accelerating to supersonic speed. Having entered the surface of the planet with a bang, I did not slow down, but only accelerated.

The boiling waters of the sea had not yet had time to settle down after the shot from the bottom, and diving at high speed, I immediately reached the bottom and broke through equipment unknown to me, hitting a high-tech room, which began to flood. Monitors and tables were everywhere with unknown equipment, but I was no longer interested in all this. The bracelet vibrated on my arm, but I didn't notice until a minute later when, in my rage, I stopped killing every Kree that was in the facility. After destroying the underwater structure into fragments, I received the call. The message was incredibly garbled, and the hologram seemed about to shut down after the bracelet received such an attack. But with difficulty, I heard a voice through the communicator.

"Helmut… the location of 2 more points with the same structures as your…. They are charging... You have a minute… open fire ." - An unknown voice spoke with static noise, but I generally understood and instantly looked at the file that was sent to me.

Closing the call, without saying a word, I quickly opened the map that worked intermittently and the GPS quickly took me to the first point. Flying up to the laser machine that was charging, I tore out one of the parts, and the accumulated energy escaped in a blinding dome, creating an explosion creating an earthquake and erasing the object from the face of the planet.

Soon after doing the same with the second installation, I got out of the bottom and looked at the storm that broke out in the sea. The sky was overcast with clouds and lightning struck in places. On land, I have already heard explosions and fire that rose to the sky. Even from here, I could see the once-standing buildings, now were just ruins. Hovering over what was left of this civilization, I compared it to my planet. One bad day, one bad luck. And the planet will meet exactly the same end. Making another photo I decided to keep this as a reminder.

My house will burn down and all that's left is ruins and corpses. Thanos alone was enough to destroy half the universe, but there are many other ambitious races and personalities besides him that hate all living things in the universe.

Soon after returning to space, I realized that the Nova Corps was busy clearing debris in space. Looking towards the sun, I saw how the ships that I had thrown there were still spinning and flying towards their death. However, suddenly one of the ships that I sent to the star changed direction and began to try to fly away from the burning star. Apparently, tearing out all the panels with buttons was not enough to deprive them of mobility.

The Nova Corps noticed this and clearly didn't like it. One of the remaining 18 ships separated from the formation built around the planet and set off in pursuit. After a minute of continuous fire, the ship that could not even turn around and give back resistance turned into chips plowing space.

Having flown up to the ship, which I remembered was like the ship on which Irani was, I flew into the hangar while the fighters were creating a corridor for me. Apparently, they clearly idolized me once they even saluted when I flew through the shield that preserves oxygen and the atmosphere on the ship.

Passing in front of the standing soldiers that saluted, I did not feel satisfaction or pride, but it was only funny from this. I didn't care what they thought, but if they decided to idolize me, then they chose the right side. And that was enough.

Oh damn. The habits kicked in again. I will soon be able to suppress these thoughts when I rest.

"I am Helmut. I am Helmut. I am Helmut. Not a maniac."

After talking contentedly in my head, I went towards the elevator, wanting to find the technical department on the map and guide. Soon I got to the iron doors with a screw painted on the wall and silently looking at me, the guards just let me through.

Realizing that they wouldn't cause me any problems, given that I was not in uniform, I went inside past the shelves with weapons and equipment. One soldier from this department came up to me asking what happened.

"I need to fix this." - just passing the bracelet, I waited until she got the tools and began to disassemble it like a toy car.

With quick movements, he gave me the option to give me a new one in exchange for this one with the transferred data, since mine was partially fused and could not be repaired, and I agreed. All the same, there was nothing there except for the bank account, and no one except me could use it. Plus, I was not afraid of theft here. Even after my death for 100 years, if no one claims with my posthumous approval, the bank will keep the money safe.

Soon with a new bracelet, I contacted Tayana and met her in one of the corridors.

The way she looked at me was no longer with interest and curiosity like an hour ago, but already with fear that was hidden in her eyes. Most likely after this day, a new legend will appear in the universe, in which no one will believe until I knock on the door.

Soon I got to the headquarters of the generals, on the bridge of the captain of this ship, and after waiting for Irani to finish talking with someone, I finally got her attention.

"Mr. Hellmuth, do you need to go to the med-bay?" was the first thing I heard from her.

"No, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

The question puzzled her, from which her brain finally exited after a couple of seconds of awkward silence. She badly wanted to list everything that happened from which any creature could obviously erase, but she kept silent. It was on his tongue to ask how he survived the beam that erased the powerful shields of the main spaceship and the ship itself, but it was too embarrassing to ask.

"Your nose was apparently bleeding, it would not be bad if you were examined and received proper care. Especially after that beam…"

"Believe me, I'm fine. A couple of hours of good sleep and it will heal. I have seen many terrible situations and as you can see I still stand here." I smiled and remembered that creature from the black hole.

"I understand you. Well, on this I can congratulate you Helmut, thanks to you we won the battle and how I would like it to be without losses, but who knew that there would be such a resource on the planet that the Kree could feed such a laser installation three times."

"What resource?" My interest has been in this direction for a long time. After all, where did the Kree get such a source of energy for such rays? For a second, I believed that there was some kind of infinity stone on the planet.

"Anulax batteries, have you ever heard of them?"

"There was a case, but I can't say that I saw them."

"Well, they are characterized by the fact that the sovereigns have them in abundance, as well as the secret to their production. Our scientists came up with an analog for them a long time ago, but alas, one single resource was too rare, so production was stopped and factories were frozen. The recipes were leaked by someone and now everyone knows how valuable this planet is because of the Chitauri. This planet contains these resources."

"I see now." I nodded and looked into her eyes. "I can see that the Nova Corps are hungry for these resources, but how do you want to get them?"

"Don't worry if you think we'll go the Chitauri way." - she did not deny that the resources beckoned her - "The resources belong entirely to the race that inhabits this planet, we will offer them fair trade and help to develop their planet, even after an unsuccessful first contact, I think they are quite happy to see us. This brings us to one point Mr. Hellmuth. Your mission fee has been revised. We did not expect such a contribution from you and therefore in a couple of days, 1,400,050,000 units will be credited to your account. On behalf of the Nova Corps, I'm Commander-in-Chief Irani Rael thank you for saving the planet and helping our troops."

After saluting she looked at me firmly. Everyone on the bridge stood up and saluted as well. Okay. This is starting to get annoying. I am not a soldier, I am someone who works for money.

"Then that's it. I'll take some time off before going on the third mission I've taken. What else do you want Miss Irani?"

"Yes, if it's not difficult, could you tell me who this woman was that joined you? Is she also from your Viltrum empire?" She finally asked the question I expected.

"Oh, this. Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"We wanted to, but she flew out of the system and in the flash disappeared from the radar, and we could not talk to her."

"She flew away?" Surprised, I thought about her promise to talk later.

She may have fixed her bracelet during the fight and received an important message, but who knows, maybe she just forgot.

"When you meet her, ask yourself. One thing I can say is that she is not of our race."

"Understood, thank you for letting me know. Then good luck." She smiled and shook my hand and went back to her work.

After leaving, I went to the hangar, deciding that that was all for today. On the way, going into the lists of planets and shops, I quickly found new things that interested me and my knowledge. Connecting to the database of the Nova Corps ship, I took the access code from the girl who ran after me and downloaded everything about the starships that the Nova Corps knew. I also downloaded a lot more until I realized that out of 1060 terabytes of memory, 140 remained.

Deciding that this was enough and then I would take more information, I finally arrived at the hangar.

"Mr. Hellmuth, a ship is waiting for you on the right, it will take you to your planet." - the girl turned to me when she saw that I stopped.

"Thank you, Tayana. See you later."

"Have a good trip." - Watching as I boarded the ship, her professional smile did not leave, and finally seeing how the ship successfully flew out of the hangar, she turned on her heels and left the hangar calling someone.




When I got to the apartment, the first thing I did was shower, leaving my viltrumite uniform to wash off, which, fortunately, was not damaged. It wouldn't be cool if there was a hole in the ass. However, I will soon find where I can get materials and clothes for new cloth.

Having eaten, I felt that I was again at the peak while the body digested everything to the smallest crumb. Taking the bottle out for the cooler, I drank all the water in one sitting and exhaled contentedly. It was already dawning outside the window and after checking my account, I still did not see the replenishment. Apparently, such a large transaction took time for them.

So having free time, I made myself a cup of hot coffee and sat on the balcony with a laptop. The light bulbs automatically lit up, illuminating the floor, and when I opened the lid, I first opened the news agency's saved tab.

[3 Military developments to protect the planet went out of control due to terrorists, but, fortunately, government agents were able to inject the virus and destroy them.] - a month ago post haunted me.

In the picture, I could see 3 Hellicariers opening fire on each other. So that's where the citizens' taxes go.

Scrolling through the last ones, I didn't see anything interesting so opened other news agencies and found one interesting article.

[Flying Alien, Photoshop, or Real?]

The picture showed me hovering with my arms crossed over the Statue of Liberty.

Looking at how good I looked in the photo, I wondered what to do now. The world already knew that there were worlds besides them and it was not a problem to show there is another alien. But alas, not many believed that I would be kind. Maybe if I save a couple of dozen people, I can create an image for myself at the level of the Avengers and avert suspicion from myself. After all, I knew myself better than anyone.

Let me be Helmut, but I am Helmut who lived through the memories of the Viltrumite, destroying entire space fleets of immigrants for fun, enslaving races that have already given up, destroying entire cities tearing flesh with his hands and dipping into blood frightening the whole universe with just one word.


But I knew that insanity was clearly not a way to live and not a goal in my life. In the end, I enjoyed a normal human life, although given all the risks, sooner or later someone will disturb me. Be it Odin, magicians, or the government.

So it is better to have the cards in hand in advance. I tapped my finger on the table and thought.

Using my human tablet, I looked at the list of things I had planned and removed the most unimportant ones, like cooking or shopping for new ingredients, freeing up time from 6 to 11 pm. It's time to try yourself as a superhero of this world.

Smiling, I continued to sit at the computer until 3 o'clock, improving my knowledge of English and the sciences of this world. Unfortunately, from the thousand and thousands of years of accumulated experience of the Viltrumite empire, the former owner took over only a small part, which was not enough even to perform a simple operation on a person or equipment.

I felt a lack of knowledge every time something broke from the equipment, and what broke and how to fix it was a task beyond my strength. And this is earth technology.

And what happens when I have a starship? So after sitting around absorbing knowledge, I made myself strawberry yogurt with ice cream for lunch and took a bottle of ice-cold beer, I continued to study until the evening using the knowledge of both the earth and the Nova Corps that I downloaded.

Noticing soon that it was starting to get dark, I looked from the balcony to the street and saw how nightlife had begun in the city below.

Closing my laptop and tablet, I went inside and quickly used materials from the tool cabinet to modify the radio I had bought. Connecting to the police, government, and international frequencies was not a problem since I already knew which ones, the wristband had already calculated them and gave me the exact numbers.

Having set up a quick switch, I checked how the frequencies I had already set switched between themselves and switched the radio to the police frequency.

[313. A 246 at 7111 Alton St. Endicott.]

[ 1891 On my way.]

[ 374 B, need a unit at 8912 Nicolls Ave.]

[14298, on my way.]

[ Copy that.]

Listening without understanding the numbers, I quickly realized that I needed to find out how to understand them and postponed my flight around the city. Having opened the Internet, I began to look for documentation explaining the codes and numbers.

Finally finding everything, I learned everything in a short time and finally felt that I was ready. Leaving the radio in a conspicuous place, I connected to the same frequencies through the bracelet and connected the braclet to the earpiece.

Turning off the radio, and looking at the clock, I changed into a Viltrumite uniform and went out onto the balcony. Closing the door behind me I flew into the sky.

Hovering over the city, I did not fly for a long time and quickly found a tall building for street viewing below me. Sitting on the radio listening to someone throw trash out the window or a dead animal found, I decided that sitting and waiting was not an option. It was better to fly yourself and patrol the streets.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the sounds. I wasn't a Superman, but I could make out cries for help or silent shots from a great distance. Jumping off the edge while flying between buildings, I finally found my first job. Quiet pops were heard from one house and flying up creating turbulence and abruptly hovering in front of the windows looking inward. The house was two-story in an elite area on the outskirts of the city, where I was now, and flying around the house, I found which side the steps were from. On the second floor, the window was not closed and, leaning over, I flew in at an angle without any problems.

Without landing, I flew across the room and opened the door to the corridor.

I was immediately met by the muzzle. The man, opening his eyes in shock, pulled the trigger and continued to fire until the bullets ran out. There was a sound of running from below, and someone came up the stairs. Another man, who was looking at me from the stairs, saw how the bullets bounced like balls from my body right there, realized that things were bad, and rushed out. Grabbing the first by the throat and throwing it against the wall, I heard a crunch and a scream from him, and rushing after the other, I caught up with him, hovering in front of him.

"Wait, wait! I didn't kill anyone! It was him all along!" - leaving the gun on the floor he raised his hands.

"Hmm." - looking at him, I flew up and broke the knees of the bowls with one blow.

" AAAGHHH !" he yelled and collapsed without even seeing the moves and strike.

After taking off, I flew through the flight of stairs and checked every room. Apparently, I was too late. In one large bed, a woman and a husband in pajamas slept with a small child between them.

Everyone had a hole in their head.

Apparently, only the husband of the family woke up with his open eyes and posture as if he was trying to dodge, but it was too late.

Levitating back into the corridors, I saw that the one I threw at the wall was already dead from the impact. Yes, I'm a bad fucking superhero, but okay. His death is nothing to me. Returning back to the dark first floor, I again hung in front of the groaning murderer.

"Your head will be next if you lie. You understood me?" I crossed my arms and looked down at him.

My calm tone frightened him even more, and without restraining himself, he immediately shook his head.

"Good. How many of you were there."

"Just me and him. Nobody else in this building."

"In this building? Who is outside?

He gritted his teeth and remained silent.

"I said..." - stepping on him, pressing him to the floor like 400 kilos was on him, I continued - "Who. Was. Outside."

"The one who hired us! Assistant of Kingpin! They crossed his path, and he does not forgive! I'll tell you everything, please don't kill me!"

Letting him go and taking off I immediately flew to the streets and saw a man that was sitting on the corner of the street. He got a phone call and listening I didn't give him a chance to see me.

"No, they are still inside, yes. Yes. I will clean them up boss." - hanging his phone he continued smoking.

"That's all I needed to hear."

"What the MMMM!!" - he didn't have a chance to turn back and make sure no cameras were nearby I did what I decided was perfect. Ripping out the door of the car I threw a shocked man inside and sealed the entrance.

Lifting the car like a toy I threw the car into the space with great power. Earth cracked under my feet and the car flew into the sky and disappeared.

After returning back at home to killers I watched him having trouble breathing.

I noticed a disposable glove sticking out of his pocket and took it out. Having put it on, I took a phone from the hallway that was charged and even after a blackout at home it worked. Opening the communicator, I created a voice message that randomly generated a voice and the voice of a little girl came out. After typing the text, I listened to it in my earpiece and nodded in satisfaction. Dialing 911 on the phone, I listened to a couple of beeps until I was met by a tired woman's voice.

"911, how can I help you?"

Silently apologizing to her for the upcoming anxiety nightmares, I played the message from the bracelet.

"There are five dead bodies here. I don't want to play with them. Dad, mom, and little brother were shot in the head, and the two killers were taken to hell." - the cheerful voice of the girl played, and as soon as it ended, I immediately turned off the microphone in the phone with the button.

Putting the phone down, without dropping a phone call, so they can track the location while the women tried to talk to the "girl", I flew back to the killer.

"What do you mean five corpses dude!? What do five corpses mean!? You promised!" – but he was met only by a cold look that did not promise anything good.

In fact. I didn't promise him anything.