
New God in marvel

A new god appears in marvel will he save it or destroy it marvel world will have some changes to fit better with this story I do not own marvel

DarknessAuthor · 映画
122 Chs

Chapter 114

One chapter today, and the remaining chapters which amount to about 3-5 will be the last chapters of this fanfic, there will be a spin-off when I decide the universe Cul will travel to next.

The remaining chapters will be posted together when I am done writing them.

I thank you for your support throughout this fanfic, and your support in my others as well.


Cul looked at his new status and was happy, his power had increased, and he was now really powerful, after all the truly powerful beings can manipulate reality, but it also made him want to have some questions he had to be cleared up.

"I can now change the reality of this universe, but it doesn't seem to be real change its more of an illusion if anything." says Cul clearly confused.

{Host should not be confused, the truth of the matter is as you observed, you aren't the real owner of this universe yet, the most you can do until then is create a layer on top of the existing reality, of course to anyone else other than TOAA it would seem as though you are controlling reality.}

"So this power would have no effect on TOAA?" Cul questioned.

{No it would not, but you need not worry, TOAA also really can't control the reality of the marvel universe.}

"Oh, how so?"

{Host the system may not have explained it to you fully, but this universe as you already know wasn't created by TOAA, he just found it and assumed control of it as he didn't have any competition at the time, he may be responsible for the development of this universe but he didn't create it.}

"So who created this universe?" Cul asked.

{The will created everything, the will is the beginning and the end, and the will is nothing and everything.} the system responded.

Hearing this Cul was confused for a moment, but soon he had an assumption of what the system was talking about.

"The will of the omniverse?"


"So TOAA isn't as powerful as shown in the comics?"

{To put it simply host, the TOAA you will face has less than 50% control of this universe, the one seen in the comics had 100% percent control of the universe he created, this is a big difference.}

{I will tell the host clearly, a universe that has a ruler who has one hundred percent control of the core of a universe is different from this one, you would never be able to beat a ruler with 100% control in his universe, they are truly all-powerful in their universe, with a simple thought they could make anything disappear, truly disappear once you are in their universe you could never have more power than they have, never.}

"So how exactly am I to continue my journey ruling more universes if it's impossible to take one from its ruler?" Cul asked.

{The host only has two options, one is to hope to enter universes that do not have a ruler, and the second is to enter universes that have a ruler but they haven't fully controlled the core yet.}

"I'm guessing this is all up to chance?" Cul asked.


"Why did I think things would get easier when I was finished in this universe?" asked Cul.

{Hopeful thinking.}


Cul turned and continued to observe the approaching Thanos, but his mind was truly elsewhere, TOAA, and the other universes he would soon travel to these were things that really deserved his attention not a weak purple man.

"It seems all things considered I was truly lucky to pick this universe as my start, I could only hope that the future universes are the same." says Cul.

(On earth)

Things were normal, well as normal as could be for the earth at this time, with the forces all preparing for war.

A war that was upon them sooner than they would expect.

The sky above New york darkened suddenly and the people below who were carrying out their day stopped and looked up.

They fell silent, above them was a giant spaceship hovering above the city, the hatch of the ship opened quickly and it was empty for a time.



Before they could react Bodies fell from the sky.


They screamed as aliens appeared one after the other, more and more fell from the ship as the streets became crowded and the people around quickly began to flee in all directions.

The skies became packed with more ships as the aliens began to rush in the direction of one building.

As they approached A circle with orange energy appeared as a man appeared walking out of it looking at the approaching aliens.

As the invasion began the other forces on earth had been alerted and they have begun to move from Tony Stark to Nick Fury to the hidden country of Wakanda they have all begun to move.

While they did that, Cul had withdrawn his observation of Thanos who was landing on earth soon, he took a step walking towards the balcony of the room he was in as a black and green armor appeared covering his body, and his glaive appeared in his hand.

His eyes shined and he spoke.

"The time has come, I will be back my love." Cul says as a disappears.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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