
When the Cat is Away

Seeker and Lynd raced through the entire ship and began to convert more and more. Lynd would quickly gather the data as fast as they could and send it. The pair worked within a specific time frame. They did not waste a single second.

Even if Lynd managed to gather the information that was vastly incomplete, they would immediately leave whenever the link to call the Tyrant Empress occurred.

The Tyrant Empress would instruct the group to continue sending more details as fast as they could. And all the Commanders followed.

Back in the ship of Shakstress, the team of Unlocks was maximizing the time they had to gather more and more information.

The key was Madison and his team. With their ability to glance and gather massive amounts of information, the groups were able to find the workarounds and hindrances in moving around and manipulating data to change the status and access of the rest.