
The Sermon before the Kings (1)

Before the great thrones of the Emperors and Empresses, a preacher stood and glanced at them not with the usual amiable smile that he gives when he preaches but a serious look that contained disdain or contempt.

"I know of you, Pastor Eagle. While it's shocking that you also have such powers, a sermon is the last thing we need to hear-"

The Emperor couldn't finish what he said as a powerful force crashed down on him. Gravity surged to an extreme, and the Emperor felt like a large rock was crushing him.

"Who made man's mouth? Was it not God? Yet you have misused this gift by speaking false promises, uttering curses, and blaspheming the Name! Emperors and Empresses, tell me, by what technology am I doing this?" Eagle challenged as he withheld the power from affecting the Emperor.