
The Conspiracy Theory (2)

"The perfect conspiracy theory?" Seeker asked.

"Yes. We introduce the concept of typology to everyone. This has always been a fascinating field, but people were not interested mainly because no one believed it. But The literal fulfillment of the Bible will entice many to study its secrets. It will have an iceberg's depth of theological connections. This will make it a great material for conspiracy theorists to compose their content to share with the world. They will be the watchmen of towers that will see the fulfillment of the Word."

"Typology... Well... A lot have done that in the past. How many Christians were scammed by groups claiming they knew the end of the world because of bizarre and crazy interpretations of signs and symbols? It has proven to be effective! But now, we can shape things and have the power to fulfill them! We shoot arrows first and paint targets to make our actions match biblical symbology and typology."