
Return of the Plagues

The assault of the Overcomers came at the most advantageous moment.

Numerous threats have befallen them due to the threat of Lanterk's power. All Presiders were affected. But none among the Unlocked armies were.

The sacking of Lanterk's ship allowed the Unlocked to create metals that would not follow the tremendous pull and control of Lanterk. So unless Lanterk unleashes his Universe Energy, the Unlocked armies won't suffer remote control of Lanterk. But the magnetic pulses that breach and travel through the dimensions affect numerous techs of the other Presiders.

And then, there were the millions of Andronze's armies. The fight was so catastrophic that all Presiders were implementing countermeasures upon countermeasures to limit the attacks and damages to the millions of Andronze.

The sudden attack on Myrth's ship and the lightning bolt mistakenly sent to Straviaa caused joy to Andronze.