
Manifestation of Memories

While the battle continued, Lynd finally went backstage evading the many odd toys, underwear and other objects that were being tossed at the stage.

Lynd's expression was pale and difficult.

Halley Vagrant waited at the back.

"You alright?"

"I don't get it!? Why am I more famous than Danny?" He cursed.

Halley laughed.

"It's because your tall, successful and sweet. Danny has his playboy thing but you appear to be a much more realistic guy. Even the average girl would feel that they have a shot at you because of your down-to-earth and shy expression. The more you react in embarrassment to your fan's treatment the more they will love you. Be calmer if you want that to go away."

"They were throwing those-those… things! How the nutterballs can I remain calm?!" Lynd shouted in frustration.

Halley simply laughed.