
Intimidating Zeraphine

The sight of the Emperors and Empresses frightened Charm. The voice that brought her out of her depression caused her to witness a sight that no human being on planet Earth would live to see.

Twenty of the twenty-five descendants of the Everhiss family were walking and talking fondly to the masked old man.

The sight was very strange. None of the Everhiss family were even wearing their mask.

Charm watched in awe and was start struck at the scene. Although the Emperors and Empresses never make public appearances and would always wear masks, their faces, profiles, and pictures were mandatory subjects for all students worldwide.

With how chaotic the world was, Emperors and Empresses could be involved in wars. Several battles and skirmishes between nations were rumored to have involved Emperors and Empresses. It was also rumored that the more eccentric Emperors and Empresses would walk among the common public.