

Seeker boarded the plane full of medical supplies. Seeker was disguised as one of the crew members of the flight to secretly enter the land of China. As the world had ceased its cross-border trades due to the World Governing Power's new rules, some trades were allowed to continue as it had to do with the lives of the citizens on other nations.

Pangean Eradication tech had very useful, practical and cheap alternatives during many of the advanced surgeries. It was also used as a cheaper way of counteracting leukemia and prolonging the lives of cancer patients. And thus, even in times like this, the WGP allowed medical trades that were deemed to be life-saving or preserving to continue.

All of the crew members were either from Harker's organizations, Meng's secret operatives and some, even where Lennox's employees. Of course, all of them greatly feared or respected their respective leaders and had no need to become Programmed Slaves.