
Eschatology (1)

"Eschatology." Eagle began.

"It is a branch of theology that mainly deals with the End Times. Taken from the greek word eschatos, we take a look at the end. And this Bible study is for us to discuss which eschatology we will use to shape the world. But of course, one must ask, why?"

Eagle hovered over to the middle of the room where various projections began and created a 3D hologram at the center.

At that moment, everyone was drawn and attracted to the power of Eagle.

Origin energy leaked out and the entire area was filled with Realm.

Everyone could feel it and everyone allowed the Realm to affect them.

There were a few who was hesitant, but because Eagle was weakened, their pride in refusing to be the inferior one surfaced.

All the Overcomers allowed the Realm to reach them in order to test and prove their will as Overcomers.

All but Richie, who was listening intently and excitedly at the sermon of Eagle.