
New beginning at Sophie

The protagonist of the tale is Klaus, a freshmen in Sophie, a little town. He unintentionally joins a battle royal that his teacher, Johan, has organized on his first day of school. Despite denying any prior martial arts training, Klaus demonstrates impressive talents, including the use of Jeet Kune Do. Klaus discovers he has hurt his classmates when he awakens in the school's medical facility following the intense fight. Johan urges Klaus to continue his martial arts studies, believing that his uncorrupted nature will enable him to become a formidable and honorable fighter, while Klaus recovers and talks with his instructor about what happened. Klaus's father had enrolled him in a martial arts and physical education program in an attempt to alter his outlook on combat. The story highlights Klaus's internal conflict and confusion as he navigates his newfound curiosity in martial arts despite his past hatred. It also emphasizes the importance of family and the influence of caring individuals in shaping one's character.

KiriZi9 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Aftermath - Chapter 2

Klaus resting on the school's nurse bed, and next to him lays Nash and Lance. Nash and Lance recovering from fatigue, and while Klaus is still unconscious, the nurse examines Klaus's brain and nerves. She then wakes him up.

Klaus opens his eyes, noticing he is in a hospital bed. He doesn't remember what happened to him, or what he did to others. He moves his head around since he can't fully move his body yet. On his right side lays Nash, he is still sleeping. On his left side lays Lance, he is awake, and he looks a bit pissed.

Klaus can move his vocals, so he asks, "Hey man what happened? Why am I here?" Lance looks at him with a pissed-off face. "What do you mean can't you remember? Our teacher, Sir Johan started a battle royal, as soon as we started you beat Nash up, then since I was already tired from fighting Nash while we were sparring, I was about to forfeit until you jumped me and kept punching me."

Klaus was shocked by the news, so many thoughts ran inside of his head. He fought again, he hurt his classmates, and he wanted to cry. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you, I'm sorry for pissing you off. I don't even like fighting, I don't know what I did but please let me pay you back for what I did." Said Klaus to Lance, his face filled with guilt and regret. He never wanted to fight, he hates fighting.

Lance looked surprised at him, for what he said and for his apologies. "I'm not pissed about you beating me up, to be honest, I'm just pissed off that I couldn't properly fight you, don't think much about what happened. It's calming to know that you are a nice and kind person. But please don't have any guilt about what happened, I'm sure Nash over there feels the same way." He says with a smile. "If you want to pay me back, then fight me again, but this time I'm ready for it."

Klaus thinking about it, him having to fight again. He hates it, he always harms other people. "Why does he like fighting so much, nothing good comes from it, just pain and suffering." Thought Klaus. "I'm sorry, but I don't like fighting, plus I don't even know how to fight, to give you a proper good match wouldn't be possible." Says Klaus.

Lance thinks that Klaus is lying since he saw him fight Nash, someone who could have easily been in the top 5 in the match. "What are you talking about, you used Jeet Kune do against Nash, you fought like a professional." Klaus wonders what Jeet Kune Do is, he never heard of a martial art like that. Whenever he fights, he uses his experience, hitting the temple to knock down a person, kicking the liver to make them get down on their knees, and punching the solar plexus to make them breathe for air.

Johan entered the room. "You all are good to go, you can go home and relax, but not you Klaus, I need to talk with you."

Lance stands up from the nursery bed and walks towards the door with his bags, and Nash is still asleep.

Klaus thinks he caused trouble, and is wondering what's gonna happen to him. "First off nice fight back there, I didn't know you knew Jeet Kune Do, you said never practiced martial arts." Klaus is surprised by what he said, he thought he would get a scolding, that he would be in trouble, not the teacher praising him. "Sir, I haven't practiced Martial Arts, I don't even know what Jeet ku whatever it's called is. Please stop praising me for hurting others."

Johan rethinks about what he said, Johan doesn't know the kid yet, so he doesn't know the suffering he has experienced with martial arts. "Is there something wrong? I know that I'm a teacher, and whatever happens with you doesn't regard me, but think of me as your friend and as your teacher. I'm here for all of my students, so talk freely, what's the problem?" Said Johan with a calming voice tone.

Klaus thinks about his feelings, he has never liked martial arts, and every time he encounters it, someone he cares about gets badly hurt. It usually happened at his old school, his friends getting beat up, because of some egoistic martial artist, he always had to step up for his friends, getting himself hurt and beaten up. He hates everything related to martial arts. So he told his thoughts about martial arts to Johan.

"I feel bad for you, being so young and getting hurt all the time. Trust me, there aren't so many bullies in this school nor any selfish pricks, mostly everyone respects others. Instead of hating martial arts, try to learn a bit more about it, I think you would like it, if you really learn about it, you could become a true martial artist who does not need violence to sort out problems. Your heart is very pure, which is surprisingly rare here, but because of that, you could get stronger than anyone here." Said Johan. He smiled at Klaus, bringing his knuckle up to a fist bump, "Let's make you the best person out there." Klaus gives him a fist bump, smiling at his teacher, knowing that Johan will be one of his best friends that he is gonna get at this school.

"Oh yeah, before you go home I just wanna examine your body to see if it's changed in any way, then I'm gonna check your power level too" Klaus confused, thinks about what he just said. "What does power level mean, and how is he going to check my power level"

Johan brings up a device, a very strange blue stone is in the middle of it. "Place your hand on this blue apatite. It will analyze your body, magic pool, and experience. Then it will accumulate those factors and translate it into a power level" Said Johan.

Klaus placed his hands on the stone, the device started beeping. Johan looked at the numerical it showed, a power level of 4800. "You have a power level of 4800, that's actually not bad." Said Johan with a surprised expression. "In comparison to the other classmates, how good is it." Asked Klaus. "Well Raziel and Honora, the twins, have a power level of 12,000, Nash the person you won over has a power level of 8000, and Lance's power level is 7000." Klaus is confused since his power level is much lower than Nash and Lance, and he wonders how he won. "If both Nash and Lance are stronger than me, how did I then win against them?" He asked.

Since Klaus was in a state where he's desires and instincts took over, he doesn't remember anything. A satisfaction feeling, something Klaus felt by looking at Nash and Lance spar, something that has never happened before.

"I don't know why you won, I have never seen anyone suddenly getting a power-up like that. I will let you know about it if I figure something out."

Johan left the school nursery, and Klaus started to change into suitable clothes, took his shoes on, and started walking home.

"I'm home" Said Klaus when he opened the door to his house, he entered the house and took his shoes off. A smell coming from the kitchen, the smell of lobsters and rice. He got hungry by the smell, which made him walk towards the kitchen.

Klaus looked at his father, "Hey Dad." then at his mother "Hey Mom." The mom hugs Klaus, "Welcome back! How was the first day at your new school?" Klaus smiled and sat down at the kitchen table, sitting beside Infront of his father. "Well, I ended up in a fight. On the first day of school."

Klaus' father looked at him mad. "Dad before you get mad at me, it was a battle royal, just between the classmates. The teacher was supervising the whole thing."

Said Klaus as soon as he saw his father's face. "Good, I thought you screwed your last chance up." Said the father. Klaus then remembered that his father placed Klaus in P.E. mixed with martial arts. "By the way, why did you place me in a P.E. class mixed with martial arts? You know I hate it." Asked Klaus.

His father sighed. "Because I wanted to change your perspective on it, something good can come out of learning martial arts. People can learn more about each other when clashing in fights. A true warrior, martial artist, or mage does not fight for themselves, but for others."

First Johan talks about a true martial artist, and now father. What is so great about them? thinks Klaus. He removes his thoughts for now.

"Now let's stop with all of these fights and martial arts talk, let's start eating and enjoying our meal together." Said Klaus' mother, with the brightest and warmest smile. Klaus always gets lightened up, when he sees or hears his mother talk. She has the most stunning vibe, Klaus has ever felt.

They all finished eating, enjoying their time together as a family, having fun and teasing one another, while taking their dishes.