
New Age Of Summoners

Ajax is an orphan who survives a massacre along with his friends but unfortunately gets separated from them. Fortunately, after a turn of events, he successfully gains a system which helps him increase his cultivation but doesn't know what it is called. But he knows one thing for sure, this system is mighty and helpful in taking his revenge. "Whoever you are, I am gonna find you", Ajax mumbled with a disgruntled expression. In a world where the Summoning of an elemental spirit is done through a dream when they are 15 years old, Ajax with the help of a system and his summoned spirits sets out on a journey to seek revenge against the mastermind behind the massacre.

vinayraj · ファンタジー
1964 Chs

New Mission


 A new system mission is generated in the quest tab.

A system notification chimed in his head as he checked the quest tab for the newly generated mission.


 Mission name:- Kill the cunning birdman (Ice sparrow)

 Description:- Don't leave a cunning fellow when they plead, who may cause some trouble in the future. The boss of the ice sparrow tribe's small unit is planning something. Before he strikes you, you strike them down. 

 Progress:- (0/1)

 Reward:- one free attempt in the lottery.

 Danger rating:- C

"What?, this foolish birdman plans to kill me," Ajax shook his at the thinking of the boss of the Ice sparrow tribe's small unit.

"Swoosh swoosh."

He casually released his spatial blades at him with 2000 units of the essence of nature, who was still trembling from the after effect of the 'Absolute Darkness' and was unable to dodge the incoming blades at him.