
CHAPTER 25: Strength.

Sakura looked at Kito slightly confused. "W-What do you mean..?" Sakura asked. Kito walked over to Sakura, she had long grey hair, white pasty skin, she had two red tomoe rinnegan, and she wore a gray Yukata. Kito smiled, looking Sakura in the eyes. She put his arms around Sakura. "I can make you strong…" Kito said, hugging Sakura. Sakura's eyes widened, "Nobody will look down on you…" Kito said. Sakura smiled, closing her eyes. She raised her arms, hugging Kito back. "We can be the ruler of this world…" Kito said. Sakura then began to fall asleep. "Make the world ours…" Kito said, holding Sakura. She then laid Sakura on the ground. She put her palm up to the sky, as an All-Killing Ash Bone grew out of her palm. He then grasped it in her hand, stabbing Sakura with it. Sakura began to crumble just as Obito did. In the real world, Sakura opened her eyes, seeing Naruto Uzumaki. "Yo! Sakura-Chan!" Naruto said. Kito smirked, seeing Naruto. "Naruto Uzumaki… The Nine Tails Jinchuriki…" Kito said. Naruto looked at Sakura in confusion. "Sakura..?" Naruto asked. Kito shook her head, "U-Uhm, could you follow me Naruto-Kun?" Kito said. Naruto had a confused look on his face, "Kun?" Naruto internalized. The two stepped into a dark alleyway. Kito sighed, as she put her hands on Naruto's shoulders. "Oh, Naruto…" Sakura said. Naruto looked even more confused, "What's up..?" Naruto asked. Kito looked up at Naruto, with her Tomoe Rinnegan. Naruto's eyes widened, "Please forgive me." Kito said. Naruto then fell unconscious. Kit caught him, putting her hand on his stomach. A red chakra cloak then appeared around Naruto as he transformed into the 8 tails chakra cloak. "Rampage my monster… Destroy everything…" Kito ordered. The 8 Tails chakra cloak then began its rampage. It destroyed buildings throughout the village. It shot multiple tailed beast bombs. The city was in chaos, thousands had already died at this point. Kito then arrived at the Hokage's castle, seeing multiple Anbu black ops guarding the 5th Hokage, Tsunade senju. "Sakura!? What're you doing here..?" Tsunade asked. Kito smirked, "My Darling Sakura is no longer here, she has handed everything over to me." Kito said. Tsunade activated her byakugou seal. The seal expanded around her body. She clenched her fists running toward Kito. She threw a punch toward Kito. Suddenly, Kito caught the punch. Tsunade's eyes widened in shock. "Hmm… This could make us much stronger. The tattoo's around Tsunade's body began to glow red. Kito put a finger on the seal that was on her forehead, making her scream in pain. The seal then removed itself from Tsunade's forehead. Kito let go of Tsunade's fist, as she fell to the ground. Kito then put the Byakugou seal into Sakura's forehead. She then felt a surge of power flow through her body. "Ah yes!! I told you dear Sakura that we would become the strongest." Kito said. Kito put her palm up toward the Anbu black ops, as a huge blast expanded. They were then evaporated by the blast aswell as the mountain behind them. Kito began to fly upward, "My dear Sakura… This world is ours…" She looked down at the village, facing her palm down on it. "This is the will of Uzura Uchizaki." She then blasted the village into nothingness. There was a big explosion, the land of fire was now a barren wasteland of nothingness. Back in the 'Present', Nenma stood there in shock. "You killed… Everyone..?" Nenma asked. Kito chuckled, "Yes? What do you have to say about it..?" Kito asked. Nenma clenched his fists. "It's wrong… Those were innocent people!" Nenma said. Kito chuckled, "Oh my… How wrong of me, I killed multiple innocent people just for my goal!" Kito said. Nenma looks irritated, "Don't judge me… Nenma Uchizaki-" Kito said. Nenma interrupted her, "That's not my name!!" Nenma said. Kito chuckled, "It's not? Well, then you have no right to judge me…" Kito said. Nenma looked confused, "All those innocent people… Just because of one lousy scientist…" Kito said. Nenma looked at Kito in shock. "T-That was an accident! I-It-" Kito put a finger over his lips. "Oh but they're still dead… Aren't they…" Kito said. Nenma stood there, frozen in shock. "Vaporized into atoms in a matter of seconds…" Kito said, guiding her finger nail down Nenma's face. "Because of one lone scientist… Millions were killed…" Kito finished. Nenma fell to his knees, into the water. Sasuke looked at Nenma falling in the water in shock. "Sasuke Uchiha." Kito said. Sasuke looked up at Kito in shock. "Big Brother Itachi…" Kito said. Sasuke glared at Kito in anger, "Don't say that name…" Sasuke said. Kito smiled, tilting her head, "Why not..? He is your big brother after all…" Kito said. Sasuke pointed his katana at Kito. "He did it to protect you… He killed his whole clan… Just for his little brother to survive." Kito said. Sasuke's eyes widened, "He did it to protect the village… But you were too blind with hatred to give it a second thought… Breaking my dear Sakura's heart…" Kito mocked. Sasuke then fell into the water as well.