
CHAPTER 26: The Tale Of Jiraiya The Gallant.

Jiraiya stood there watching Sasuke fall into the water. "The Toad Sage, Jiraiya…" Kito said. Jiraiya glared at Kito as he activated his Toad Sage Mode. But this time, it was perfect. Kito smirked, "So it's your turn…" Kito said. Jiraiya grabbed two kunai knives. Kito looked at Jiraiya in confusion. "Do you think little Kunai knives will hurt me..?" Kito asked. Jiraiya shook his head, "No… They aren't even for you…" Jiraiya said, stabbing himself in the ears. Kito's eyes widened, "I know I can't defeat you… But I'll hold you off until they get back up!" Jiraiya said. Jiraiya ran toward Kito, forming a rasengan in his hand. Kito vanished, appearing behind Jiraiya. Jiraiya turned, hitting Kito in the face with the rasengan. There was a large explosion of mist, shooting the two in opposite directions. The explosions faded and Kito stood up with a bruise on her left cheek. Kito scoffed, spitting blood into the water. "Perverted old man…" Kito said. She looked at the blood in shock, "No… That's not… My blood…" Kito internalized. Kito screamed at the top of her lungs, making the water vibrate and become like an ocean. Nenma opened his eyes, falling deeper in the water. He looked to his left seeing Sasuke drowning as well. Nenma swam over to Sasuke, grabbing his arm. Nenma tried swimming upward, but he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Meanwhile on the surface, Jiraiya and Kito would indulge in hand to hand combat. Kito threw a hook with her left hand and Jiraiya caught it. Kito then threw an uppercut with her right hand, punching Jiraya into the canyon walls. Jiraiya jumped out, sprinting toward Kito, with another Rasengan in his hand. Kito's eyes widened, activating a technique with her rinnegan. Jiraiya fell onto his stomach feeling a thousand tons of force. Jiraiya's Rasengan then hit the water, making an explosion of mist. Suddenly, a shadow clone ran up from behind Kito with a Rasengan. Ktio turned, grabbing the shadow clone's wrist, slamming it into the water. Yet another shadow clone came along, and Kito threw it into the water. "ALL THESE DAMN SHADOW CLONES!! COME FIGHT ME YOURSELF!!" Kito shouted. Jiraiya appeared, punching Kito in the nose. "Here I am!!" Jiraiya yelled. Kito flew backwards into the cave wall, making a crater like her cloaked underling from before. Kito walked out of the crater, with a bump on her head. "That really hurt… You will pay for destroying my poor Sakura's body!!" Kito shouted. Jiraiya chuckled, "So angry over a body that isn't yours…" Jiraiya said mockingly. Kito jumped out of the crater, running toward Jiraiya. "You dare mock me!! Ignorant Mortal!!" Kito shouted. Suddenly, a frog came up from under the water, swallowing Kito. Jiraiya began walking backwards until he hit the wall of the canyon. He was breathing heavily, holding a hand over his heart. "Hey… Minato…" Jiraiya said. He remembers Minato and Kushina in their house together. "Was I a good teacher… Or… Father figure..?" Jiraiya internalized. Jiraiya looked up at the sky, as a big geyser of water appeared. Jiraiya stood up, putting his hand out and a rasengan started to form. "If you're hearing this… Tell Naruto he was an amazing student… And that I thought of him as my own grandson…" Jiraiya said. Jiraiya grabbed a Kunai, running toward Kito. The two once again, indulging in hand to hand combat. This felt like it went on for hours, the two of them trading hits but neither of them landing strong blows. Fighting and Fighting each other to the last breath. Though it was obvious. Jiraiya was getting tired. He was old. His age is getting to him minute by minute. Will he be able to last until Sasuke and Nenma get back up? He doesn't know, but he knows he'll keep fighting until he can't anymore. Jiraiya formed a Rasengan but Kito just absorbed it with her Karma. Both of them were depleting in chakra. This was a hand to hand battle. Fists clashing with palms. Knee's clashing with forearms. Fireheads clashing, blood dripping… Suddenly, the two of them stood across from each other. "Jiraiya the Toad Sage…" Kito said, breathing heavily. Jiraiya grinning, as the two looked eye to eye. Jiraiya and Kito ran toward each other, preparing for another blow. They began taijutsu combat once again, but this time… They were sloppy… Both weak… Both tired. The both of them think, maybe if they pull together one more jutsu, they can make it out of this alive. Jiraiya pulled out his hand, forming a rasengan. His last Rasengan ever? He didn't know… But he knew he had to try. For not only the sake of this timeline… But Nenma's as well. That if Kito got too bored of this timeline that she might go to the next. Jiraiya couldn't let this happen, not in a million years. Jiraiya and Kito ran toward each other when Kito also formed a rasengan. Jiraiya's eyes widened, "So this will be the end for both of us… Well… It was one hell of a battle." Jiraiya thought. Suddenly, Jiraia was stabbed through the back with a black receiver rod. He stood there looking back, seeing Hinata. "OLD MAN!!" Nenma shouted. Jiraiya smiled at Nenma. "Live a long life..." Jiraiya was then vaporized by a blast from Kito.