
Chapter 9: umbitch

Nice, I am going to twirl you around my finger you piece of shit.

"And I am sorry, I don't want to speak to irrelevant people, so may I know who you are, Miss..." come on, bite the bait.

"Dolores Umbridge, and I am not someone irrelevant, I speak for the Minister and everyone of the magical community of London," she said with her disgusting voice. I swear, I am going to rip that throat off.

"Yes she does speak for the ministry and community." Fudge confirmed.

"Ah, Miss Umbitch... Oops I seemed to have Miss pronounced that, Miss Umbridge, I didn't know that it was a requirement to give out my recipes to the Ministry if I wanted to open up shops here."

"It isn't, but if you have the good of the British Magical community in mind, you will either hand these recipes to the better and more capable hands of your mother, or to the Ministry. We will be able to help more people." She spoke with anger due to me calling her a bitch.

I smirked a little, and changed my aura to one of complete boredom and contempt. I started to rest my head on my hand and spoke in my bored tone, "Miss Umbitch, oops please excuse me, someone seems to have put a curse on my tongue , can't seem to pronounce a bitches name properly. Now Miss Umbitch you must know that a potioneers recipes are really important, I can't really give those up just like that."


I just shrugged my shoulders and looked towards my sister, signalling her to say Umbitchs name.

"Umbitch" my sister truly wanted to say Umbridge but I really did cast a curse wand less and chant less.

The Minister and Umbridge didn't think a 8 year old can do this, and they didn't dare accuse my parents, the heads of one of the largest Wizarding family without solid proof so they just shut up and left the matter.

My sister started to pout, realising what I did, she looked really cute. My father smiled helplessly while my mother's aura showed anger.

"Now, I hope the Minister can leave, you will be getting a formal notice that I don't want to continue selling any potions inside the British Wizarding community with the Ministry openly trying to offend me." I said while standing up. I wanted to created an uproar, and this was the way. I was telling my mother to go fuck herself while making my mark in the Wizarding world.

"W...wait Shawn, when did we offend you. I don't remember.." the ministry tried to plead but I cut him off.

"Minister if I am not mistaken, not only did your secretary, which according to your words not mine, speaks for everyone in the Wizarding community in London and for the Ministry called me, the heir of the most noble and ancient house of Markus a brat, offending my entire family, she also tried to force my potion recipes of me. I think that's enough, I will be pulling off my potions in exactly 24 hours."

With that I left a fuming mother and Umbridge, a slightly proud yet worried father, flabbergasted sister and shocked Minister to go to my room.

For my next step, I went to my room and called Tilly.

"Yes master Shawn, what can Tilly do for you?" My workaholic house elf asked. I don't know why but she was always scared of me throwing her away, but i was able to get her out of thinking that, but she would never accept clothes from me. Still trying to get around to that.

"Bring me to the entrance of the headquarters of the daily prophet please."

"Yes master Shawn it would be my honour," she then proceeds to hold my hand and apparate me to the Daily Prophet headquarters. If everything was going according to play Griphook should have arranged an interview for me.

I walked into the Daily Prophet and gave an interview regarding stopping everything in the British magical community and what just happened.

Luckily I didn't get interviewed by the bitch of an interviewer, I don't want to talk about her right now.

Now, if my plan works, the sales number of my potions will increase by a huge sum, and I will have some money to play with.

Back at the mansion Julia Markus was scared, her son apparated out of the mansion. Usually it was only the house elf, and she always thought the elf was just getting potion ingredients. Now that her son left the house for the first time on his own, she was scared he was planning something outside. But she wouldn't ask him what he was doing, her pride wouldn't let her.


The next day, the front page of the Daily Prophet was,


That's right, the genius of the Markus family has said that he was going to stop selling all potions due to the Ministey directly offending him. We were told that Doroles Umbridge, the secretary of Minister Fudge, who has been backed by the minister to represent the Ministry and apparently speaks for all of the Magical Community of Britain, has offended, probably the youngest Potions master in the entire world.

I don't know who said she represents the entire community, but she has just caused us to push back a genius.

To be honest, we at the daily prophet do not blame Shawn Markus for his decision. He has done what he has done solely for the development of the Magical world, while the Ministry just spat on his face. For all people who are currently reading this article, quickly go and buy the potions which will no longer be sold in Britain any more.

From the information we have gathered, potions which enhanced a persons strength, speed and also decrease age have been shown! Yes, you did not read it wrong, Shawn Markus has found a way to fight back against the plague known as death, and our ministry has pushed back such a genius.

We, at the daily prophet urge everyone to buy the potions made from the youngest genius of the Magical world, Shawn Markus, right now!'

Wow, they wrote about me pretty nicely.


"Hmm, age reduction huh. Severus, get me these potions, and test their effects then send them to me for consumption. If reliable we might have a genius coming to Hogwarts soon." A grandpa with a long beard said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes I am also curious to see the so called rumoured youngest potions master soon." Snape said and left the room.

"I wonder if he will be able to create something to cure what has happened to James and Rose" Dumbledore thought to himself.

Hmmmmm which James and Rose is he talking about ?

stay_at_home_pigcreators' thoughts