
Chapter 14: My house

I walked up to the hat with complete confidence and did what any logical, smart, handsome and usual transmigrator would do.

"Scourgify!" By the way, that was wandless, I could have done it chantless, but then nobody would hear what I did.

Some people seemed surprised, but most professors kept their expression neutral, probably due to their occlumency.

The hat didn't say anything, I at least thought the stupid had would thank me.

When the hat was kept on me, it tried to see through my memories, and I let it see, whatever I did in this life, not the past, nor about the gods, or my plans for the future, just the general stuff of the rest.

"Hmm, cunning aren't we, able to make such plans from the young age of 5. But I am curious boy, why did your come to Hogwarts when you already know everything there is to know for your classes?" It whispered to me so only I could hear.

'For fun.' I replied in my head, telling the hat that I know it's reading my mind and can communicate through there.

For the outside world the hat was still deciding, while in reality the hat asked me," Is there a house you would like to go to, Ravenclaw, like your father, or Hufflepuff, like your mother? You can also go to Gryfindor or Slytherin. I would recommend Slytherin."

Hang on what, my mother, that demonic piece of shit was from HufflePuff?

'Wait, you sorted my mother to Hufflepuff?'

"Why yes, your mother was one of the kindest souls I have ever seen, a shame what happened to her."

Something I need to dig up on, but since I couldn't exactly have a picnic with the hat, I said in my mind,'Put me wherever you think will fit me best'

Without hesitation the hat shouted" SLYTHERIN"

I walked up to the house which screaming like they just won the House cup. Holly shit it was loud.

Everyone was clapping, OMG, I THINK I SAW SNAPE SMILE.

I then went to sit with Rose Potter opposite me and Malfoy beside me as the feast started. Daphne was also beside Rose.

"Sup, brother-in-law, not sure if you heard, but your sister and I are getting engaged next year, my father told me right before we left for Hogwarts." Draco said with a goofy smile. To be honest, he is a good kid, just brought up by the wrong parents, I honestly think I will help him for the future.

I also didn't really care about the marriage, if my sister wants, I will stop it, pretty sure in a few more years, I will be one of the strongest wizards to ever exist.

"Is that right, good for you then." I didn't really feel like talking so I just focused on the food.

When I placed mana into my eyes I could see runes running across the food, I am really curious how this is done, the food tastes amazing.

"So you are the famous genius who made all those potions? I sincerely have to thank you, only due to your potions, were my dad and I able to survive." She said.

Draco was about to ask something about James Potter, but Daphne knowing it was inappropriate, kicked Draco's leg, to make sure he didn't ask anything.


On the other side of the great hall, Harry and his friends were talking.

"I have a sister? That's brilliant, I have family." Harry said smiling really happily.

"I wouldn't be so happy if I were you Harry, she went to Slytherin, that place is known to be filled with death-eaters and mass murderers." Ron said.

"Really? Then is my sister bad?" Harry asked scared that his sister will be like the Dursley's.

"You won't know till you talk to her Harry, you should talk to her tomorrow." Hermoine said.

"What about the guy names Shawn Markus, he said Merlin himself went to Slytherin, doesn't that mean it's a good house? I mean I heard Merlin was one of the greatest Wizards to ever exist." Harry said, remembering what Shawn told him.

"Well, that's one of the only cases, it's extraordinarily rare to be good in the snakes den." Ron said.

"But they still can be, right, so my sister can still be good," Harry asked with hope in his eyes.

"Well, yeah, but it's still surprising though, usually any and all Potters like the Weasleys go to Gryfindor but your sister went into Slytherin." Ron said.

"I don't think it's all too bad, I mean even the hat said I should go to Slytherin so maybe my sister is one of those rare cases." Harry said.

"I REMEMBER NOW!" Shouted Hermoine, earning stares from everyone.

"Remember what." Ron asked sternly, he doesn't have a good impression on her after all.

"Shawn Markus, the greatest potions master in the entire world, I read that he has created so many new potions it can be used to make multiple books and some which even masters of the craft won't be able to understand. He is known to be the smartest person in terms of potions. He is even compared to Merlin himself, people are saying Merlin was the greatest charms expert and Shawn Markus is the greatest Potions expert." Hermoine said.

Everyone in the entire great hall turned towards our MC who just stayed calm.

Most people already knew who Shawn was. For the younger students he was an example to follow, for older students, he was a respected person as they knew how difficult of a subject potions is, and for the adults, he is a person who should either be roped to their side or killed.


"I am Gemma Farley, this years Prefect for the slytherin house, please follow me." Said a female prefect as she brought us to the house common room.

After bringing us to our common room, she said," Congratulations, I am your prefect, Gemma Farley and I am delighted to welcome you to Slytherin house. Our emblem is the serpent, the wisest of creatures, our house colours are emerald green and silver, and our common room lies in behind a concealed entrance in the dungeons. As you can see, our windows look into the depths of Hogwarts lake, we can often see the giant squid swooshing by- and sometimes more interesting creatures. We in the house like to feel that our hangout has the aura of a mysterious underwater shipwreck."

'Nope if doesn't, in fact, the aura is that of arrogance, confidence and ignorance. I should know, I can see and sense aura.'I thought.

Snape walked into the room after the prefects explanation, and said," Welcome to the best house in Hogwarts. Only excellence is expected from my house. I will not accept any type of losing house points. If you do I will punish your entire year and give you extra homework. I am your house head, and you can call me professor snape, I am your potions professor. Our house password will be posted every fortnight, and I do not want any other house to break in here. No one has entered for 7 centuries, and no one will. Now, I do not want to hear anyone being late on their first day of classes." He said his piece then left.

Man, tomorrow are first classes, sigh, time to crush the dreams of all the young Wizards by dominating every class.

Only thing I am exited for is flying, never really did fly before, but I have the best Quidditch set, well, most expensive set.