
Naruto: Uchiha Izuna with system

To read chapters ahead patreon.com/YeQingtian Accidentally traveled to the darkest Warring States period in the history of Naruto, and became the Uchiha Izuna who was doomed to have a tragic future, giving eyes to the big boss Uchiha Madara? Fortunately, the Naruto online game system I played before followed me. "I hope that you two brothers can recreate the glory of our Uchiha in those days, when the Emperor Uchiha Izuna, Shura Uchiha Madara, and the God of Ninja World Senju Hashirama were known as the "Three Heroes of the Ninja World". "Years later, Uchiha Fugaku said to his two sons. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/YeQingtian.

Ye_qingtian · アニメ·コミックス
21 Chs


Uchiha Hirito's words shocked many middle-aged and older Uchiha experts who were over forty.

As the senior border defense officer of the fortress battlefield Mountain, Uchiha Hirito has not stated his political stance.

But according to the seniority relationship, he should also side with his contemporary Uchiha ishiki.

The second elder, Uchiha Retsu, whispered in Uchiha Yuki's ear: "In the previous battle, Hirito almost died in the battle with Senju Tobirama, but he was saved by Izuna."

Hearing this, the great elder nodded, which was considered understanding.

Originally, Uchiha Hirito was a fighting ninja who didn't care about political affairs. Now that Izuna saved his life, he naturally fell to that side.

When the clan leader dies, the deputy clan leader must be re-elected, because the position of deputy clan leader is basically to assist the clan leader.

Cooperating with the clan leader to act, the amount of power is almost decided by the clan leader.

Therefore, if Madara becomes the clan leader, the most suitable person to assist Madara would definitely be Izuna.

And Uchiha ishiki will naturally be placed in another important position.

"Well... I think it's better to be led by Ishiki. It's absolutely fine for Madara to be the next clan leader."

The person who made the objection was a middle-aged ninja in his mid-thirties or forties, the border guard chief of the northwest border.

Compared with Uchiha Hirito, Uchiha Ishiki is slightly younger, but his strength is enough to reach the peak of Jonin, and he is one of the members of the decision-making team.

"Although qualifications are important, what is more important now is strength. Everyone has seen the performance of the patriarch Izunao last time, and the cooperation with the patriarch Madara is also perfect."

Uchiha Retsu couldn't help but say, "With Madara as the clan leader and Izuna as the deputy clan leader, the two of them joining forces can make Uchiha glorious again."

"Your statement only proves that Chief Izuna is very suitable to be the deputy chief. If Madara wants to be the chief, there is still room for controversy..."

Seeing that the meeting was becoming more and more noisy, the third elder, Uchiha Fuyuki, suddenly shouted angrily, "Why are you so noisy! This is the highest meeting of Uchiha!"

The next second, the whole place was silent.

Uchiha Fuyuki is usually more amiable than other elders.

But such people are the most intimidating when they suddenly become angry.

The Great Elder Yuki Uchiha said thoughtfully, "Third Elder, do you have any opinions?"

Uchiha Fuyuki stopped sitting and stood up directly and said: "From the Battle in Mountain, everyone has seen the strength of Izuna's strategy. Not only did he save our most important Mountain garrison in Uchiha, but he also bought us time to recuperate, as the deputy patriarch, I don't think anyone has any objections."

Everyone has no objections to Izuna's appointment as the new deputy chief.

In some ways, the deputy chief can also be defined as the planner of a war. The wisest person can serve as the leader, and there is no dispute about that.

"Then the answer is simple. Ishiki, Madara, who will be the leader of the clan?"

Uchiha Fuyuki was very forceful and continued: "Being old has its advantages, but being young also has the advantages of being young."

"Wouldn't that be easy to handle? Uchiha now needs capable people, not sages."

At this point, even a fool can understand what Uchiha Fuyuki means.

In that case, let's have a fight.

Whoever wins becomes the leader of the clan.

Anyway, no matter which one is the clan leader, both the qualified faction and the young faction can name a lot of advantages.

Then the simplest approach is adopted, the strong will take over and the losers will shut up.

Izuna murmured in his heart that the current Uchiha situation does not lack some infighting, but at least it is much better than when the third Hokage was in charge of Konoha.

Although they all strive for personal interests and power, overall, the ultimate goal of everyone is the continuation of the family.

Unlike Konoha during the time of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, for example, secretly fought for the position of Hokage many times.

Even when Konoha experienced the devastating disaster of Pain's attack, most of the [root]'s combat power remained stationary.

That was no longer an internal fight, it was a complete coup.

"The Third d elder said it well,"

Izuna finally spoke. The words of this person who was already the confirmed "deputy leader" immediately attracted everyone's attention. "I don't want to discuss it from a personal point of view, but this is the best way."

Uchiha Fuyuki and Izuna spoke one after another, and Madara, who would become Shura in the ninja world in the future, finally clenched his fists, raised his head and said: "Then, let all the compatriots of the clan serve as witnesses."

The taste of Shura in the ninja world is finally exposed!

Do you really want to fight?!

Everyone was shocked, including the three elders, the decision-making team, and the many Uchiha jounin below.

At Uchiha Ishiki's age, he can no longer progress, but he is exactly in the prime time period of a ninja.

Madara, on the other hand, is young and still has room for improvement.

If anyone wants to guess, I still think Uchiha Ishiki has a higher winning rate.

Uchiha Fuyuki was originally a neutral faction, but due to Izuna's recent performance, he was slightly biased towards Izuna.

But to be honest, he wasn't that optimistic about Madara being able to win Uchiha Ishiki.

Apart from Izuna, only Uchiha Hirito has this confidence.

He has seen the power of Izuna's Mangekyou Sharingan. If Madara has the same power...

"What do Ishiki think?"

Uchiha Fuyuki turned to look at Uchiha Ishiki.

Uchiha Ishiki's desire for the position of clan leader was not as crazy as that of later generation Danzo for the position of Hokage.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't want it.

"All the elders and the future deputy chief said so, so I can't refuse."

Uchiha Ishiki said in an official tone.

The Great elder didn't want to show favoritism for his son, and his expression remained calm, "Then, let's have a selection battle for the clan leader in the martial arts field. Prepare to set up a barrier. Both sides must not hurt each other. No matter who wins or loses, you guys They all shoulder the heavy responsibility for the future of Uchiha."

Uchiha training ground.

I heard that Uchiha Ishiki and Uchiha Madara are going to decide the next clan leader in a decisive battle.

The clan immediately exploded.

After the barrier ninjas arranged the barrier to prevent accidents, all members of the clan who had nothing serious to do ran over.

"Who do you think will win?"

Behind Izuna, a group of genin and chuunin who came upon hearing the news discussed in a low voice.

"Lord Ishiki."

"Lord Ishiki."

"It's... Lord Ishiki, right?"

More than 90% of people answered this way.

"I think so too. With the talent of Patriarch Madara, he should be able to surpass Master Ishiki in five years, but now...it's still a little bit far behind."

"But I heard that the young patriarch Izuna has been confirmed as the next deputy chief. I am very happy to congratulate you."

"With Master Izuna's strategy and strength, this is natural."

Hearing the discussion behind him,Izuna said nothing, but said in his heart: "That is under the premise that he did not use the kaleidoscope."

(End of the chapter).
